5422 publications

  1. Ophthalmology
  2. Ophthalmology Clerkship
  3. Ophthalmology and the Ageing Society
  4. Ophthalmology in Extreme Environments
  5. Ophthalmology in Military and Civilian Casualty Care
  6. Opial Inequalities with Applications in Differential and Difference Equations
  7. Opiatabhängigkeit
  8. Opiatabhängigkeit
  9. Opiate Addiction, Morality and Medicine
  10. Opiate Receptors and Antagonists
  11. Opilioacarida
  12. Opinion Control in the Democracies
  13. Opinion Dynamics and the Evolution of Social Power in Social Networks
  14. Opinion Mining im Web 2.0
  15. Opinion Mining in Information Retrieval
  16. Opinion Polls and the Media
  17. Opioid Agonists, Antagonists and Mixed Narcotic Analgesics
  18. Opioid Analgesics
  19. Opioid Dependence
  20. Opioid Dependence
  21. Opioid Food Peptides
  22. Opioid Peptides and Blood Pressure Control
  23. Opioid Prescribing Rates and Criminal Justice and Health Outcomes
  24. Opioid Receptors
  25. Opioid Receptors
  26. Opioid Research
  27. Opioid Therapy in Infants, Children, and Adolescents
  28. Opioid Use in Critical Care
  29. Opioide in der Medizin
  30. Opioide in der Medizin
  31. Opioide in der Medizin
  32. Opioide in der Medizin
  33. Opioide in der Medizin
  34. Opioide in der Medizin
  35. Opioide in der Medizin
  36. Opioide und Antagonisten
  37. Opioids
  38. Opioids
  39. Opioids II
  40. Opioids in Medicine
  41. Opioids, Bulimia, and Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism
  42. Opium and Empire in Southeast Asia
  43. Opium, Soldiers and Evangelicals
  44. Opponents of the Annales School
  45. Opportunismus in Franchisesystemen
  46. Opportunismus in Geschäftsbeziehungen
  47. Opportunismus und Finanzmärkte
  48. Opportunismus und Koordination in teamorientierten Strukturen
  49. Opportunistic Fungi, Nematode and Plant Interactions
  50. Opportunistic Infections
  51. Opportunistic Infections: Toxoplasma, Sarcocystis, and Microsporidia
  52. Opportunistic Intracellular Bacteria and Immunity
  53. Opportunistic Mobile Networks
  54. Opportunistic Networks
  55. Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio Networks
  56. Opportunistic Spectrum Utilization in Vehicular Communication Networks
  57. Opportunistische Koordinierung bei Werkstattfertigung
  58. Opportunities and Challenges at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
  59. Opportunities and Challenges for Applied Demography in the 21st Century
  60. Opportunities and Challenges for New and Peripheral Political Science Communities
  61. Opportunities and Challenges for Next-Generation Applied Intelligence
  62. Opportunities and Challenges in Development
  63. Opportunities and Challenges of the Therapies Targeting CNS Regeneration
  64. Opportunities and Constraints of Parallel Computing
  65. Opportunities and Pitfalls of Corporate Social Responsibility
  66. Opportunities and Risks in AI for Business Development
  67. Opportunities and Uses of the Ocean
  68. Opportunities for Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Rice and Other Non-Legumes
  69. Opportunities for Phytochemistry in Plant Biotechnology
  70. Opportunities, use, and transfer of systems research methods in agriculture to developing countries
  71. Opportunity Recognition
  72. Opportunity Recognition
  73. Opportunity Recognition
  74. Opportunity to Learn, Curriculum Alignment and Test Preparation
  75. Opposing Australia’s First Assisted Immigrants, 1832-42
  76. Opposing Europe in the European Parliament
  77. Opposing Perspectives on the Drone Debate
  78. Opposition Vanishing
  79. Opposition im Völkerrecht
  80. Opposition in Eastern Europe
  81. Opposition in der DDR von den 70er Jahren bis zum Zusammenbruch der SED-Herrschaft
  82. Opposition in the EU Multi-Level Polity
  83. Opposition in the GDR under Honecker, 1971–85
  84. Opposition und Verteidigungspolitik im gaullistischen Frankreich 1958–1973
  85. Oppositional Concepts in Computational Intelligence
  86. Oppositionelles Verhalten im ersten Deutschen Bundestag (1949–1953)
  87. Oppositions of Religious Doctrines
  88. Oppression and Resistance in Southern Higher and Adult Education
  89. Oppressive Liberation
  90. Oprah, Celebrity and Formations of Self
  91. Optic Diagnostics on Pulverized Coal Particles Combustion Dynamics and Alkali Metal Release Behavior
  92. Optic Disorders and Visual Field
  93. Optic Flow and Beyond
  94. Optic Nerve Disorders
  95. Optic Nerve Disorders
  96. Optical Absorption Spectra Calculated Using Linear-Scaling Density-Functional Theory
  97. Optical Absorption and Dispersion in Solids
  98. Optical Absorption of Impurities and Defects in Semiconducting Crystals
  99. Optical Absorption of Impurities and Defects in SemiconductingCrystals
  100. Optical Activity and Chiral Discrimination
