Retraction Note: J Exp Clin Cancer Res 38, 139 (2019)

The Editor-in-Chief has retracted this article. Concerns have been raised about Fig. 3a, specifically:

  • The 0h control panels for U87 and U251 appear to be identical

  • The 0h NF 25µM panels for U87 and NF 25µM appear to be identical

  • The 0h NF 30 µM panels for U87 and U251 appear to partially overlap

  • The 24h control panels for U87 and U251 appear to be identical

  • The 24h NF 25 µM panels for U87 and U251 appear to partially overlap

  • The 24h NF 30 µM panels for U87 and U251 appear to partially overlap

  • The 48h control panels for U87 and U251 appear to partially overlap

  • The 48 NF 25 µM panels for U87 and U251 appear to be identical

The Editor-in-Chief therefore no longer have confidence in the results and conclusions of this article.

Authors Zizhuo Li and Xiuhua Yang agree with this retraction. The other authors have not responded to correspondence regarding this retraction.