12890 publications

  1. Bone Research Protocols
  2. Bone Research Protocols
  3. Bone Research Protocols
  4. Bone Resorption
  5. Bone SPECT/CT of Ankle and Foot
  6. Bone Sarcoma
  7. Bone Scanning in Clinical Practice
  8. Bone Tissue Engineering
  9. Bone Toxicology
  10. Bone Transplantation
  11. Bone Tumor Imaging
  12. Bone Tumors
  13. Bone Tumors
  14. Bone Tumors
  15. Bone Tumors
  16. Bone Tumors in Domestic Animals
  17. Bone and Cancer
  18. Bone and Cartilage Engineering
  19. Bone and Cartilage Regeneration
  20. Bone and Development
  21. Bone and Joint Disease
  22. Bone and Joint Disorders of the Foot and Ankle
  23. Bone and Joint Injuries
  24. Bone and Osteoarthritis
  25. Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors
  26. Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors
  27. Bone marrow stem cell therapy for stroke
  28. Bone-Implant Interface in Orthopedic Surgery
  29. Bone-Metabolic Functions and Modulators
  30. Bones
  31. Bones and Joints
  32. Bones and Joints in Diabetes Mellitus
  33. Bones of Contention
  34. Bones, Genetics, and Behavior of Rhesus Macaques
  35. Bones, Rocks and Stars
  36. Bonhoeffer
  37. Bonifacius
  38. Bonitätsprüfung im Firmenkundengeschäft
  39. Bonjour Lolo! Französische »Lohengrin«-Parodien 1886–1900
  40. Bonner Enzyklopädie der Globalität
  41. Bonobo and Chimpanzee
  42. Bonobos
  43. Bonobos and People at Wamba: 50 Years of Research
  44. Bonus Options in Health Insurance
  45. Bonus-Malus Systems in Automobile Insurance
  46. Bonusprogramme
  47. Bonusprogramme
  48. Book Destruction from the Medieval to the Contemporary
  49. Book Markets in Mediterranean Europe and Latin America
  50. Book of Extremes
  51. Book-Men, Book Clubs, and the Romantic Literary Sphere
  52. Booker T. Washington and the Struggle against White Supremacy
  53. Bookish Histories
  54. Books Across Borders
  55. Books IV to VII of Diophantus’ Arithmetica
  56. Books Without Borders, Volume 1
  57. Books Without Borders, Volume 2
  58. Books between Europe and the Americas
  59. Books in Motion in Early Modern Europe
  60. Books of Abstracts of the 16th World Congress of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IACAPAP)
  61. Books on Fish and Fishing
  62. Bookshelves in the Age of the COVID-19 Pandemic
  63. Boolean Algebras
  64. Boolean Algebras
  65. Boolean Algebras
  66. Boolean Algebras in Analysis
  67. Boolean Calculus of Differences
  68. Boolean Constructions in Universal Algebras
  69. Boolean Differential Calculus
  70. Boolean Differential Equations
  71. Boolean Function Complexity
  72. Boolean Functions
  73. Boolean Functions and Computation Models
  74. Boolean Functions and Their Applications in Cryptography
  75. Boolean Methods in Operations Research and Related Areas
  76. Boolean Reasoning
  77. Boolean Representations of Simplicial Complexes and Matroids
  78. Boolean Semantics for Natural Language
  79. Boolean Valued Analysis
  80. Boolesche Algebra und Computer
  81. Boolesche Algebra und ihre Anwendungen
  82. Boolesche Algebra und ihre Anwendungen
  83. Boom-Branchen 50plus
  84. Boomerang Kids: The Demography of Previously Launched Adults
  85. Boophilus microplus
  86. Boosted Statistical Relational Learners
  87. Boosting Collaborative Networks 4.0
  88. Boosting the Adolescent Underachiever
  89. Boosting-Based Face Detection and Adaptation
  90. Boosting-Techniken zur Modellierung itemmodifizierender Effekte
  91. Boot Camp Approach to Surgical Training
  92. Bootstrap Methods
  93. Bootstrap Tests for Regression Models
  94. Bootstrappen ökonometrischer Mehrgleichungsmodelle
  95. Bootstrapping Stationary ARMA-GARCH Models
  96. Bootstrapping Trust in Modern Computers
  97. Bootstrapping and Related Techniques
  98. Boozang from the Trenches
  99. Boranes and Beyond
  100. Borate Glasses
  101. Borcherds Products on O(2, l) and Chern Classes of Heegner Divisors
  102. Border Crises and Human Mobility in the Mediterranean Global South
  103. Border Ecology
  104. Border Economies in the Greater Mekong Subregion
  105. Border Governance and the “Unruly” South
  106. Border Lampedusa
  107. Border Management in Transformation
