12871 publications

  1. Brewing Microbiology
  2. Brewing Microbiology
  3. Brewing Microbiology
  4. Brewing Science: A Multidisciplinary Approach
  5. Brewing Science: A Multidisciplinary Approach
  6. Brewing and Distilling Yeasts
  7. Brewing, Beer and Pubs
  8. Brexit
  9. Brexit
  10. Brexit and After
  11. Brexit and Democracy
  12. Brexit and Internal Security
  13. Brexit and the Consequences for International Competitiveness
  14. Brexit and the Control of Tobacco Illicit Trade
  15. Brexit and the European Insurance Market
  16. Brexit und der Finanzmarkt
  17. Brexit, Language Policy and Linguistic Diversity
  18. Brexit, President Trump, and the Changing Geopolitics of Eastern Europe
  19. Brezhnev Reconsidered
  20. Brian Friel
  21. Brian Friel's Models of Influence
  22. Bribery, Fraud, Cheating
  23. Brick Bonding
  24. Bricks to Clicks
  25. Brickwork
  26. Brickwork
  27. Brickwork 1 and Associated Studies
  28. Brickwork 2 and Associated Studies
  29. Brickwork 3 and Associated Studies
  30. Bricolage, Care and Information
  31. Bridge Banks in Deutschland
  32. Bridge Collapse Frequencies versus Failure Probabilities
  33. Bridge Evaluation, Repair and Rehabilitation
  34. Bridge Management
  35. Bridges
  36. Bridges Between Tradition and Innovation in Ethnomedicine
  37. Bridges and Mediation in Higher Distance Education
  38. Bridges between Science, Society and Policy
  39. Bridges to Global Ethics
  40. Bridging Algebra, Geometry, and Topology
  41. Bridging Between Cultural Heritage Institutions
  42. Bridging Between Information Retrieval and Databases
  43. Bridging Clauses in European Constitutional Law
  44. Bridging Complexity and Post-Structuralism
  45. Bridging Constraint Satisfaction and Boolean Satisfiability
  46. Bridging Cultural Barriers
  47. Bridging Divides
  48. Bridging Educational Leadership, Curriculum Theory and Didaktik
  49. Bridging Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence
  50. Bridging Literacies with Videogames
  51. Bridging Marginality through Inclusive Higher Education
  52. Bridging Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering and Technology
  53. Bridging Occupational, Organizational and Public Health
  54. Bridging Peace and Sustainability Amidst Global Transformations
  55. Bridging People and Sound
  56. Bridging Research and Practice in Science Education
  57. Bridging Time Scales: Molecular Simulations for the Next Decade
  58. Bridging between Research and Practice
  59. Bridging the Academia Industry Divide
  60. Bridging the Communication Gap in Science and Technology
  61. Bridging the Cyprus Divide
  62. Bridging the Education Divide Using Social Technologies
  63. Bridging the Equity Gap for Innovative SMEs
  64. Bridging the Gap Between AI and Reality
  65. Bridging the Gap Between Engineering and the Global World
  66. Bridging the Gap between Life and Physics
  67. Bridging the Gap between Rendering and Simulation Frameworks
  68. Bridging the Gap between Requirements Engineering and Software Architecture
  69. Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice in Educational Research
  70. Bridging the Gap to University Mathematics
  71. Bridging the Gap: Philosophy, Mathematics, and Physics
  72. Bridging the Geographic Information Sciences
  73. Bridging the Information Gap
  74. Bridging the Innovation Gap
  75. Bridging the Innovation Gap - Bauplan des innovativen Unternehmens
  76. Bridging the Semantic Gap in Image and Video Analysis
  77. Bridging the Skills Gap
  78. Bridging the Skills Gap between Work and Education
  79. Bridging the Zambesi
  80. Brief
  81. Brief CBT and Science-Based Tailoring for Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
  82. Brief Counselling: Narratives and Solutions
  83. Brief Guidelines for Methods and Statistics in Medical Research
  84. Brief Interventions for Psychosis
  85. Brief Introduction to Fisheries
  86. Brief Introduction to the Procuratorial System in China
  87. Brief Lessons in Microbiology
  88. Brief Mental Health Interventions for the Family Physician
  89. Brief SEL Interventions at School
  90. Brief-Lexikon für Kaufleute
  91. Brief-Lexikon für Kaufleute
  92. Brief-Lexikon für Kaufleute
  93. Brief-Lexikon für Kreditsachbearbeiter
  94. Brief-Lexikon für Kreditsachbearbeiter
  95. Brief-lexikon für Kaufleute
  96. Briefe
  97. Briefe an Goethe
  98. Briefe an Roman Ingarden
  99. Briefe an Vieweg
  100. Briefe an die „Times”
  101. Briefe aus der Brautzeit 1770–1776
  102. Briefe eines Bankdirektors an seinen Sohn
