20474 publications

  1. Examining The Wire
  2. Examining Torture
  3. Examining the Big Bang and Diffuse Background Radiations
  4. Examining the Examinations
  5. Examining the Phenomenon of “Teaching Out-of-field”
  6. Examining the Submicron World
  7. Examining the ‘Golden’ Practices of Small-Scale Mining
  8. Examples and Problems in Advanced Calculus: Real-Valued Functions
  9. Examples and Theorems in Analysis
  10. Examples in Parametric Inference with R
  11. Examples to Extremum and Variational Principles in Mechanics
  12. Examples to Extremum and Variational Principles in Mechanics
  13. Excavating the Histories of Slave-Trade and Pirate Ships
  14. Excavations and Foundations in Soft Soils
  15. Excel + VBA für Controller
  16. Excel + VBA für Controller
  17. Excel + VBA für Ingenieure
  18. Excel + VBA für Ingenieure
  19. Excel + VBA für Ingenieure
  20. Excel + VBA für Maschinenbauer
  21. Excel + VBA für Maschinenbauer
  22. Excel + VBA für Maschinenbauer
  23. Excel + VBA für den Unterricht
  24. Excel + VBA für den Unterricht
  25. Excel + VBA in der Stochastik
  26. Excel + VBA in der Stochastik
  27. Excel 2007
  28. Excel 2007 PivotTables Recipes
  29. Excel 2007 for Biological and Life Sciences Statistics
  30. Excel 2007 for Business Statistics
  31. Excel 2007 for Educational and Psychological Statistics
  32. Excel 2007 for Social Science Statistics
  33. Excel 2010 Made Simple
  34. Excel 2010 for Biological and Life Sciences Statistics
  35. Excel 2010 for Business Statistics
  36. Excel 2010 for Educational and Psychological Statistics
  37. Excel 2010 for Engineering Statistics
  38. Excel 2010 for Environmental Sciences Statistics
  39. Excel 2010 for Health Services Management Statistics
  40. Excel 2010 for Human Resource Management Statistics
  41. Excel 2010 for Physical Sciences Statistics
  42. Excel 2010 for Social Science Statistics
  43. Excel 2013 for Biological and Life Sciences Statistics
  44. Excel 2013 for Business Statistics
  45. Excel 2013 for Educational and Psychological Statistics
  46. Excel 2013 for Engineering Statistics
  47. Excel 2013 for Environmental Sciences Statistics
  48. Excel 2013 for Health Services Management Statistics
  49. Excel 2013 for Human Resource Management Statistics
  50. Excel 2013 for Physical Sciences Statistics
  51. Excel 2013 for Social Sciences Statistics
  52. Excel 2016 for Advertising Statistics
  53. Excel 2016 for Biological and Life Sciences Statistics
  54. Excel 2016 for Business Statistics
  55. Excel 2016 for Educational and Psychological Statistics
  56. Excel 2016 for Engineering Statistics
  57. Excel 2016 for Environmental Sciences Statistics
  58. Excel 2016 for Health Services Management Statistics
  59. Excel 2016 for Human Resource Management Statistics
  60. Excel 2016 for Marketing Statistics
  61. Excel 2016 for Physical Sciences Statistics
  62. Excel 2016 for Social Science Statistics
  63. Excel 2016 for Social Work Statistics
  64. Excel 2016 in Applied Statistics for High School Students
  65. Excel 2019 for Advertising Statistics
  66. Excel 2019 for Biological and Life Sciences Statistics
  67. Excel 2019 for Business Statistics
  68. Excel 2019 for Educational and Psychological Statistics
  69. Excel 2019 for Engineering Statistics
  70. Excel 2019 for Environmental Sciences Statistics
  71. Excel 2019 for Health Services Management Statistics
  72. Excel 2019 for Human Resource Management Statistics
  73. Excel 2019 for Marketing Statistics
  74. Excel 2019 for Physical Sciences Statistics
  75. Excel 2019 for Social Science Statistics
  76. Excel 2019 for Social Work Statistics
  77. Excel 2019 in Applied Statistics for High School Students
  78. Excel 3.0
  79. Excel 4.0
  80. Excel 5 à la Carte
  81. Excel Crash Course for Engineers
  82. Excel Data Analysis
  83. Excel Data Analysis
  84. Excel Pivot Tables Recipe Book
  85. Excel für Fortgeschrittene am Beispiel der Darlehenskalkulation und Investitionsrechnung
  86. Excel für Techniker und Ingenieure
  87. Excel für Techniker und Ingenieure
  88. Excel für Techniker und Ingenieure
  89. Excel für technische Berufe
  90. Excel in Perfektion
  91. Excel in Perfektion
  92. Excel in Perfektion
  93. Excel und VBA
  94. Excel unter Windows
  95. Excel-Based Business Analysis
  96. Excel-Grundlagen der Makroprogrammierung
  97. Excel-VBA
  98. Excellence and Equity in Literacy Education
  99. Excellence in Accountancy
  100. Excellence in Banking
  101. Excellence in Banking — Revisited!
  102. Excellence in Change
  103. Excellence in Change
  104. Excellence in Change
  105. Excellence in Innovation Management
  106. Excellence in Sales
  107. Excellence in Scholarship
  108. Excelleren in de zorg
  109. Excelling in the Clinic
  110. Exception Handling
