16311 publications

  1. Islamic Finance
  2. Islamic Finance
  3. Islamic Finance
  4. Islamic Finance Alternatives for Emerging Economies: Empirical Evidence from Turkey
  5. Islamic Finance Practices
  6. Islamic Finance and Africa's Economic Resurgence
  7. Islamic Finance and Circular Economy
  8. Islamic Finance and Global Capitalism
  9. Islamic Finance and Sustainable Development
  10. Islamic Finance in Europe
  11. Islamic Finance in Western Higher Education
  12. Islamic Finance in the Light of Modern Economic Theory
  13. Islamic Finance, FinTech, and the Road to Sustainability
  14. Islamic Finance, Risk-Sharing and Macroeconomic Stability
  15. Islamic Finance: Theory and Practice
  16. Islamic Financial Institutions from the Early Modern Period to the 20th Century
  17. Islamic Financial Products
  18. Islamic Fundamentalism in Egyptian Politics
  19. Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorism, 1979–95
  20. Islamic Geometric Patterns
  21. Islamic Higher Education in Indonesia
  22. Islamic Identity, Postcoloniality, and Educational Policy
  23. Islamic Identity, Postcoloniality, and Educational Policy
  24. Islamic Insurance Products
  25. Islamic Jurisprudence
  26. Islamic Law and Transnational Diplomatic Law
  27. Islamic Law in Malaysia
  28. Islamic Literature in Contemporary Turkey
  29. Islamic Marketing
  30. Islamic Militant Activism in Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany
  31. Islamic Monetary Economics and Institutions
  32. Islamic Narrative and Authority in Southeast Asia
  33. Islamic Organizations in Europe and the USA
  34. Islamic Perspectives on Science and Technology
  35. Islamic Philanthropy
  36. Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology in Dialogue
  37. Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology on the Perennial Issue of Microcosm and Macrocosm
