20583 publications

  1. Engineering in Medicine
  2. Engineering in Translational Medicine
  3. Engineering of Additive Manufacturing Features for Data-Driven Solutions
  4. Engineering of Biomaterials
  5. Engineering of Complex Computer Systems
  6. Engineering of Computer-Based Systems
  7. Engineering of Crystalline Materials Properties
  8. Engineering of Functional Skeletal Tissues
  9. Engineering of Halogenases towards Synthetic Applications
  10. Engineering of Intelligent Systems
  11. Engineering of Micro/Nano Biosystems
  12. Engineering of Microbial Biosynthetic Pathways
  13. Engineering of Microorganisms for the Production of Chemicals and Biofuels from Renewable Resources
  14. Engineering of Power Systems Economics
  15. Engineering of Scintillation Materials and Radiation Technologies
  16. Engineering of Scintillation Materials and Radiation Technologies
  17. Engineering of Software
  18. Engineering of Stem Cells
  19. Engineering of Thermoplastic Elastomer with Graphene and Other Anisotropic Nanofillers
  20. Engineering the Atom-Photon Interaction
  21. Engineering the Guitar
  22. Engineering the Human
  23. Engineering the Knee Meniscus
  24. Engineering the Transformation of the Enterprise
  25. Engineering the User Interface
  26. Engineering the Web in the Big Data Era
  27. Engineering to Adapt
  28. Engineering verfahrenstechnischer Anlagen
  29. Engineering verfahrenstechnischer Anlagen
  30. Engineering with Fibre-Polymer Laminates
  31. Engineering, Development and Philosophy
  32. Engineering, Poverty, and the Earth
  33. Engineering, Social Sciences, and the Humanities
  34. Engineering-Dienstleistungen und Mitbestimmung
  35. Engineers Engaging Community
  36. Engineers and the Two Taiwans
  37. Engineers for Korea
  38. Engineers in Britain
  39. Engineers in Germany
  40. Engineers in Western Europe: Ascent—and Decline?
  41. Engineers within a Local and Global Society
  42. Engineers, Managers and Politicians
  43. Engineers, Society, and Sustainability
  44. Engineers’ Parenting
  45. Engines and Electrics
  46. Engines and Fuels for Future Transport
  47. Engines and Related Systems
  48. Engines of Economic Prosperity
  49. England Through Colonial Eyes in Twentieth-Century Fiction
  50. England after the Great Recession
  51. England and Europe in the Sixteenth Century
  52. England and Iberia in the Middle Ages, 12th–15th Century
  53. England and the French Revolution
  54. England in 1815
  55. England in der Krise
  56. England, Slaves and Freedom, 1776–1838
  57. Englands Anteil an der Trennung der Niederlande 1830
  58. Englands Privat- und Handelsrecht
  59. Englands Privat- und Handelsrecht
  60. Englands Weltherrschaft
  61. Englands Zivilprozeß
  62. England’s Mission
  63. England’s Time of Crisis: From Shakespeare to Milton
  64. Englisch für Architekten und Bauingenieure - English for Architects and Civil Engineers
  65. Englisch für Architekten und Bauingenieure - English for Architects and Civil Engineers
  66. Englisch für Architekten und Bauingenieure - English for Architects and Civil Engineers
  67. Englisch für Architekten und Bauingenieure - English for Architects and Civil Engineers
  68. Englisch für Architekten und Bauingenieure – English for Architects and Civil Engineers
  69. Englisch für Architekten und Bauingenieure – English for Architects and Civil Engineers
  70. Englisch für Architekten und Bauingenieure — English for Architects and Civil Engineers
  71. Englisch für Baufachleute / L’anglais dans le bâtiment
  72. Englisch für Elektroniker
  73. Englisch für Ingenieure
  74. Englisch für Ingenieure
  75. Englisch für Ingenieure
  76. Englisch für Maschinenbauer
  77. Englisch für Maschinenbauer
  78. Englisch für Maschinenbauer
  79. Englisch für Maschinenbauer
  80. Englisch für Maschinenbauer
  81. Englisch für Maschinenbauer
  82. Englisch und Französisch in den mittleren und oberen Klassen der Mittelschule
  83. Englisch-Deutsches und Deutsch-Englisches Taschenwörterbuch
  84. Englisch-deutsches und deutsch-englisches Wörterbuch für die Eisen- und Stahl-Industrie / English-German and German-English Dictionary for the Iron and Steel Industry
  85. Englische Apotheken-Praxis
  86. Englische Elektrizitätswirtschaft
  87. Englische Literaturgeschichte
  88. Englische Literaturgeschichte
  89. Englische Literaturgeschichte
  90. Englische Literaturgeschichte
  91. Englische Literaturgeschichte
  92. Englische Rhetorik und Poetik 1479 – 1660
  93. Englische Verfassungsgeschichte
  94. Englische Weltpolitik in englischer Beleuchtung
  95. Englische Weltpolitik in englischer Beleuchtung
  96. Englische Wirtschaftstexte für Ausbildung und Beruf
  97. Englisches Konversations-Buch für Pharmazeuten
  98. Englisches Uebungsbuch
  99. Englischlehrer*innen im Umgang mit einer Kritischen Fremdsprachendidaktik
  100. Englischlernen unter den Voraussetzungen lebensweltlicher Mehrsprachigkeit
