20582 publications

  1. Elise Boulding: A Pioneer in Peace Research, Peacemaking, Feminism, Future Studies and the Family
  2. Elise Boulding: Autobiographical Writings and Selections from Unpublished Journals and Letters
  3. Elise Boulding: Writings on Feminism, the Family and Quakerism
  4. Elise Boulding: Writings on Peace Research, Peacemaking, and the Future
  5. Elisha Bartlett’s Philosophy of Medicine
  6. Elispot for Rookies (and Experts Too)
  7. Elite Education and Internationalisation
  8. Elite Populism and Malay Political Leaders in Malaysia
  9. Elite Schooling and Social Inequality
  10. Elite Statecraft and Election Administration
  11. Elite Techniques in Shoulder Arthroscopy
  12. Elite zwischen Europäisierung und nationalen Mustern
  13. Elite-Mass Relations in Communist Systems
  14. Eliteforschung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
  15. Eliten in Deutschland
  16. Eliten in Europa
  17. Eliten und Liberalismus
  18. Eliten und zivile Gesellschaft
  19. Eliten, Macht und Konflikt in der Bundesrepublik
  20. Elitenmacht
  21. Elitenvertrauen und Demokratie
  22. Elites and Decolonization in the Twentieth Century
  23. Elites and Democratic Transitions by Regime Transformation in Southern Europe
  24. Elites and Leadership in Russian Politics
  25. Elites in Transition
  26. Elites in an Egalitarian Society
  27. Elites, Enterprise and the Making of the British Overseas Empire, 1688–1775
  28. Elites, Ideas, and the Evolution of Public Policy
  29. Elites, Institutions and the Quality of Government
  30. Elites, Policies and State Reconfiguration
  31. Eliteökonomen
  32. Elitäre Verhältnisse
  33. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  34. Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning
  35. Elizabeth Bishop and the Music of Literature
  36. Elizabeth Bishop’s World War II-Cold War View
  37. Elizabeth Bowen
  38. Elizabeth Bowen
  39. Elizabeth Bowen
  40. Elizabeth Bowen and the Dissolution of the Novel
  41. Elizabeth Gaskell
  42. Elizabeth Gaskell
  43. Elizabeth Gaskell ‘We are not angels’
  44. Elizabeth Gaskell’s Smaller Stories
  45. Elizabeth I
  46. Elizabeth I in Writing
  47. Elizabeth I of England through Valois Eyes
  48. Elizabeth I's Italian Letters
  49. Elizabeth I’s Foreign Correspondence
  50. Elizabeth Spencer’s Complicated Cartographies
  51. Elizabeth of York
  52. Elizabeth of York and Her Six Daughters-in-Law
  53. Elizabethan and Jacobean Reappropriation in Contemporary British Drama
  54. Elizabeth’s Wars
  55. Ellbogenchirurgie in der Praxis
  56. Ellenberger-Schütz’ Jahresbericht über die Leistungen auf dem Gebiete der Veterinär-Medizin
  57. Ellenberger-Schütz’ Jahresbericht über die Leistungen auf dem Gebiete der Veterinär-Medizin
  58. Ellenbogen
  59. Ellenbogenmentalität und Fremdenfeindlichkeit bei Jugendlichen
  60. Ellenbogenverletzungen
  61. Elliott-Wave-Finanzmarktanalyse
  62. Elliott-Wave-Finanzmarktanalyse
  63. Ellipse Fitting for Computer Vision
  64. Ellipsis and Nonsentential Speech
  65. Ellipsometry at the Nanoscale
  66. Ellipsometry for Industrial Applications
  67. Ellipsometry of Functional Organic Surfaces and Films
  68. Ellipsometry of Functional Organic Surfaces and Films
  69. Elliptic Boundary Problems for Dirac Operators
  70. Elliptic Boundary Value Problems and Construction of Lp-Strong Feller Processes with Singular Drift and Reflection
  71. Elliptic Boundary Value Problems in the Spaces of Distributions
  72. Elliptic Boundary Value Problems on Corner Domains
  73. Elliptic Carleman Estimates and Applications to Stabilization and Controllability, Volume I
  74. Elliptic Carleman Estimates and Applications to Stabilization and Controllability, Volume II
  75. Elliptic Cohomology
  76. Elliptic Curve Public Key Cryptosystems
  77. Elliptic Curves
  78. Elliptic Curves
  79. Elliptic Curves
  80. Elliptic Curves
  81. Elliptic Curves and Arithmetic Invariants
  82. Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms in Algebraic Topology
  83. Elliptic Curves and Their Applications to Cryptography
  84. Elliptic Curves over Number Fields with Prescribed Reduction Type
  85. Elliptic Curves, Hilbert Modular Forms and Galois Deformations
  86. Elliptic Curves, Modular Forms and Cryptography
  87. Elliptic Curves, Modular Forms and Iwasawa Theory
  88. Elliptic Differential Equations
  89. Elliptic Differential Equations and Obstacle Problems
  90. Elliptic Differential Operators and Spectral Analysis
  91. Elliptic Equations: An Introductory Course
  92. Elliptic Equations: An Introductory Course
  93. Elliptic Extensions in Statistical and Stochastic Systems
  94. Elliptic Functional Differential Equations and Applications
  95. Elliptic Functions
  96. Elliptic Functions
  97. Elliptic Functions according to Eisenstein and Kronecker
  98. Elliptic Functions and Applications
  99. Elliptic Functions and Transcendence
  100. Elliptic Genera and Vertex Operator Super-Algebras
  101. Elliptic Integrals and Elliptic Functions