  108. Border Politics
  109. Border Regimes, Racialisation Processes and Resistance in Germany
  110. Border Rules
  111. Border Shifts
  112. Border Transgression and Reconfiguration of Caribbean Spaces
  113. Border Urbanism
  114. Border-Crossing and Comedy at the Théâtre Italien, 1716–1723
  115. Border-Marxisms and Historical Materialism
  116. Border-Regional Economics
  117. Bordering and Governmentality Around the Greek Islands
  118. Bordering on Britishness
  119. Borderities and the Politics of Contemporary Mobile Borders
  120. Borderland Russians
  121. Borderlands
  122. Borderlands and Liminal Subjects
  123. Borderlands in World History, 1700–1914
  124. Borderless Knowledge
  125. Borderline - Die andere Art zu fühlen
  126. Borderline Personality Disorder
  127. Borderline Personality and Mood Disorders
  128. Borderline-Interaktionen
  129. Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörungen im Jugendalter
  130. Borderlines in a Globalized World
  131. Borderline—Die andere Art zu fühlen
  132. Borderology
  133. Borderology: Cross-disciplinary Insights from the Border Zone
  134. Borders Revisited
  135. Borders and Belonging: A Memoir
  136. Borders and Border Crossings in the Contemporary British Short Story
  137. Borders and Crime
  138. Borders and Mobility in Turkey
  139. Borders in Central Europe After the Schengen Agreement
  140. Borders in Mathematics Pre-Service Teacher Education
  141. Borders in the Baltic Sea Region
  142. Borders of Socialism
  143. Borders, Bodies and Narratives of Crisis in Europe
  144. Borders, Legal Spaces and Territories in Contemporary International Law
  145. Borders, Mobility, Regional Integration and Development
  146. Borders, mobility and technologies of control
  147. Bordgebundenes Verfahren zur Messung von Scherwinden und deren Einwirkung auf Flugbewegungen in bodennahen Luftschichten
  148. Bordieuan Field Theory as an Instrument for Military Operational Analysis
  149. Bordism of Diffeomorphisms and Related Topics
  150. Bordnetze und Powermanagement
  151. Bordnetze und Powermanagement
  152. Bordnetze und Powermanagement
  153. Boreal Forest Adaptations
  154. Boreal Forest and Climate Change
  155. Boreal Forests and Global Change
  156. Boreal Forests in the Face of Climate Change
  157. Boreal Peatland Ecosystems
  158. Boreal and Temperate Trees in a Changing Climate
  159. Boredom Experience and Associated Behaviors
  160. Boredom Is in Your Mind
  161. Boredom in the Classroom
  162. Boredom in the Foreign Language Classroom
  163. Borehole Acoustic Logging – Theory and Methods
  164. Borehole Electromagnetic Telemetry System
  165. Borehole Seismology and the Study of the Seismic Regime of Large Industrial Centres
  166. Borelli's On the Movement of Animals - On the Force of Percussion
  167. Borelli's On the Movement of Animals - On the Natural Motions Resulting from Gravity
  168. Boreout
  169. Boreout - Biografien der Unterforderung und Langeweile
  170. Borges and Black Mirror
  171. Borges the Unacknowledged Medievalist: Old English and Old Norse in His Life and Work
  172. Borges, Buddhism and World Literature
  173. Borges, Language and Reality
  174. Boris Hessen: Physics and Philosophy in the Soviet Union, 1927–1931
  175. Born Global Standard Establishers
  176. Born Globals
  177. Born Well: Prenatal Genetics and the Future of Having Children
  178. Born-Jordan Quantization
  179. Borna Disease
  180. Borna Disease Virus
  181. Borneo Studies in History, Society and Culture
  182. Boron
  183. Boron
  184. Boron Containing Oxides
  185. Boron Isotopes
  186. Boron Neutron Capture Therapy
  187. Boron Rich Solids
  188. Boron Synthesis, Structure, and Properties
  189. Boron and Refractory Borides
  190. Boron in Plant and Animal Nutrition
  191. Boron in Soils and Plants
  192. Boron-Nitrogen Compounds
  193. Borough Politics
  194. Borrelia burgdorferi
  195. Borrelia burgdorferi
  196. Borrowed Earth, Borrowed Time
  197. Borrowing Justification for Proportionality
  198. Bortezomib in the Treatment of Multiple Myeloma
  199. Bosch Autoelektrik und Autoelektronik
  200. Bosch Automotive Electrics and Automotive Electronics