  103. Briefe und Tagebuchaufzeichnungen Willy Kükenthals von seiner Reise in den Malaiischen Archipel 1893–1894
  104. Briefe und Tagebücher
  105. Briefe und Tagebücher
  106. Briefe von der Elektrizität
  107. Briefe von und an Lassalle bis 1848
  108. Briefe zur Wellenmechanik
  109. Briefe über Blattminierer / Letters on Leaf Miners
  110. Brieflexikon für Kaufleute
  111. Brieflexikon für Steuerzahler
  112. Briefpoststrategien in Europa
  113. Briefwechsel
  114. Briefwechsel
  115. Briefwechsel
  116. Briefwechsel 1945–1968
  117. Briefwechsel mit Cantor, Dedekind, Helmholtz, Kronecker, Weierstrass und anderen
  118. Briefwechsel mit Friedrich Engel zur Theorie der Lie-Algebren
  119. Briefwechsel zwischen Franz Delitzsch und Wolf Wilhelm Graf Baudissin
  120. Bright Modernity
  121. Brikettierungsversuche zur Erzeugung von Möllerbriketts für die Schwelverhüttung
  122. Brikettierungsversuche zur Erzeugung von Möllerbriketts unter Verwendung von Braunkohle
  123. Brillante Businessmodelle im Finanzwesen
  124. Brilliant Business Models in Healthcare
  125. Brilliant Light in Life and Material Sciences
  126. Brillouin-Wigner Methods for Many-Body Systems
  127. Bring Down the Walls
  128. Bring mir bloß keinen Deutschen nach Hause!
  129. Bring your own Device
  130. Bring your own Device – Ein Praxisratgeber
  131. Bringing Communities Together
  132. Bringing Desegregation Home
  133. Bringing Down the Banking System
  134. Bringing Human Rights Education to US Classrooms
  135. Bringing Innovative Robotic Technologies from Research Labs to Industrial End-users
  136. Bringing Leadership to Life in Health: LEADS in a Caring Environment
  137. Bringing Leadership to Life in Health: LEADS in a Caring Environment
  138. Bringing Light to Twilight
  139. Bringing Machine Learning to Software-Defined Networks
  140. Bringing Pain Relief to Children
  141. Bringing Religion into International Relations
  142. Bringing Scanning Probe Microscopy up to Speed
  143. Bringing Schools into the 21st Century
  144. Bringing Skepticism to Crop Science
  145. Bringing Technology and Innovation into the Boardroom
  146. Bringing Telecommunication Services to the People — IS&N '95
  147. Bringing War to Book
  148. Bringing the Human Being Back to Work
  149. Bringing the Jobless into Work?
  150. Bringing the Market Back In
  151. Bringing the Soul Back to Marketing
  152. Bringing the Sun Down to Earth
  153. Brinkmann-Handbuch
  154. Britain After Empire
  155. Britain After the Five Crises
  156. Britain America and Arms Control, 1921–37
  157. Britain Pre-eminent
  158. Britain Since 1945
  159. Britain Speaks Out, 1937–87
  160. Britain Through Muslim Eyes
  161. Britain and America since Independence
  162. Britain and Biological Warfare
  163. Britain and China, 1941–47
  164. Britain and Danubian Europe in the Era of World War II, 1933-1941
  165. Britain and Decolonisation
  166. Britain and European Monetary Cooperation, 1964–1979
  167. Britain and European Resistance, 1940–1945
  168. Britain and European Resistance, 1940–1945
  169. Britain and European Union
  170. Britain and European Unity, 1945–1992
  171. Britain and France in the Middle East and North Africa, 1914–1967
  172. Britain and Germany Imagining the Future of Europe
  173. Britain and Ireland in the Eighteenth-Century Crisis of Empire
  174. Britain and NATO’s Northern Flank
  175. Britain and Norway in Europe Since 1945
  176. Britain and Nuclear Weapons
  177. Britain and Terrorism
  178. Britain and The Netherlands
  179. Britain and Transnational Progressivism
  180. Britain and UN Peacekeeping 1948–67
  181. Britain and Vichy
  182. Britain and Wellington’s Army
  183. Britain and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1948-51
  184. Britain and the Arctic
  185. Britain and the Bolshevik Revolution
  186. Britain and the Cinema in the Second World War
  187. Britain and the Commonwealth Alliance 1918–1939
  188. Britain and the Congo Crisis, 1960–63
  189. Britain and the Crimea, 1855–56
  190. Britain and the Crisis of the European Union
  191. Britain and the Dhofar War in Oman, 1963–1976
  192. Britain and the Dictatorships of Argentina and Chile, 1973–82
  193. Britain and the EEC
  194. Britain and the First Cold War
  195. Britain and the Geneva Disarmament Conference
  196. Britain and the German Question
  197. Britain and the German Zollverein, 1848–66
  198. Britain and the Growth of US Hegemony in Twentieth-Century Latin America
  199. Britain and the H-Bomb
  200. Britain and the Holocaust