  102. Elliptic Integrals, Elliptic Functions and Modular Forms in Quantum Field Theory
  103. Elliptic Modular Functions
  104. Elliptic Operators and Compact Groups
  105. Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
  106. Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
  107. Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order
  108. Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order
  109. Elliptic Pseudo-Differential Operators — An Abstract Theory
  110. Elliptic Quantum Groups
  111. Elliptic Regularity Theory
  112. Elliptic Systems of Phase Transition Type
  113. Elliptic Theory and Noncommutative Geometry
  114. Elliptic and Parabolic Equations
  115. Elliptic and Parabolic Problems
  116. Elliptically Contoured Models in Statistics
  117. Elliptically Contoured Models in Statistics and Portfolio Theory
  118. Elliptic–Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations
  119. Elliptische Differentialgleichungen zweiter Ordnung
  120. Elliptische Funktionen und Modulformen
  121. Elliptische Funktionen und Modulformen
  122. Elliptische Integrale für TI-58/59
  123. Elliptische Integralgruppen und Jacobische elliptische Funktionen im Komplexen
  124. Elliptische Kurven in der Kryptographie
  125. Eloquent Science
  126. Eloquent Virgins from Thecla to Joan of Arc
  127. Else Lasker-Schüler
  128. Else Voigtländer: Self, Emotion, and Sociality
  129. Elsevier’s Encyclopædia of Organic Chemistry
  130. Elterliche Arbeitsteilung in Österreich und Schweden
  131. Elterliche Erziehung und externalisierende Verhaltensprobleme von Kindern
  132. Elterliche Gesundheitskompetenz
  133. Elterliche Skills in Organisationen
  134. Eltern als Akteure im Prozess des Übergangs vom Kindergarten in die Grundschule
  135. Eltern als Mediendidaktiker
  136. Eltern als Therapeuten
  137. Eltern mit Migrationshintergrund in der stationären Kinder- und Jugendhilfe
  138. Eltern von Kindern mit Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen
  139. Eltern vor dem Familiengericht
  140. Eltern zwischen Kindertageseinrichtung und Grundschule
  141. Eltern-Guide Digitalkultur
  142. Eltern-Guide Social Media
  143. Elternarbeit mit Migrantenfamilien
  144. Elternbeteiligung und Gewaltprävention in kommunalen Bildungs- und Erziehungslandschaften
  145. Elterngeld
  146. Elternkurse auf dem Prüfstand
  147. Elternratgeber Gift im Garten
  148. Elternratgeber der Weimarer Republik
  149. Elternschaft
  150. Elternschaft als Othering
  151. Elternschaft im Wechselspiel von Deutungsmustern und Diskurs
  152. Elternschaft und Wohlbefinden
  153. Elternschaft zwischen Projekt und Projektion
  154. Elternverluste
  155. Elucidation of Abiotic Stress Signaling in Plants
  156. Elucidation of Abiotic Stress Signaling in Plants
  157. Elusive Balances
  158. Elusive Peace: International, National, and Local Dimensions of Conflict in Colombia
  159. Elusive Phenomena, Unwieldy Things
  160. Elwyn Simons: A Search for Origins
  161. Elysium. Die vierte Ekloge Vergils
  162. Eléments de Mathématique. Groupes et algèbres de Lie
  163. Eléments de Mathématique. Groupes et algèbres de Lie
  164. Eléments de Mathématique. Intégration
  165. Eléments de la Théorie des Matroïdes
  166. Email Discourse Among Chinese Using English as a Lingua Franca
  167. Email and Commercial Correspondence
  168. Emaillierung
  169. Emanationsmessungen der Gasteiner Thermalquellen
  170. Emancipation and Poverty
  171. Emancipation, Democracy and the Modern Critique of Law
  172. Emancipatory Change in US Higher Education
  173. Emancipatory Climate Actions
  174. Emancipatory and Participatory Methodologies in Peace, Critical, and Community Psychology
  175. Emanuel Geibels Aufstieg zum literarischen Repräsentanten seiner Zeit
  176. Emanzipation der lokalen Ebene?
  177. Emanzipation durch Schule
  178. Emanzipation in der Kinderladenbewegung
  179. Emanzipation und Gewalt
  180. Emanzipation und Konfrontation
  181. Emanzipation — Ideologischer Fetisch oder reale Chance?
  182. Emanzipatorische Familienarbeit
  183. Emanzipatorische Subjektivität in der Psychologie
  184. Embassies to China
  185. Embedded Artificial Intelligence
  186. Embedded Automation in Human-Agent Environment
  187. Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation
  188. Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation
  189. Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation
  190. Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation
  191. Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation
  192. Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation
  193. Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation
  194. Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation
  195. Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation
  196. Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation
  197. Embedded Computer Vision
  198. Embedded Control System Design
  199. Embedded Controller
  200. Embedded Deep Learning