1820 publications

  1. Japanese Writers and the West
  2. Japanese and Korean Politics
  3. Japanese and Russian Politics
  4. Japanese and Western Bioethics
  5. Japanese and Western Phenomenology
  6. Japanese at Work
  7. Japanische Direktinvestitionen in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft
  8. Japanische Greueltaten in Nanking
  9. Japanische Plakate Sechziger Jahre bis heute
  10. Japanische Populärkultur und Gender
  11. Japanisches Management in internationalen Unternehmen
  12. Japanization at Work
  13. Japans Banken in der Krise
  14. Japans Wandel von der Agrar- zur Industriegesellschaft
  15. Japans Zukunftsindustrien
  16. Japans neue Immigrationspolitik
  17. Japan’s Agro-Food Sector
  18. Japan’s Alliance Politics and Defence Production
  19. Japan’s Arduous Rejuvenation as a Global Power
  20. Japan’s Asian Diplomacy
  21. Japan’s Colonialism and Indonesia
  22. Japan’s Development Assistance
  23. Japan’s Disaster Governance
  24. Japan’s Economic Involvement in Eastern Europe and Eurasia
  25. Japan’s Economic Policy
  26. Japan’s Economic Revival
  27. Japan’s Evolving Foreign Policy Doctrine
  28. Japan’s Financial Slump
  29. Japan’s First Modern War
  30. Japan’s Foreign Aid Policy in Africa: Evaluating the TICAD Process
  31. Japan’s Foreign Policy Making
  32. Japan’s Foreign Policy in the 1990s
  33. Japan’s Foreign and Security Policy Under the ‘Abe Doctrine’: New Dynamism or New Dead End?
  34. Japan’s Great Stagnation and Abenomics
  35. Japan’s Growing Power over East Asia and the World Economy: Ends and Means
  36. Japan’s Industrial Technology Development
  37. Japan’s Industrious Revolution
  38. Japan’s International Cooperation in Education
  39. Japan’s Long Stagnation, Deflation, and Abenomics
  40. Japan’s Lost Decade
  41. Japan’s Maritime Security Strategy
  42. Japan’s Military Renaissance?
  43. Japan’s New Imperialism
  44. Japan’s Nuclear Crisis
  45. Japan’s Nuclear Disarmament Policy and the U.S. Security Umbrella
  46. Japan’s Nuclear Identity and Its Implications for Nuclear Abolition
  47. Japan’s Peacekeeping at a Crossroads
  48. Japan’s Population Implosion
  49. Japan’s Quest for a Permanent Security Council Seat
  50. Japan’s Quest for a Permanent Security Council Seat
  51. Japan’s Reluctant Realism
  52. Japan’s Rush to the Pacific War
  53. Japan’s School Curriculum for the 2020s
  54. Japan’s Top Management from the Inside
  55. Japan’s Trade Frictions
  56. Jasmonate Signaling
  57. Jasmonate in Plant Biology
  58. Jasmonates and Salicylates Signaling in Plants
  59. Jatropha, Challenges for a New Energy Crop
  60. Jatropha, Challenges for a New Energy Crop
  61. Jatropha, Challenges for a New Energy Crop
  62. Jaundice
  63. Jaundice During Pregnancy
  64. Java
  65. Java 13 Revealed
  66. Java 17 Quick Syntax Reference
  67. Java 17 Recipes
  68. Java 17 for Absolute Beginners
  69. Java 7 Recipes
  70. Java 7 for Absolute Beginners
  71. Java 8 Recipes
  72. Java 9 Modularity Revealed
  73. Java 9 Recipes
  74. Java 9 Revealed
  75. Java APIs, Extensions and Libraries
  76. Java Challenges
  77. Java Closures and Lambda
  78. Java Design Patterns
  79. Java Design Patterns
  80. Java Design Patterns
  81. Java EE 7 Recipes
  82. Java EE 8 Recipes
  83. Java EE Web Application Primer
  84. Java EE to Jakarta EE 10 Recipes
  85. Java Game Development with LibGDX
  86. Java I/O, NIO and NIO.2
  87. Java Image Processing Recipes
  88. Java Lambdas and Parallel Streams
  89. Java Language Features
  90. Java Methods for Financial Engineering
  91. Java Microarchitectures
  92. Java Persistence for Relational Databases
  93. Java Program Design
  94. Java Quick Syntax Reference
  95. Java Quick Syntax Reference
  96. Java Regular Expressions: Taming the java.util.regex Engine
