24416 publications

  1. Patient Flow: Reducing Delay in Healthcare Delivery
  2. Patient Frau
  3. Patient Involvement in Health Technology Assessment
  4. Patient Krankenhaus
  5. Patient Navigation
  6. Patient Preparation for Bariatric Surgery
  7. Patient Relationship Management
  8. Patient Relationship Management
  9. Patient Reported Outcome Measures in Rheumatic Diseases
  10. Patient Reported Outcomes and Quality of Life in Cardiovascular Interventions
  11. Patient Reported Outcomes and Quality of Life in Surgery
  12. Patient Safety
  13. Patient Safety
  14. Patient Safety and Quality Improvement in Healthcare
  15. Patient Safety and Quality in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation
  16. Patient Safety and Risk Management in Medicine
  17. Patient Safety in Surgery
  18. Patient Surveillance After Cancer Treatment
  19. Patient and Public Involvement in Health and Social Care Research
  20. Patient und Profitmedizin
  21. Patient — Infektion — Immunglobulin
  22. Patient, Arzt, Familie im Umgang mit Schmerz und Leid
  23. Patient-Centered Clinical Care for African Americans
  24. Patient-Centered Design of Cognitive Assistive Technology for Traumatic Brain Injury Telerehabilitation
  25. Patient-Centered Primary Care
  26. Patient-Centred Health Care
  27. Patient-Centred Medicine in Transition
  28. Patient-Derived Mouse Models of Cancer
  29. Patient-Derived Xenograft Models of Human Cancer
  30. Patient-Derived Xenografts
  31. Patient-Reported Outcomes and Experience
  32. Patient-Specific Computational Modeling
  33. Patient-Specific Controller for an Implantable Artificial Pancreas
  34. Patient-Specific Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Models
  35. Patient-Specific Modeling in Tomorrow's Medicine
  36. Patient-Specific Modeling of the Cardiovascular System
  37. Patient-specific Hemodynamic Computations: Application to Personalized Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Pathologies