  111. Exceptional Children
  112. Exceptional Lifespans
  113. Exceptional Socialists
  114. Exceptional Violence and the Crisis of Classic American Literature
  115. Exceptionbehandlung und Synchronisation
  116. Excerpta Anestesiologica
  117. Excess Capacity and Difficulty of Exit
  118. Excess Cash Flow
  119. Excess Volatility in the Term Structure of Interest Rates, in Share Prices and in Eurozone Derivatives
  120. Excess in Modern Irish Writing
  121. Excessive Measures
  122. Excessive Pricing and Competition Law Enforcement
  123. Exchange Entitlement Mapping
  124. Exchange Rate Alignments
  125. Exchange Rate Determination and Optimal Economic Policy Under Various Exchange Rate Regimes
  126. Exchange Rate Forecasting: Techniques and Applications
  127. Exchange Rate Management in Interdependent Economies
  128. Exchange Rate Management: Theory and Evidence
  129. Exchange Rate Modelling
  130. Exchange Rate Policies, Prices and Supply-Side Response
  131. Exchange Rate Policy
  132. Exchange Rate Policy in Europe
  133. Exchange Rate Regimes
  134. Exchange Rate Regimes and Macroeconomic Stability
  135. Exchange Rate Rules
  136. Exchange Rate, Credit Constraints and China’s International Trade
  137. Exchange Rate, Second Round Effects and Inflation Processes
  138. Exchange Rates and International Financial Economics
  139. Exchange Rates and Macroeconomic Dynamics
  140. Exchange Rates and Prices
  141. Exchange Rates and the Firm
  142. Exchange Rates in Multicountry Econometric Models
  143. Exchange Rates, Capital Flows, and Monetary Policy in a Changing World Economy
  144. Exchange Rates, Currency Crisis and Monetary Cooperation in Asia
  145. Exchange Rates, Money and Output
  146. Exchange Risk and Corporate International Finance
  147. Exchange Server 2000: Installieren — Konfigurieren — Administrieren — Optimieren
  148. Exchange Server 2000: Installieren — Konfigurieren — Administrieren — Optimieren
  149. Exchange Traded Funds
  150. Exchange and Deception: A Feminist Perspective
  151. Exchange and Transport of Air Pollutants over Complex Terrain and the Sea
  152. Exchange of Information and Data Protection in Cross-border Criminal Proceedings in Europe
  153. Exchange-Rate Regimes and Currency Unions
  154. Exchange-Traded Funds
  155. Exchange-Traded Funds as an Investment Option
  156. Exchanges and Mutual Learning Among Asian Civilizations
  157. Exchanging Human Bodily Material: Rethinking Bodies and Markets
  158. Excimer Laser Technology
  159. Excimer Lasers
  160. Excimer Lasers
  161. Excimer Lasers
  162. Excipient Applications in Formulation Design and Drug Delivery
  163. Excise Taxation and the Origins of Public Debt
  164. Excitable Cells in Tissue Culture
  165. Excitation Energies and Properties of Open-Shell Singlet Molecules
  166. Excitation Energy Transfer Processes in Condensed Matter
  167. Excitation Energy and Electron Transfer in Photosynthesis
  168. Excitation Functions for Charged-Particle Induced Nuclear Reactions
  169. Excitation Spectra of Square Lattice Antiferromagnets
  170. Excitation of Atoms and Broadening of Spectral Lines
  171. Excitation of Plasmons and Interband Transitions by Electrons
  172. Excitation-Contraction Coupling and Cardiac Contractile Force
  173. Excitation-Contraction Coupling and Cardiac Contractile Force
  174. Excitation-Contraction Coupling in Skeletal, Cardiac, and Smooth Muscle
  175. Excitations in Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Quantum Fluids
  176. Excitatory Amino Acids
  177. Excitatory Amino Acids
  178. Excitatory Amino Acids and Epilepsy
  179. Excitatory Amino Acids and Neuronal Plasticity
  180. Excitatory Amino Acids and Second Messenger Systems
  181. Excitatory-Inhibitory Balance
  182. Excited States in Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
  183. Excited States in Quantum Chemistry
  184. Excited States of Biopolymers
  185. Excited States of Proteins and Nucleic Acids
  186. Excitement Processes
  187. Exciting Interdisciplinary Physics
  188. Exciting the Industry of Mankind George Berkeley’s Philosophy of Money
  189. Exciton Dynamics in Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals
  190. Exciton Dynamics in Molecular Crystals and Aggregates
  191. Exciton Polaritons in Microcavities
  192. Exciton Transport Phenomena in GaAs Coupled Quantum Wells
  193. Exciton and Domain Luminescence of Semiconductors / Eksitonnaya i Domennaya Lyuminestsentsiya Poluprovodnikov / Экситонная И Доменная Люминесценция Полупроводников
  194. Excitonic Processes in Solids
  195. Excitonic and Photonic Processes in Materials
  196. Excitons
  197. Excitons at High Density
  198. Excitons in Low-Dimensional Semiconductors
  199. Excitotoxicity in Neurological Diseases
  200. Excitotoxins