20584 publications

  1. Euro-Par 2020: Parallel Processing Workshops
  2. Euro-Par 2021: Parallel Processing
  3. Euro-Par 2021: Parallel Processing Workshops
  4. Euro-Par 2022: Parallel Processing
  5. Euro-Par 2022: Parallel Processing Workshops
  6. Euro-Par 2023: Parallel Processing
  7. Euro-Par 2023: Parallel Processing Workshops
  8. Euro-Par 2023: Parallel Processing Workshops
  9. Euro-Par 2024: Parallel Processing
  10. Euro-Par 2024: Parallel Processing
  11. Euro-Par 2024: Parallel Processing
  12. Euro-Par'96 Parallel Processing
  13. Euro-Par'96 Parallel Processing
  14. Euro-Par'97 Parallel Processing
  15. Euro-Par’98 Parallel Processing
  16. Euro-Par’99 Parallel Processing
  17. EuroKarst 2016, Neuchâtel
  18. EuroKarst 2022, Málaga
  19. EuroWordNet: A multilingual database with lexical semantic networks
  20. Eurobarometer
  21. Eurocal '87
  22. Eurocentrism and the Politics of Global History
  23. Eurocentrism, Racism and Knowledge
  24. Eurocode 2 Design Data for Reinforced Concrete Columns
  25. Eurocode ’92
  26. Eurocode-Compliant Seismic Analysis and Design of R/C Buildings
  27. Eurocritical
  28. Eurodollars and International Banking
  29. Eurofuse 2011
  30. Eurographics Tutorials ’83
  31. Eurokarst 2018, Besançon
  32. Euroland and the World Economy
  33. Euromanagement
  34. Euronotes und Euro Commercial Paper als Finanzinnovationen
  35. Europa - politisches Einigungswerk und gesellschaftliche Entwicklung
  36. Europa 1992
  37. Europa 2020
  38. Europa Ohne Gesellschaft
  39. Europa als Kommunikationsraum
  40. Europa auf dem Weg nach rechts?
  41. Europa auf dem Weg zum Mehrheitssystem
  42. Europa der Regionen
  43. Europa im Aufbau
  44. Europa im Mittelalter
  45. Europa im Umbruch
  46. Europa imaginieren
  47. Europa in Literatur, Sprache, Kulturtheorie und Populärkultur
  48. Europa nach der Krise
  49. Europa ohne Arbeit?
  50. Europa ohne Gesellschaft
  51. Europa spielerisch erlernen
  52. Europa und die deutsche Frage
  53. Europa von A bis Z
  54. Europa von A bis Z
  55. Europa von A bis Z
  56. Europa zwischen Nationalstaat und Integration
  57. Europa zwischen Ordnungswettbewerb und Harmonisierung
  58. Europa – quo vadis?
  59. Europa – seine Kultur, seine Barbarei
  60. Europa — The Ocean Moon
  61. Europa — eine Geographie
  62. Europa — politisches Einigungswerk und gesellschaftliche Entwicklung
  63. Europa, deine Frauen
  64. Europa, europäische Integration und Eurokrise
  65. Europa-Studien
  66. Europa-Studien
  67. Europa-Türkei-Identität
  68. Europa: Eine Frage des Geldes?
  69. Europaarbeit der Gewerkschaft ver.di
  70. Europafähigkeit der Kommunen
  71. Europapolitik aus dem Ausschuss
  72. Europapolitik der deutschen Länder
  73. Europapolitik im Widerspruch
  74. Europarecht
  75. Europarecht
  76. Europarecht
  77. Europarecht
  78. Europarecht
  79. Europarecht
  80. Europarecht - Schnell erfasst
  81. Europarecht - Schnell erfasst
  82. Europarecht und nationale Umweltpolitik
  83. Europarties after Enlargement
  84. Europas Töchter
  85. Europas Zivilgesellschaft in der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise
  86. Europas symbolische Verfassung
  87. Europavisionen in der amerikanischen Nachkriegsplanung 1939-1947
  88. Europawahl 2004
  89. Europawahl ’79
  90. Europawahlkampf 2014
  91. Europawahlkampf 2019
  92. Europaweite Kooperation von Betriebsräten multinationaler Konzerne
  93. Europa’s Lost Expedition
  94. Europe
  95. Europe 1945–1990s
  96. Europe Beyond Universalism and Particularism
  97. Europe Beyond the Euro
  98. Europe Confronts Terrorism
  99. Europe Observed
  100. Europe Since 1945
  101. Europe Since 1945
  102. Europe Tested by Crises
  103. Europe and Asia
  104. Europe and Asia as a Legal Area for Fundamental Rights
  105. Europe and Globalization
  106. Europe and Iran’s Nuclear Crisis
  107. Europe and MENA Cooperation Advances in Information and Communication Technologies
