11337 publications

  1. How To Be An Agnostic
  2. How To Study Public Life
  3. How To Write Your First Thesis
  4. How Toddlers Learn the Secret Language of Movies
  5. How Trade Liberalization Affects a Sugar Dependent Community in Jamaica
  6. How Trade with China Threatens Western Institutions
  7. How Transistor Area Shrank by 1 Million Fold
  8. How Uncertainty-Related Ideas Can Provide Theoretical Explanation For Empirical Dependencies
  9. How Unified Is the European Union?
  10. How Water Influences Our Lives
  11. How We Cope with Digital Technology
  12. How We Learn and Become Experts
  13. How We Talk to Each Other - The Messages We Send With Our Words and Body Language
  14. How We Understand Mathematics
  15. How We Use the Media
  16. How Western European Nuclear Policy Is Made
  17. How World-Class Universities Affect Global Higher Education
  18. How and Why States Defect from Contemporary Military Coalitions
  19. How and Why to Regulate False Political Advertising in Australia
  20. How do Brains Work?
  21. How does MRI work?
  22. How does the Galaxy Work?
  23. How is Society Possible?
  24. How the Chinese Economy Works
  25. How the Chinese Economy Works
  26. How the Chinese Economy Works
  27. How the Communist Party of China Manages the Issue of Nationality
  28. How the Fed Moves Markets
  29. How the Greeks Built Cities
  30. How the Holocaust Looks Now
  31. How the Immune System Recognizes Self and Nonself
  32. How the Internet Shapes Collective Actions
  33. How the Metaverse Will Reshape Business and Sustainability
  34. How the SELF Controls Its BRAIN
  35. How the Troubles Came to Northern Ireland
  36. How the World Computes
  37. How to Account for Foreign Currencies
  38. How to Achieve Business Success in Korea
  39. How to Appreciate Your Customers
  40. How to Become a Consultant
  41. How to Become an Effective Course Director
  42. How to Begin Studying English Literature
  43. How to Brand Nations, Cities and Destinations
  44. How to Build a Human Brain
  45. How to Build a Life in the Humanities
  46. How to Build a Modern Tontine
  47. How to Catch a Phish
  48. How to Choose and Use Advisors
  49. How to Code .NET
  50. How to Commercialise Research in Biotechnology?
  51. How to Compete in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
  52. How to Count
  53. How to Create a Web3 Startup
  54. How to Create the Next Facebook
  55. How to Deal with Climate Change?
  56. How to Develop Your Creative Identity at Work
  57. How to Do Science with Models
  58. How to Drive a Nuclear Reactor
  59. How to Enhance Morality
  60. How to Examine the Nervous System
  61. How to Excel in Your Doctoral Viva
  62. How to Feed the World
  63. How to Find the Apollo Landing Sites
  64. How to Fulfil the UN Sustainability Goals
  65. How to Gain Gain
  66. How to Gain Gain
  67. How to Get Government Contracts
  68. How to Get Things Right
  69. How to Handle Problem Loans
  70. How to Improve the Results of Peripheral Nerve Surgery
  71. How to Invent
  72. How to Kill the Scrum Monster
  73. How to Label a Graph
  74. How to Learn and Practice Science
  75. How to Make Boards Work
  76. How to Make Money by Fast Trading
  77. How to Make Things Happen
  78. How to Make a Database in Historical Studies
  79. How to Make a Game
  80. How to Manage Your Global Reputation
  81. How to Manage Your Global Reputation
  82. How to Manage your Arts, Humanities and Social Science Degree
  83. How to Manage your Distance and Open Learning Course
  84. How to Manage your Postgraduate Course
  85. How to Manage your Science and Technology Degree
  86. How to Market Computers and Information Technology
  87. How to Market Computers and Office Systems
  88. How to Measure Angles from Foot Radiographs
  89. How to Measure Digital Marketing
  90. How to Measure and Evaluate Community Health
  91. How to Measure the Quality of Judicial Reasoning
  92. How to Multiply Matrices Faster
  93. How to Observe the Sun Safely
  94. How to Observe the Sun Safely
  95. How to Obtain Abundant Clean Energy
  96. How to Overcome the Antibiotic Crisis
