Correction to: Neurol Ther (2023) 12:1805–1820

In this article Russell Rosenberg is deceased; Chad Ruoff has been denoted as the corresponding author with affiliation ‘Division of Pulmonary Medicine, Mayo Clinic, 13400 East Shea Boulevard, Scottsdale, AZ 85259, USA, e-mail:’.

In Table 2 of this Commentary article, for the number of sleep stage shifts, number of arousals, and patient-reported sleep quality, the values for the REST-ON trial were inadvertently taken from a subgroup analysis of participants taking stimulants presented in Table 2 of the source article [1], rather than from the modified intent-to-treat (mITT) population (reported in Figs. 1–3 of the source article). Additionally, a minus symbol was missing from the value reported for the number of awakenings for the placebo group corresponding to the 6 g dose for SXB trial 2 and values were adjusted to remove “0” after a decimal place where unnecessary for this trial. Table 2 in our Commentary article has been corrected (see next page) to provide the values for the mITT population for the 3 parameters from the REST-ON trial and add the omitted minus symbol and align the decimal places for SXB trial 2.

Similarly, in the section “Both Twice-Nightly and Once-Nightly Oxybate Regimens Improve PSG Measures of DNS, With a Similar Magnitude of Effect” of this article, the number of stage shifts was incorrectly given as − 19.6 (the value for the subgroup analysis) instead of − 20.5 (the value for the modified intent-to-treat population). The corrected sentence is as follows: “Following 13 weeks of SXB-ER treatment (titrated to 9 g), total shifts per night from N1/2/3/REM to wake and N2/3/REM to N1 decreased significantly from baseline (LSM, − 20.5); this trial did not report stage shifts broken down by sleep stage as were reported in SXB trials 1 and 2 [20].”

These corrections do not impact the conclusions of this Commentary article.

Table 2 Effects of oxybate treatment on PSG measures of DNS

The original article has been corrected.