11992 publications

  1. Frauenfiguren des zeitgenössischen Mainstreamfilms
  2. Frauenforschung in universitären Disziplinen
  3. Frauenforschung und feministische Ansätze in der Kriminologie
  4. Frauenfragen sind Männerfragen
  5. Frauenförderung in der Arbeitsmarktpolitik
  6. Frauengestalten
  7. Fraueninteressen im Betrieb
  8. Frauenkarrieren
  9. Frauenkarrieren in der Medienbranche
  10. Frauenleitbilder und Bildung in der westdeutschen Nachkriegszeit
  11. Frauenliebe Männerliebe
  12. Frauenliteratur im universitären DaF-Unterricht in Südkorea
  13. Frauenorganisationen und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
  14. Frauenpolitik in Familienhand?
  15. Frauenpolitik: Gleichstellung oder Gesellschaftsveränderung
  16. Frauenpolitische Chancen globaler Politik
  17. Frauenporträts und -protokolle aus der DDR
  18. Frauenpower
  19. Frauenpower
  20. Frauenrechte sind Menschenrechte!
  21. Frauenuniversitäten
  22. Frauenverbände in Deutschland
  23. Frauenwelt — Computerräume
  24. Frauenwelten in der Antike
  25. Frauenwelten in der Antike
  26. Frauenwelten — Männerwelten
  27. Freche Verse — physikalisch
  28. Fred Hoyle’s Universe
  29. Frederic W. Harmer: A Scientific Biography
  30. Frederick Douglass, a Psychobiography
  31. Frederick Sanger
  32. Frederick Soddy (1877–1956)
  33. Frederick the Great
  34. Fredholm and Local Spectral Theory II
  35. Fredholm and Local Spectral Theory, with Applications to Multipliers
  36. Fredric Jameson: A Critical Reader
  37. Free Activities and Interpersonal Relations
  38. Free Boundaries in Viscous Flows
  39. Free Boundary Problems
  40. Free Boundary Problems
  41. Free Boundary Problems
  42. Free Boundary Problems and Asymptotic Behavior of Singularly Perturbed Partial Differential Equations
  43. Free Boundary Problems in Continuum Mechanics
  44. Free Boundary Problems in Fluid Dynamics
  45. Free Boundary Problems in PDEs and Particle Systems
  46. Free Boundary Value Problems
  47. Free Convection Film Flows and Heat Transfer
  48. Free Convection Film Flows and Heat Transfer
  49. Free Discontinuity Problems
  50. Free Electron Lasers
  51. Free Energy Calculations
  52. Free Energy Transduction and Biochemical Cycle Kinetics
  53. Free Energy and Self-Interacting Particles
  54. Free Exercise of Religion in the Liberal Polity
  55. Free Fatty Acid Receptors
  56. Free Flaps in Head and Neck Reconstruction
  57. Free Market Economics
  58. Free Market Environmentalism
  59. Free Market Environmentalism for the Next Generation
  60. Free Markets and the Culture of Common Good
  61. Free Money for All
  62. Free Movement of Civil Judgments in the European Union and the Right to a Fair Trial
  63. Free Nitroxyl Radicals
  64. Free Piston Stirling Engines
  65. Free Probability and Random Matrices
  66. Free Radical Biology and Environmental Toxicity
  67. Free Radical Copolimerization Dispersions Glassy State Relaxation
  68. Free Radical Reactions in Medicine
  69. Free Radical and Antioxidant Protocols
  70. Free Radicals and Aging
  71. Free Radicals and Antioxidant Protocols
  72. Free Radicals and Inflammation
  73. Free Radicals and Inhalation Pathology
  74. Free Radicals and the Liver
  75. Free Radicals in Biology and Environment
  76. Free Radicals in Diagnostic Medicine
  77. Free Radicals in ENT Pathology
  78. Free Radicals in Human Health and Disease
  79. Free Radicals in Organic Synthesis
  80. Free Radicals in Synthesis and Biology
  81. Free Radicals in the Brain
  82. Free Radicals, Lipoproteins, and Membrane Lipids
  83. Free Radicals, Oxidative Stress, and Antioxidants
  84. Free Radicals: from Basic Science to Medicine
  85. Free Revealing
  86. Free Slaves, Freetown, and the Sierra Leonean Civil War
  87. Free Space Laser Communication with Ambient Light Compensation
  88. Free Space Optical Communication
  89. Free Speech and False Speech
  90. Free Speech and the State
  91. Free Surface Flows
  92. Free Surface Flows and Transport Processes
  93. Free Surface Flows under Compensated Gravity Conditions
  94. Free Trade Agreements
  95. Free Trade Agreements and Globalisation
  96. Free Trade or Protection?
  97. Free Trade within North America: Expanding Trade for Prosperity
  98. Free Will
  99. Free Will
  100. Free Will
  101. Free Will & Action
  102. Free Will and Consciousness in the Multiverse