  101. Optical Activity of Proteins and Other Macromolecules
  102. Optical And Microwave Technologies
  103. Optical Anisotropy of Biological Polycrystalline Networks
  104. Optical Beam Characterization via Phase-Space Tomography
  105. Optical Binding Phenomena: Observations and Mechanisms
  106. Optical Bistability
  107. Optical Bistability 2
  108. Optical Bistability III
  109. Optical Burst Switched Networks
  110. Optical Cavities for Optical Atomic Clocks, Atom Interferometry and Gravitational-Wave Detection
  111. Optical Channels
  112. Optical Character Recognition
  113. Optical Character Recognition Systems for Different Languages with Soft Computing
  114. Optical Characterization of Epitaxial Semiconductor Layers
  115. Optical Characterization of Plasmonic Nanostructures: Near-Field Imaging of the Magnetic Field of Light
  116. Optical Characterization of Solids
  117. Optical Characterization of Thin Solid Films
  118. Optical Chemical Sensors
  119. Optical Coatings
  120. Optical Code Division Multiple Access Communication Networks
  121. Optical Coherence Tomography
  122. Optical Coherence Tomography
  123. Optical Coherence Tomography
  124. Optical Coherence Tomography
  125. Optical Coherence Tomography in Age-Related Macular Degeneration
  126. Optical Coherence Tomography in Glaucoma
  127. Optical Coherence Tomography in Multiple Sclerosis
  128. Optical Coherence Tomography of the Anterior Segment
  129. Optical Communication Theory and Techniques
  130. Optical Communication over Plastic Optical Fibers
  131. Optical Communications
  132. Optical Communications
  133. Optical Communications
  134. Optical Communications
  135. Optical Components for Communications
  136. Optical Constants
  137. Optical Constants of Crystalline and Amorphous Semiconductors
  138. Optical Cooling Using the Dipole Force
  139. Optical Data Processing
  140. Optical Data Storage
  141. Optical Detectors For Astronomy II
  142. Optical Detectors for Astronomy
  143. Optical Diagnostics for Flow Processes
  144. Optical Fiber Fusion Splicing
  145. Optical Fiber Sensing and Structural Health Monitoring Technology
  146. Optical Fiber Sensor Technology
  147. Optical Fiber Sensor Technology
  148. Optical Fiber Sensor Technology
  149. Optical Fiber Sensor Technology
  150. Optical Fiber Sensor Technology
  151. Optical Fiber Sensor Technology
  152. Optical Fiber Sensors
  153. Optical Fiber Sensors for loT and Smart Devices
  154. Optical Fiber Systems and Their Components
  155. Optical Fiber Transmission Systems
  156. Optical Fibres and Sources for Communications
  157. Optical Flow and Trajectory Estimation Methods
  158. Optical Fluorescence Microscopy
  159. Optical Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave (FMCW) Interferometry
  160. Optical Generation and Control of Quantum Coherence in Semiconductor Nanostructures
  161. Optical Guided-wave Chemical and Biosensors I
  162. Optical Guided-wave Chemical and Biosensors II
  163. Optical Imaging Sensors and Systems for Homeland Security Applications
  164. Optical Imaging and Microscopy
  165. Optical Imaging and Microscopy
  166. Optical Imaging in Human Disease and Biological Research
  167. Optical Imaging of Brain Function and Metabolism
  168. Optical Imaging of Brain Function and Metabolism 2
  169. Optical Imaging of Cancer
  170. Optical Imaging of Neocortical Dynamics
  171. Optical Information Processing
  172. Optical Information Processing
  173. Optical Information Processing
  174. Optical Information Technology
  175. Optical Interconnections and Parallel Processing: Trends at the Interface
  176. Optical Interconnects
  177. Optical Interconnects
  178. Optical Interconnects for Future Data Center Networks
  179. Optical Interference Coatings
  180. Optical Interferometry for Biology and Medicine
  181. Optical Measurement Techniques
  182. Optical Measurement of Surface Topography
  183. Optical Measurements
  184. Optical Measurements
  185. Optical Measurements, Modeling, and Metrology, Volume 5
  186. Optical Metamaterials
  187. Optical Metamaterials by Block Copolymer Self-Assembly
  188. Optical Metamaterials: Qualitative Models
  189. Optical Methods and Instrumentation in Brain Imaging and Therapy
  190. Optical Methods and Physics of Colloidal Dispersions
  191. Optical Methods in Dynamics of Fluids and Solids
  192. Optical Methods in Engineering Metrology
  193. Optical Methods in Experimental Solid Mechanics
  194. Optical Metrology
  195. Optical Metrology and Optoacoustics in Nondestructive Evaluation of Materials
  196. Optical Metrology for Fluids, Combustion and Solids
  197. Optical Microresonators
  198. Optical Microscanners and Microspectrometers using Thermal Bimorph Actuators
  199. Optical Microscopy of Materials
  200. Optical Mineralogy