  38. Islamic Philosophy and the Ethics of Belief
  39. Islamic Reform and Colonial Discourse on Modernity in India
  40. Islamic Religious Authority in a Modern Age
  41. Islamic Revivalism and Politics in Malaysia
  42. Islamic Schooling in the West
  43. Islamic Schools in France
  44. Islamic Social Finance
  45. Islamic State and the Coming Global Confrontation
  46. Islamic States in Java 1500–1700
  47. Islamic Sufism Unbound
  48. Islamic Sustainable Finance, Law and Innovation
  49. Islamic Traditions of Refuge in the Crises of Iraq and Syria
  50. Islamic Wealth and the SDGs
  51. Islamic perspectives relating to business, arts, culture and communication
  52. Islamicity Indices: The Seed for Change
  53. Islamische Bildungsarbeit in der Schule
  54. Islamische Religionsgemeinschaften als politische Akteure in Deutschland
  55. Islamische Seelsorge
  56. Islamische Theologie im deutschen Wissenschaftssystem
  57. Islamischer Fundamentalismus vor den Toren Europas
  58. Islamischer Fundamentalismus vor den Toren Europas
  59. Islamischer Religionsunterricht in Deutschland
  60. Islamism and Post-Islamism in Iran
  61. Islamism and Secularism in North Africa
  62. Islamism and the Quest for Hegemony in Indonesia
  63. Islamism, Arab Spring, and the Future of Democracy
  64. Islamism, Crisis and Democratization
  65. Islamist Extremism in Kosovo and the Countries of the Region
  66. Islamist Militancy in Bangladesh
  67. Islamist Party Mobilization
  68. Islamist Populism in Turkey and Indonesia: A Comparative Analysis
  69. Islamist Terrorism and Militancy in Indonesia
  70. Islamistische Gewalttaten in Westeuropa
  71. Islamistische Radikalisierung
  72. Islamistischer Terrorismus in Deutschland
  73. Islamkonforme Versicherungsprodukte
  74. Islamophober Populismus
  75. Islamophobia
  76. Islamophobia and Psychiatry
  77. Islamophobia and Radicalization
  78. Islamophobia and Securitisation
  79. Islamophobia and Securitization
  80. Islamophobia in America
  81. Islamophobia in Britain
  82. Islamophobia, Victimisation and the Veil
  83. Islampolitik und Deutsche Islam Konferenz
  84. Islamverherrlichung
  85. Islam’s Marriage with Neoliberalism
  86. Island Constraints
  87. Island Disputes and Maritime Regime Building in East Asia
  88. Island Ecology
  89. Island Ecosystems
  90. Island Futures
  91. Island Thinking
  92. Island of Reil (Insula) in the Human Brain
  93. Island — Eine Literaturgeschichte
  94. Island, Ocean and Deep-Sea Biology
  95. Islands
  96. Islands and Resilience
  97. Islands for Offshore Nuclear Power Stations
  98. Islands in the Sand
  99. Islands, Mounds and Atoms
  100. Islets of Langerhans
  101. Islets of Langerhans, 2. ed.
  102. IsoGeometric Analysis: A New Paradigm in the Numerical Approximation of PDEs
  103. Isochronous Wireless Network for Real-time Communication in Industrial Automation
  104. Isoconversional Kinetics of Thermally Stimulated Processes
  105. Isocracy
  106. Isocrates
  107. Isodose Atlas
  108. Isodual Theory of Antimatter
  109. Isodyne Stress Analysis
  110. Isoenzymes
  111. Isoenzymes
  112. Isoenzymes
  113. Isoenzymes
  114. Isoflurane
  115. Isogeometric Analysis and Applications 2014
  116. Isogeometric Analysis and Applications 2018
  117. Isogeometric Methods for Numerical Simulation
  118. Isogeometric Topology Optimization
  119. Isolated Central Nervous System Circuits
  120. Isolated Liver Perfusion for Hepatic Tumors
  121. Isolated Neutron Stars: From the Surface to the Interior
  122. Isolated Objects in Quadratic Gravity
  123. Isolation and Aggregation in Economics
  124. Isolation and Language Change
  125. Isolation and Molecular Characterization of Circulating Tumor Cells
  126. Isolation of Plant Organelles and Structures
  127. Isolation, Characterization and Utilization of CNS Stem Cells
  128. Isolieroele
  129. Isolierte Partner
  130. Isolierung homogen gelöster Übergangsmetall-Komplexkatalysatoren aus Produktgemischen
  131. Isolierung und Untersuchung von löslichen Wollproteinbestandteilen aus hydrolytisch geschädigter Wolle
  132. Isolierung und Untersuchungen der Oxydeinschlüsse in unberuhigten und teilberuhigten Stählen
  133. Isolierungstechnische Untersuchungen an Thomasroheisen
  134. Isomonodromic Deformations and Frobenius Manifolds
  135. Isomorphisms between H1 Spaces
  136. Isomorphisms of Types
  137. Isomorphisms, Symmetry and Computations in Algebraic Graph Theory
  138. Isoperimetric Inequalities in Riemannian Manifolds
  139. Isophotometric Atlas of Comets
  140. Isopodenreste aus der altplistozänen Spaltenfüllung von Hundsheim bei Deutsch-Altenburg (Niederösterreich)
  141. Isoprenoid Synthesis in Plants and Microorganisms
  142. Isoquinoline Alkaloids Research 1972–1977
  143. Isoquinolines And Beta-Carbolines As Neurotoxins And Neuroprotectants
  144. Isoscapes
  145. Isospecific Polymerization of Olefins
  146. Isospectral Transformations
  147. Isostasie und Schweremessung
  148. Isotope Effects
  149. Isotope Effects in NMR Spectroscopy
  150. Isotope Geochronology of the Exposed Rocks in the Cyrenaica Basin, NE Libya
  151. Isotope Geology of the Norilsk Deposits
  152. Isotope Low-Dimensional Structures
  153. Isotope Shifts in Atomic Spectra
  154. Isotope labeling in Biomolecular NMR
  155. Isotope-Based Quantum Information
  156. Isotopeneffekte in einer hochfrequenzerzeugten Wasserstoff-Deuterium-Entladung
  157. Isotopentrennung von Gasen durch Thermodiffusion mit einer in einem geschlossenen Gehäuse rotierenden Scheibe
  158. Isotopes and the Natural Environment
  159. Isotopes in Condensed Matter
  160. Isotopes in Economic Geology, Metallogenesis and Exploration
  161. Isotopes in Palaeoenvironmental Research
  162. Isotopes in the Earth Sciences
  163. Isotopes in the Water Cycle
  164. Isotopes of the Earth's Hydrosphere
  165. Isotopic Landscapes in Bioarchaeology
  166. Isotopic Proveniencing and Mobility
  167. Isotopic Signatures and Sedimentary Records
  168. Isotopic Studies of Azolla and Nitrogen Fertilization of Rice
  169. Isotopic Tracer Techniques in Preclinical Research
  170. Isotrope Geometrie des Raumes
  171. Isotropic and Anisotropic Seismic Tomography Using Active Source and Earthquake Records
  172. Isozymes in Plant Biology
  173. Israel
  174. Israel
  175. Israel
  176. Israel
  177. Israel
  178. Israel
  179. Israel Gohberg and Friends
  180. Israel and Europe
  181. Israel and Its Mediterranean Identity
  182. Israel and Latin America: The Military Connection
  183. Israel and the Diaspora: Jewish Connectivity in a Changing World
  184. Israel and the Palestinian Refugees
  185. Israel in Nahost — Deutschland in Europa: Nahtstellen
  186. Israel the Peaceful Belligerent, 1967–79
  187. Israel — Gesellschaft im Wandel
  188. Israel's Exodus in Transdisciplinary Perspective
  189. Israel's Technology Economy
  190. Israel/Palestine in World Religions
  191. Israel: National Security and Securitization
  192. Israeli Exceptionalism
  193. Israeli Identity, Thick Recognition and Conflict Transformation
  194. Israeli Media and the Framing of Internal Conflict
  195. Israeli Sociology
  196. Israeli Strategies in the Middle East
  197. Israelische Charedim und politische Moderne
  198. Israel’s Asymmetric Wars
  199. Israel’s Covert Diplomacy in Lebanon
  200. Israel’s Invisible Negev Bedouin