BMC Neuroscience volume (2007) 81

The Editor has retracted this article. Overlap has been detected within the figures of this article, specifically:

  • In Fig. 5A there appears to be overlap between the blots for the 3h pJNK and the 6h pJNK

  • In Fig. 6A the NF-κB (Nucleus) 30min blot appears to overlap with the pNF-κB (cytoplasm) 30 min blot in Fig. 6B

  • In Fig. 6A the pNF-κB (Nucleus) 1h blot appears to overlap with the NF-κB (cytoplasm) 1h blot in Fig. 6B

  • In Fig. 6B the pNF-κB (cytoplasm) 1h blot appears to overlap with the pNF-κB (cytoplasm) 3h blot.

The Editor has therefore lost confidence in the integrity of the results presented in this article. None of the authors responded to any correspondence from the editor about this retraction.