22487 publications

  1. Catholic Education in Latin America
  2. Catholic Education: Distinctive and Inclusive
  3. Catholic Figures, Queer Narratives
  4. Catholic Nationalism in the Irish Revival
  5. Catholic Perspectives on Medical Morals
  6. Catholic Queen, Protestant Patriarchy
  7. Catholic Schools
  8. Catholic Teaching Brothers
  9. Catholic Women’s Movements in Liberal and Fascist Italy
  10. Catholic and Reformed Traditions in International Law
  11. Catholicism Engaging Other Faiths
  12. Catholicism Opening to the World and Other Confessions
  13. Catholicism and Anti-Catholicism in Early Modern English Texts
  14. Catholicism and Politics in Argentina, 1810–1960
  15. Catholicism in China, 1900-Present
  16. Catholicism in a Protestant Kingdom
  17. Catholics and US Politics After the 2016 Elections
  18. Catholics and US Politics After the 2020 Elections
  19. Catholics in Britain and Ireland, 1558–1829
  20. Cation Ordering and Electron Transfer
  21. Cationic Polymerisation Initiation Processes with Alkenyl Monomers
  22. Cationic Ring-Opening Polymerization
  23. Cationic Ring-Opening Polymerization of Heterocyclic Monomers
  24. Cats are not Peas
  25. Cattle Plague
  26. Cattle Welfare in Dairy and Beef Systems
  27. Catégories Cofibrées Additives et Complexe Cotangent Relatif
  28. Catégories Tannakiennes
  29. Cauchy Problem for Differential Operators with Double Characteristics
  30. Cauchy's Calcul Infinitésimal
  31. Cauchy’s Cours d’analyse
  32. Caught by Disorder
  33. Caught by Politics
  34. Caught up in Conflict
  35. Causal Analysis in Population Studies
  36. Causal Analytics for Applied Risk Analysis
  37. Causal Effects of Social Capital
  38. Causal Explanation in Historiography
  39. Causal Factors for Wetland Management and Restoration: A Concise Guide
  40. Causal Factors in American Economic Growth in the Nineteenth Century
  41. Causal Inference in Econometrics
  42. Causal Mechanisms in the Global Development of Social Policies
  43. Causal Models and Intelligent Data Management
  44. Causal Nets, Interventionism, and Mechanisms
  45. Causal Overdetermination and Contextualism
  46. Causal Pluralism in the Life Sciences
  47. Causal and Stochastic Elements in Business Cycles
  48. Causality and Causal Modelling in the Social Sciences
  49. Causality and Development
  50. Causality and Locality in Modern Physics
  51. Causality and Neo-Stages in Development
  52. Causality for Artificial Intelligence
  53. Causality in Policy Studies
  54. Causality in Sociological Research
  55. Causality of Psychological Injury
  56. Causality, Meaningful Complexity and Embodied Cognition
  57. Causality, Method, and Modality
  58. Causation and Disease
  59. Causation and Laws of Nature
  60. Causation and Prevention of Human Cancer
  61. Causation in Decision, Belief Change, and Statistics
  62. Causation in Population Health Informatics and Data Science
  63. Causation, Chance and Credence
  64. Causation, Coherence, and Concepts
  65. Causation, Prediction, and Search
  66. Cause Effect Pairs in Machine Learning
  67. Cause and Effect in Fiction
  68. Cause related Marketing
  69. Cause related Marketing in Deutschland
  70. Cause, Mind, and Reality
  71. Cause-Effect Structures
  72. Cause-Related Marketing
  73. Cause-Related-Marketing-Kampagnen erfolgreich konzipieren
  74. Causes and Consequences of Electoral Manipulation in Hybrid Regimes in Latin America
  75. Causes and Consequences of Migrant Criminalization
  76. Causes and Control of Colorectal Cancer
  77. Causes and Symptoms of Socio-Cultural Polarization
  78. Causes of Changes in the Structure of International Trade, 1960–85
  79. Causes of Climatic Change
  80. Causes of Contemporary Stagnation
  81. Causes of Supply Chain Disruptions
  82. Causes, Correlates and Consequences of Death Among Older Adults
  83. Causes, Impacts and Solutions to Global Warming
  84. Causing, Perceiving And Believing
  85. Caustic Light in Nonlinear Photonic Media
  86. Caustics, Catastrophes and Wave Fields
  87. Caustics, Catastrophes and Wave Fields
  88. Cautionary Tales in the Ethics of Lifelong Learning Policy and Management
  89. Cava-Katheter
  90. Cavafy's Hellenistic Antiquities
  91. Cave Art, Perception and Knowledge
  92. Cave Ecology
  93. Cave Exploration in Slovenia
  94. Cave Microbiomes: A Novel Resource for Drug Discovery
  95. Cave and Karst Systems of Hungary
  96. Cave and Karst Systems of Romania
  97. Caveolae
  98. Caveolins and Caveolae
  99. Caveolins in Cancer Pathogenesis, Prevention and Therapy
  100. Cavernomas of the CNS
  101. Cavernous Sinus
  102. Caves and Karst of Turkey - Vol. 1