  38. Patienten als Partner
  39. Patienten auf der Suche
  40. Patienten aus fremden Kulturen im Notarzt- und Rettungsdienst
  41. Patienten aus fremden Kulturen im Notarzt- und Rettungsdienst
  42. Patienten im Krankenhaus
  43. Patienten mit Gedächtnisstörungen
  44. Patienten mit intrakraniellen Tumoren
  45. Patienten und Angehörige richtig informieren
  46. Patientenaufklärung in der Urologie
  47. Patientenautonomie und informierte Einwilligung
  48. Patientenbezogene Krankenhausorganisation
  49. Patientencompliance
  50. Patientencompliance
  51. Patientencompliance – Messung, Typologie, Erfolgsfaktoren
  52. Patientenfragebögen in der Harninkontinenzdiagnostik
  53. Patientenidentifikation und Prozessorientierung
  54. Patienteninformationen Neurologie – Empfehlungen für Ärzte
  55. Patienteninformationen Sport in der Neurologie – Empfehlungen für Ärzte
  56. Patientenmanagement in der Physiotherapie, Ergotherapie und Logopädie
  57. Patientenorientierte Beratung in der Pflege
  58. Patientenorientierte Digitalisierung im Krankenhaus
  59. Patientenorientierte Gesprächsführung im Pflegeprozess
  60. Patientenorientierung im Krankenhaus
  61. Patientenorientierung im Qualitätsmanagement im Gesundheitswesen
  62. Patientenratgeber Blasenstörungen bei Erwachsenen und Kindern
  63. Patientenratgeber Harninkontinenz
  64. Patientenrecht Zweitmeinung
  65. Patientenrechte in Europa
  66. Patientenrechtegesetz
  67. Patientensicherheit
  68. Patientensicherheit und Risikomanagement
  69. Patientensicherheit und Risikomanagement in der Pflege
  70. Patientensicherheit, Arzthaftung, Praxis- und Krankenhausorganisation
  71. Patientenverfügungen
  72. Patientenvertrauen in Krankenhäuser
  73. Patientenwelten
  74. Patientenzentrierte Information in der onkologischen Versorgung
  75. Patientenzentrierte Medizin in Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
  76. Patients and Caregivers as Developers of Medical Devices
  77. Patients with Memory Disorders
  78. Patients, Doctors and Healers
  79. Patients’ Lived Experiences During the Transplant and Cellular Therapy Journey
  80. Patiënt en recht in de apotheek
  81. Patiënteninformatie Mond- en Kaakziekten
  82. Patiëntenvoorlichting en mondgezondheid
  83. Patologia e avversità dell’alveare
  84. Patriarchal Attitudes
  85. Patriarchal Hierarchy
  86. Patriarchal Lineages in 21st-Century Christian Courtship
  87. Patriarchal Theory Reconsidered
  88. Patriarchalismus in der DDR
  89. Patricia Highsmith on Screen
  90. Patrick Moore’s Millennium Yearbook
  91. Patrick Moore’s Observer’s Year: 366 Nights of the Universe
  92. Patrick Pearse
  93. Patrick Suppes
  94. Patrick Suppes: Scientific Philosopher
  95. Patrick White
  96. Patrick White’s Fiction
  97. Patriotismus in Deutschland
  98. Patriotismus in Deutschland
  99. Patriots Against Fashion
  100. Patrons and Artists in the Italian Renaissance
  101. Patrons, Curators, Inventors and Thieves
  102. Patt oder Gezeitenwechsel?
  103. Pattern Analysis
  104. Pattern Analysis
  105. Pattern Analysis and Understanding
  106. Pattern Analysis for Histopathologic Diagnosis of Melanocytic Lesions
  107. Pattern Analysis of the Human Connectome
  108. Pattern Analysis, Intelligent Security and the Internet of Things
  109. Pattern Asterisms: A New Way to Chart the Stars
  110. Pattern Calculus
  111. Pattern Classification
  112. Pattern Classification of Medical Images: Computer Aided Diagnosis
  113. Pattern Classifiers and Trainable Machines
  114. Pattern Detection and Discovery
  115. Pattern Formation at Interfaces
  116. Pattern Formation by Dynamic Systems and Pattern Recognition
  117. Pattern Formation in Continuous and Coupled Systems
  118. Pattern Formation in Granular Materials
  119. Pattern Formation in Liquid Crystals
  120. Pattern Formation in Morphogenesis
  121. Pattern Formation in Viscous Flows
  122. Pattern Formation in Zebrafish
  123. Pattern Mining with Evolutionary Algorithms
  124. Pattern Recognition
  125. Pattern Recognition
  126. Pattern Recognition
  127. Pattern Recognition
  128. Pattern Recognition
  129. Pattern Recognition
  130. Pattern Recognition
  131. Pattern Recognition
  132. Pattern Recognition
  133. Pattern Recognition
  134. Pattern Recognition
  135. Pattern Recognition
  136. Pattern Recognition
  137. Pattern Recognition
  138. Pattern Recognition
  139. Pattern Recognition
  140. Pattern Recognition
  141. Pattern Recognition
  142. Pattern Recognition
  143. Pattern Recognition
  144. Pattern Recognition
  145. Pattern Recognition
  146. Pattern Recognition
  147. Pattern Recognition
  148. Pattern Recognition
  149. Pattern Recognition
  150. Pattern Recognition
  151. Pattern Recognition
  152. Pattern Recognition
  153. Pattern Recognition
  154. Pattern Recognition
  155. Pattern Recognition
  156. Pattern Recognition
  157. Pattern Recognition
  158. Pattern Recognition
  159. Pattern Recognition
  160. Pattern Recognition
  161. Pattern Recognition
  162. Pattern Recognition
  163. Pattern Recognition
  164. Pattern Recognition
  165. Pattern Recognition
  166. Pattern Recognition
  167. Pattern Recognition
  168. Pattern Recognition
  169. Pattern Recognition
  170. Pattern Recognition
  171. Pattern Recognition
  172. Pattern Recognition
  173. Pattern Recognition
  174. Pattern Recognition
  175. Pattern Recognition
  176. Pattern Recognition
  177. Pattern Recognition
  178. Pattern Recognition - Applications and Methods
  179. Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
  180. Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
  181. Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
  182. Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
  183. Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
  184. Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
  185. Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
  186. Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
  187. Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
  188. Pattern Recognition Approach to Data Interpretation
  189. Pattern Recognition Problems in Geology and Paleontology
  190. Pattern Recognition Techniques Applied to Biomedical Problems
  191. Pattern Recognition Theory and Applications
  192. Pattern Recognition Theory and Applications
  193. Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
  194. Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
  195. Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
  196. Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
  197. Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
  198. Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
  199. Pattern Recognition and Classification
  200. Pattern Recognition and Computational Intelligence Techniques Using Matlab