1 Correction to: Drugs https://doi.org/10.1007/s40265-019-01217-7

Table 1 Characteristics of the included observational studies.

The row for study Jelassi et al. (2011) [28], where the Observational Period for ER-Tac reads June 2007–March 2010a and for IR-Tac reads N/A.

The row should read:

Observational period for ER-Tac June 2007–March 2010a.

Where the footnote a indicates that Information was reported only for the overall population.

Page 4, left-hand column, first sentence of first new paragraph, which currently reads: ‘To evaluate publication bias, a funnel plot was constructed by plotting the MD of the primary outcome against the standard error (SE) of the MD.’

Should read:

‘To evaluate publication bias, a funnel plot was constructed by plotting the RR of the primary outcome against the standard error (SE) of the logarithm of RR.’

Page 10, left-hand column, second sentence of second paragraph, which currently reads: ‘Only the I2 of Scr reported within 6 months post-KT was higher than 25% (58%), indicating a moderate variance in the observed BPAR rate among various included studies.’

Should read:

‘Only the I2 of Scr reported within 6 months post-KT was higher than 25% (58%), indicating a moderate variance in the observed Scr among various included studies.’

The original article has been corrected.