  108. Europe and Money
  109. Europe and the Atlantic Relationship
  110. Europe and the End of the Age of Innocence
  111. Europe and the Euro
  112. Europe and the Financial Crisis
  113. Europe and the Left
  114. Europe and the MENA Region
  115. Europe and the Politics of Language
  116. Europe and the Third World
  117. Europe as a Stronger Global Actor
  118. Europe as an Idea and an Identity
  119. Europe at War 1600–1650
  120. Europe at the Dawn of the Millennium
  121. Europe at the Polls: The European Elections of 1999
  122. Europe between East and South
  123. Europe in Crisis
  124. Europe in Prisons
  125. Europe in Progress
  126. Europe in Space
  127. Europe in Upheaval
  128. Europe in a Changing World
  129. Europe in an Age of Austerity
  130. Europe in an Era of US-China Strategic Rivalry
  131. Europe in the Age of Post-Truth Politics
  132. Europe in the Classroom
  133. Europe in the Global Competition
  134. Europe in the Global Space Economy
  135. Europe in the Sixteenth Century
  136. Europe in the Western Alliance
  137. Europe in the World
  138. Europe — Toward 2001
  139. Europe — Toward the Next Enlargement
  140. Europe's Century of Crises Under Dollar Hegemony
  141. Europe's Early Fieldscapes
  142. Europe's Lifelong Learning Markets, Governance and Policy
  143. Europe's New Fiscal Union
  144. Europe, America, and Technology: Philosophical Perspectives
  145. Europe, China and the Two SARs
  146. Europe, Japan and America in the 1990s
  147. Europe, Nations and Modernity
  148. Europe, Policies and People
  149. Europe, Regions and European Regionalism
  150. Europe, the Crisis, and the Internet
  151. Europe, the USA and Political Islam
  152. Europe-Central Asia Relations
  153. Europe: I Struggle, I Overcome
  154. Europe: One Continent, Different Worlds
  155. Europe: The Impossible Status Quo
  156. Europe: a Civilian Power?
  157. Europe: the Cold Divide
  158. European Access to Space: Business and Policy Perspectives on Micro Launchers
  159. European Accountancy Yearbook 1992/93
  160. European Actorness in a Shifting Geopolitical Order
  161. European Aeronautics
  162. European Aestheticism and Spanish American Modernismo
  163. European Agricultural Research in the 21st Century
  164. European Airport Retailing: Growth Strategies for the New Millennium
  165. European Anti-Discrimination and the Politics of Citizenship
  166. European Approaches to Patient Classification Systems
  167. European Arrest Warrant
  168. European Autonomy in Space
  169. European Bank Restructuring During the Global Financial Crisis
  170. European Banking
  171. European Banking M&A
  172. European Bison
  173. European Book Cultures
  174. European Business
  175. European Business
  176. European Business Ethics Casebook
  177. European Business Ethics Cases in Context
  178. European Capital Markets
  179. European Capitalist Welfare Societies
  180. European Central Banking Law
  181. European Childhoods
  182. European Cinema
  183. European Cinema after 1989
  184. European Cinema and Intertextuality
  185. European Cinema and Television
  186. European Cinema in Motion
  187. European Cinema in the Streaming Era
  188. European Cinema in the Twenty-First Century
  189. European Cities After COVID-19
  190. European Cities in Dynamic Competition
  191. European Cities, Municipal Organizations and Diversity
  192. European Citizenship after Brexit
  193. European Civil Security Governance
  194. European Civil Service in (Times of) Crisis
  195. European Cohesion?
  196. European Collaboration: Towards Drug Developement and Rational Drug Therapy
  197. European Commission of Human Rights / Commission Europeenne des Droits de L’Homme
  198. European Commission of Human Rights / Commission Europeenne des Droits de l’Homme
  199. European Communities Oil and Gas Research and Development Projects
  200. European Communities Oil and Gas Technological Development Projects