  101. Englischsprachige Autoren
  102. Englischsprachige Shakespeareparodien des 20. Jahrhunderts
  103. English
  104. English
  105. English A Level
  106. English After RP
  107. English Bilingual Project
  108. English Classes in Slumber
  109. English Education in Oman
  110. English Fiction Since 1984
  111. English Fiction and Drama of the Great War, 1918–39
  112. English Funerary Elegy in the Seventeenth Century
  113. English GCSE Key Stage 4
  114. English Gothic Literature
  115. English Grammar for Today
  116. English Historical Drama, 1500–1660
  117. English Historical Facts 1485–1603
  118. English Historical Facts 1603–1688
  119. English Interlanguage Morphology
  120. English Language Education Policy in Asia
  121. English Language Education Policy in the Middle East and North Africa
  122. English Language Education and Assessment
  123. English Language Education for Graduate Employability in Vietnam
  124. English Language Ideologies in Korea
  125. English Language Poets in University College Cork, 1970–1980
  126. English Language Program Administration
  127. English Language Project Work
  128. English Language Teacher Education
  129. English Language Teaching
  130. English Language Teaching Research in the Middle East and North Africa
  131. English Language Teaching Textbooks
  132. English Language Teaching Today
  133. English Language Teaching in Moroccan Higher Education
  134. English Language Teaching in Pakistan
  135. English Language Training in the Workplace
  136. English Language and General Studies Education in the United Arab Emirates
  137. English Learning in the Digital Age
  138. English Lessons
  139. English Linguistics
  140. English Literacy Instruction for Chinese Speakers
  141. English Literary Sexology
  142. English Medium Instruction Practices in Vietnamese Universities
  143. English Medium Instruction as a Local Practice
  144. English Medium Instruction in Higher Education in Asia-Pacific
  145. English National Identity and the Image of the Dutch
  146. English Overseas Trade 1500–1700
  147. English Poetry in Context: From the 16th to the 21st Century
  148. English Politics in the Thirteenth Century
  149. English Produced by Japanese L2 Users
  150. English Pronunciation Teaching and Research
  151. English Pronunciation in L2 Instruction
  152. English Pronunciation in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
  153. English Prosodic Morphology
  154. English Puritanism 1603–1689
  155. English Renaissance Literature and Contemporary Theory:
  156. English Renaissance Tragedy
  157. English Romantic Writers and the West Country
  158. English Romanticism
  159. English Rural Communities
  160. English Sexualities, 1700–1800
  161. English Society in the Later Middle Ages
  162. English Studies in India
  163. English Studies: The State of the Discipline, Past, Present, and Future
  164. English Stylistics
  165. English Teachers in a Postwar Democracy
  166. English Theatre and Social Abjection
  167. English Translations of Korczak’s Children’s Fiction
  168. English Translations of Shuihu Zhuan
  169. English Travel Writing from Pilgrimages to Postcolonial Explorations
  170. English Wetlands
  171. English Women’s Spiritual Utopias, 1400-1700
  172. English Writings of Hu Shih
  173. English Writings of Hu Shih
  174. English Writings of Hu Shih
  175. English and American Studies
  176. English and Ethnicity
  177. English and Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education
  178. English as Medium of Instruction in Japanese Higher Education
  179. English as a Global Language in China
  180. English as a Lingua Franca in Japan
  181. English as a Lingua Franca in Migrants' Trauma Narratives
  182. English as a Medium of Instruction in Higher Education
  183. English as an International Language Education
  184. English as an International Language in Asia: Implications for Language Education
  185. English as the Medium of Instruction in Turkish Higher Education
  186. English for Academic CVs, Resumes, and Online Profiles
  187. English for Academic Correspondence
  188. English for Academic Correspondence and Socializing
  189. English for Academic Purposes (EAP) in Asia
  190. English for Academic Purposes in Neoliberal Universities: A Critical Grounded Theory
  191. English for Academic Purposes in the EMI Context in Asia
  192. English for Academic Research: A Guide for Teachers
  193. English for Academic Research: Grammar Exercises
  194. English for Academic Research: Grammar Exercises
  195. English for Academic Research: Grammar, Usage and Style
  196. English for Academic Research: Grammar, Usage and Style
  197. English for Academic Research: Vocabulary Exercises
  198. English for Academic Research: Vocabulary Exercises
  199. English for Academic Research: Writing Exercises
  200. English for Academic Research: Writing Exercises