  97. How to Perform Ultrasonography in Endometriosis
  98. How to Perform a Systematic Literature Review
  99. How to Photograph the Moon and Planets with Your Digital Camera
  100. How to Photograph the Moon and Planets with Your Digital Camera
  101. How to Practice Academic Medicine and Publish from Developing Countries?
  102. How to Produce Methanol from Coal
  103. How to Program Using Java
  104. How to Provide Authentic Feedback in Medical Education
  105. How to Recruit and Hire Great Software Engineers
  106. How to Reliably Test for GMOs
  107. How to Rise to the Top...and Stay There!
  108. How to Save the FMCG Industry
  109. How to Save the Underclass
  110. How to Solve It: Modern Heuristics
  111. How to Solve It: Modern Heuristics
  112. How to Solve Real-world Optimization Problems
  113. How to Speak Tech
  114. How to Speak Tech
  115. How to Start and Run your Own Business
  116. How to Stop Crime
  117. How to Stop School Rampage Killing
  118. How to Store CO2 Underground: Insights from early-mover CCS Projects
  119. How to Study Chaucer
  120. How to Study Foreign Languages
  121. How to Study Global Christianity
  122. How to Study James Joyce
  123. How to Study Linguistics
  124. How to Study Modern Drama
  125. How to Study Modern Poetry
  126. How to Study Physics Effectively and Sustainably
  127. How to Study Romantic Poetry
  128. How to Study Television
  129. How to Study a Charles Dickens Novel
  130. How to Study a D. H. Lawrence Novel
  131. How to Study a Jane Austen Novel
  132. How to Study a Joseph Conrad Novel
  133. How to Study a Novel
  134. How to Study a Novel: A Students’ Guide
  135. How to Study a Poet
  136. How to Study a Renaissance Play
  137. How to Study a Shakespeare Play
  138. How to Study a Shakespeare Play
  139. How to Study a Thomas Hardy Novel
  140. How to Study an E. M. Forster Novel
  141. How to Study: A Practical Guide
  142. How to Talk About Spiritual Encounters
  143. How to Teach a Course in Research Methods for Psychology Students
  144. How to Think About Meaning
  145. How to Think Ethically about Global Issues
  146. How to Think about Progress
  147. How to Value a Bank
  148. How to Win Customers in the Digital World
  149. How to Work with Space
  150. How to Write Better Medical Papers
  151. How to Write History that People Want to Read
  152. How to Write Technical Reports
  153. How to Write Technical Reports
  154. How to Write a Better Thesis
  155. How to Write a Competitive R01 Grant
  156. How to Write a Successful Research Grant Application
  157. How to Write a Successful Research Grant Application
  158. How to Write the Global History of Knowledge-Making
  159. How to be Critically Open-Minded — A Psychological and Historical Analysis
  160. How to be Headhunted Across Europe
  161. How to be a Successful Scientist
  162. How to be a Web Developer
  163. How to face ‘the faces’ of Cardiac Pacing
  164. How to get a „Dr.“ – die ganze Welt der Promotion
  165. How to set up an Acute Stroke Service
  166. How-to Guide for Active Learning
  167. How-to Guide for Team-Based Learning
  168. Howard Barker: Ecstasy and Death
  169. Howard Barker: Politics and Desire
  170. Howards End
  171. Howards End by E. M. Forster
  172. Howler Monkeys
  173. Howler Monkeys
  174. Hox Genes
  175. Hox Genes
  176. Hrotsvit von Gandersheim
  177. Huaorani of the Western Snippet
  178. Huawei
  179. Huawei Goes Global
  180. Huawei Goes Global
  181. Huawei Wisdom
  182. Hub&Spoke-Netzwerke in der Logistik
  183. Hubble
  184. Hubble 15 Years of Discovery
  185. Hubble Revisited
  186. Hubble, Humason and the Big Bang
  187. Hubert Fichte
  188. Hubert und Jan van Eyck
  189. Hubschrauberverkehr
  190. Hucho - Aerodynamik des Automobils
  191. Hucho - Aerodynamik des Automobils
  192. Huckepack durch die Kinderonkologie
  193. Huckepack durch die Kinderonkologie
  194. Hugh MacDiarmid
  195. Hughes Syndrome
  196. Hughes Syndrome
  197. Hughes Syndrome
  198. Hughes Syndrome
  199. Hughes Syndrome: Highways and Byways
  200. Hughes Syndrome: The Antiphospholipid Syndrome