  103. Caves and Karst of Turkey - Volume 2
  104. Caves and Karst of the Greenbrier Valley in West Virginia
  105. Caves and Karst of the Upper Midwest, USA
  106. Caviar with Rum
  107. Cavitation Instabilities and Rotordynamic Effects in Turbopumps and Hydroturbines
  108. Cavitation Reaction Engineering
  109. Cavitation and Inhomogeneities in Underwater Acoustics
  110. Cavitation in Biomedicine
  111. Cavitation in Non-Newtonian Fluids
  112. Cavity Dynamics and Splashing Mechanism in Droplets
  113. Cavity Expansion Methods in Geomechanics
  114. Cavity Optomechanics
  115. Cavity-Enhanced Spectroscopy and Sensing
  116. Cañadell's Pediatric Bone Sarcomas
  117. CdTe and CdZnTe Materials
  118. CeA — Computergestützte erfahrungsgeleitete Arbeit
  119. Cech Cohomological Dimensions for Commutative Rings
  120. Cecil B. DeMille, Classical Hollywood, and Modern American Mass Culture
  121. Celan Handbuch
  122. Celan-Handbuch
  123. Celebral Contusions, Lacerations and Hematomas
  124. Celebrating America’s Pastimes: Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Marketing?
  125. Celebrating Katherine Mansfield
  126. Celebrating Soil
  127. Celebrating Thomas Hardy
  128. Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Madame Marie Sklodowska Curie’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry
  129. Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of 'Things Fall Apart'
  130. Celebrating the International Year of Mineralogy
  131. Celebrating the Megascale
  132. Celebrating the Past and Future of Marketing and Discovery with Social Impact
  133. Celebration Cakes
  134. Celebrations
  135. Celebrity Authorship and Afterlives in English and American Literature
  136. Celebrity Culture and Crime
  137. Celebrity Memoir
  138. Celebrity and Mediated Social Connections
  139. Celebrity and the Feminist Blockbuster
  140. Celebrity, Social Media Influencers and Brand Performance
  141. Celestial Delights
  142. Celestial Mechanics
  143. Celestial Mechanics and Astrodynamics: Theory and Practice
  144. Celestial Messengers
  145. Celestial Shadows
  146. Celestial Sleuth
  147. Celiac Disease
  148. Celiac Disease
  149. Celiac Disease
  150. Cell & Molecular Biology of Prostate Cancer
  151. Cell Activation and Apoptosis in HIV Infection
  152. Cell Adhesion
  153. Cell Adhesion Molecules
  154. Cell Adhesion Molecules
  155. Cell Adhesion and Cytoskeletal Molecules in Metastasis
  156. Cell Aging: Molecular Mechanisms and Implications for Disease
  157. Cell Analysis
  158. Cell Analysis on Microfluidics
  159. Cell Biology and Biotechnology
  160. Cell Biology and Pathology of Myelin
  161. Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 1
  162. Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 10
  163. Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 11
  164. Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 12
  165. Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 13
  166. Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 14
  167. Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 15
  168. Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 16
  169. Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 17
  170. Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 18
  171. Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 19
  172. Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 2
  173. Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 20
  174. Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 21
  175. Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 3
  176. Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 4
  177. Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 5
  178. Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 6
  179. Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 7
  180. Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 8
  181. Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 9
  182. Cell Biology of Extracellular Matrix
  183. Cell Biology of Extracellular Matrix
  184. Cell Biology of Herpes Viruses
  185. Cell Biology of Metals and Nutrients
  186. Cell Biology of Plant Nematode Parasitism
  187. Cell Biology of the Axon
  188. Cell Biology of the Ovary
  189. Cell Calcium Metabolism
  190. Cell Communication in Nervous and Immune System
  191. Cell Components
  192. Cell Culture Engineering
  193. Cell Culture Engineering IV
  194. Cell Culture Engineering VI
  195. Cell Culture Engineering and Technology
  196. Cell Culture Methods for In Vitro Toxicology
  197. Cell Culture Techniques
  198. Cell Culture Techniques
  199. Cell Culture Techniques in Heart and Vessel Research
  200. Cell Culture Technology