  97. Java Software Development with Event B
  98. Java Testing with Selenium
  99. Java Threads and the Concurrency Utilities
  100. Java Unit Testing with JUnit 5
  101. Java XML and JSON
  102. Java XML and JSON
  103. Java als erste Programmiersprache
  104. Java als erste Programmiersprache
  105. Java als erste Programmiersprache
  106. Java als erste Programmiersprache
  107. Java als erste Programmiersprache
  108. Java als erste Programmiersprache
  109. Java and Object Orientation: An Introduction
  110. Java and Object Orientation: An Introduction
  111. Java and the Java Virtual Machine
  112. Java for Absolute Beginners
  113. Java for Bioinformatics and Biomedical Applications
  114. Java for Practitioners
  115. Java für IT-Berufe
  116. Java für Teetrinker
  117. Java in 14 Wochen
  118. Java in Two Semesters
  119. Java in the 14th Century
  120. Java in the 14th Century
  121. Java in the 14th Century
  122. Java in the 14th Century
  123. Java in the 14th Century
  124. Java ist eine Sprache
  125. Java kompakt
  126. Java lernen in abgeschlossenen Lerneinheiten
  127. Java lernen in abgeschlossenen Lerneinheiten
  128. Java on Smart Cards:Programming and Security
  129. Java on the Raspberry Pi
  130. Java professionell programmieren
  131. Java unter Lotus Domino
  132. Java will nur spielen
  133. Java will nur spielen
  134. Java üben mit dem Plotter
  135. Java, Indonesia and Islam
  136. Java-Grundkurs für Wirtschaftsinformatiker
  137. Java-Grundkurs für Wirtschaftsinformatiker
  138. Java-Intensivkurs
  139. Java-Intensivkurs
  140. Java: Data Structures and Programming
  141. JavaFX 2.0: Introduction by Example
  142. JavaFX 8
  143. JavaFX 9 by Example
  144. JavaFX™ Special Effects
  145. JavaScript Creativity
  146. JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms
  147. JavaScript Essentials for SAP ABAP Developers
  148. JavaScript Frameworks for Modern Web Dev
  149. JavaScript Frameworks for Modern Web Development
  150. JavaScript Next
  151. JavaScript Object Programming
  152. JavaScript Programmer’s Reference
  153. JavaScript Quick Syntax Reference
  154. JavaScript Recipes
  155. JavaScript for Absolute Beginners
  156. JavaScript for Web Developers
  157. JavaServer Faces
  158. JavaServer Faces
  159. Java® für Fortgeschrittene
  160. Java™
  161. Java™
  162. Java™ 6 Platform Revealed
  163. Java™ Collections
  164. Jaya: An Advanced Optimization Algorithm and its Engineering Applications
  165. Jayme Tiomno
  166. Jazz
  167. Je bibbers de baas
  168. Je bibbers de baas
  169. Je fremdländischer desto einheimischer?
  170. Jealousy in Infants
  171. Jealousy, Femininity and Desire
  172. Jean Améry
  173. Jean Buridan’s Logic
  174. Jean Chapelain Soixante-Dix-Sept Lettres Inedites a Nicolas Heinsius (1649–1658)
  175. Jean Genet
  176. Jean Genet: Performance and Politics
  177. Jean Gerson and Gender
  178. Jean Grave and the Networks of French Anarchism, 1854-1939
  179. Jean Le Rond D'Alembert: A New Theory of the Resistance of Fluids
  180. Jean Leray ’99 Conference Proceedings
  181. Jean Monnet
  182. Jean Moulin, 1899–1943
  183. Jean Paul
  184. Jean Pauls Persönlichkeit in Berichten der Zeitgenossen
  185. Jean Pauls »Komet«
  186. Jean Price-Mars, the Haitian Elite and the American Occupation, 1915–1935
  187. Jean Rhys
  188. Jean Rhys
  189. Jean-Charles Houzeau's Escape from Texas
  190. Jean-François Lyotard
  191. Jean-François Reubell
  192. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  193. Jean-Luc Godard’s Political Filmmaking
  194. Jean-Paul Sartre
  195. Jean-Paul Sartre
  196. Jean-Philippe Rameaus Opern im ästhetischen Diskurs ihrer Zeit
  197. Jede Marke kann wachsen!
  198. Jede Marke kann wachsen!
  199. Jedem Kind sein Instrument
  200. Jeder Job kann glücklich machen