  103. Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and other Alternative License Models
  104. Free-Convective Heat Transfer
  105. Free-Electron Lasers in the Ultraviolet and X-Ray Regime
  106. Free-Radical Retrograde-Precipitation Polymerization (FRRPP)
  107. Free-Radical Synthesis and Functionalization of Heterocycles
  108. Free-Radical-Induced DNA Damage and Its Repair
  109. Free-Space Laser Communications
  110. Free-living Marine Nematodes from the East China Sea
  111. Freedom
  112. Freedom 7
  113. Freedom After the Critique of Foundations
  114. Freedom Determinism Indeterminism
  115. Freedom North: Black Freedom Struggles Outside the South, 1940–1980
  116. Freedom Research in Education
  117. Freedom and Capitalism in Early Modern Europe
  118. Freedom and Confinement in Modernity
  119. Freedom and Dignity
  120. Freedom and Enforcement in Action
  121. Freedom and Evolution
  122. Freedom and Finance
  123. Freedom and Limit
  124. Freedom and Rationality
  125. Freedom and Restriction in Science and its Aspects in Society
  126. Freedom and School Choice in American Education
  127. Freedom and Security
  128. Freedom and Serfdom
  129. Freedom and Social Inclusion in a Connected World
  130. Freedom and Value
  131. Freedom and the Will
  132. Freedom as Non-Constraint
  133. Freedom in Mathematics
  134. Freedom in the Anthropocene: Twentieth-Century Helplessness in the Face of Climate Change
  135. Freedom of Contract and Paternalism
  136. Freedom of Expression in Eighteenth Century Russia
  137. Freedom of Expression in a Diverse World
  138. Freedom of Information Law and Good Governance
  139. Freedom of Religion and Belief in Turkey
  140. Freedom of Speech and Information in Global Perspective
  141. Freedom of Speech and Its Limits
  142. Freedom of the Press in India
  143. Freedom — Determinism Indeterminism
  144. Freedom, Efficiency and Equality
  145. Freedom, Indeterminism, and Fallibilism
  146. Freedom, Peace, and Secession
  147. Freedom, Power and Political Morality
  148. Freedom, Recognition and Non-Domination
  149. Freedom, Responsibility and God
  150. Freedom, Responsibility and Obligation
  151. Freedom, Responsibility, and Therapy
  152. Freedom, Rights and Pornography
  153. Freedom, Security and Justice in the European Union
  154. Freedoms, Fragility and Job Creation
  155. Freeform Tools in CAD Systems
  156. Freeing Ourselves
  157. Freelance IT
  158. Freer Trade, Sustainability, and the Primary Production Sector in the Southern EU: Unraveling the Evidence from Greece
  159. Freestanding Houses
  160. Freeway Traffic Modelling and Control
  161. Freeze-Etch Histology
  162. Freezing Assets
  163. Freezing Colloids: Observations, Principles, Control, and Use
  164. Freezing of Lakes and the Evolution of Their Ice Cover
  165. Freezing of Lakes and the Evolution of their Ice Cover
  166. Frege Synthesized
  167. Frege on Absolute and Relative Truth
  168. Frege: Sense and Reference One Hundred Years Later
  169. Frege’s Notations
  170. Frei sprechen
  171. Frei sprechen
  172. Frei von Erziehung, reich an Beziehung
  173. Freiarbeit aus SchülerInnen-Perspektive
  174. Freiberufler werden
  175. Freie Advocatur
  176. Freie Alternativschulen in Deutschland
  177. Freie Bahn für die Kurpfuscher?
  178. Freie Durchforstung
  179. Freie Elektronen in Festkörpern
  180. Freie Journalisten und ihre berufliche Identität
  181. Freie Mitarbeit in den Medien
  182. Freie Radikale - Warum Wissenschaftler sich nicht an Regeln halten
  183. Freie in Lokalredaktionen
  184. Freie und Bedeckte Ablation
  185. Freier Wille – freie Wahl
  186. Freies Explorieren zum Thema elektrischer Stromkreis
  187. Freies Skizzieren ohne und nach Modell für Maschinenbauer
  188. Freies Skizzieren ohne und nach Modell für Maschinenbauer
  189. Freiformflächen in der rechnerunterstützten Karosseriekonstruktion und im Industriedesign
  190. Freiformschmiede
  191. Freiformschmiede
  192. Freiformschmiede
  193. Freiformschmiede
  194. Freiformschmiede
  195. Freigegebene und nicht freigegebene Arzneimittel
  196. Freigegebene und nicht freigegebene Arzneimittel
  197. Freight Forwarder's Intermediary Role in Multimodal Transport Chains
  198. Freight Transport Planning and Logistics
  199. Freihandelszonen in Nordamerika
  200. Freiheit der Forschung und Lehre?