31281 publications

  1. Time-Varying Vector Fields and Their Flows
  2. Time-dependent Partial Differential Equations and Their Numerical Solution
  3. Time-dependent Problems in Imaging and Parameter Identification
  4. Time-dependent and Vibration Problems
  5. Time-dependent and Vibration Problems
  6. Time-encoding VCO-ADCs for Integrated Systems-on-Chip
  7. Time-interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters
  8. Time-of-Flight Cameras
  9. Time-of-Flight Cameras and Microsoft Kinect™
  10. Time-of-Flight and Depth Imaging. Sensors, Algorithms, and Applications
  11. Time-of-Flight and Structured Light Depth Cameras
  12. Time-out
  13. Time-to-Digital Converters
  14. Time: A Philosophical Analysis
  15. Time: Its Structure and Role in Physical Theories
  16. Time: Towards a Consistent Theory
  17. Timed Boolean Functions
  18. Timed Petri Nets
  19. Timeless Management
  20. Timeless Quantum Mechanics and the Early Universe
  21. Timely Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer
  22. Timely Research Perspectives in Carbohydrate Chemistry
  23. Timely Topics
  24. Timemanagement voor docenten
  25. Times of Convergence. Technologies Across Learning Contexts
  26. Times of Insight: Conscience, Corporations, and the Common Good
  27. Times of Neolithic Transition along the Western Mediterranean
  28. Times of Terror
  29. Times, Persons, Places
  30. Time’s Arrow: The Origins of Thermodynamic Behavior
  31. Timing
  32. Timing Analysis and Optimization of Sequential Circuits
  33. Timing Channels in Cryptography
  34. Timing Jitter in Time-of-Flight Range Imaging Cameras
  35. Timing Neutron Stars
  36. Timing Neutron Stars: Pulsations, Oscillations and Explosions
  37. Timing Optimization Through Clock Skew Scheduling
  38. Timing Optimization Through Clock Skew Scheduling
  39. Timing Performance of Nanometer Digital Circuits Under Process Variations
  40. Timing and Temporality in Islamic Philosophy and Phenomenology of Life
  41. Timing – zum effektiven Umgang mit der Zeit
  42. Timingstrategien in Innovationspartnerschaften der deutschen Ernährungsindustrie
  43. Timor-Leste
  44. Tin
  45. Tin-Based Antitumour Drugs
  46. Tinbergen Lectures on Organization Theory
  47. Tinbergen Lectures on Organization Theory
  48. Tinnitus
  49. Tinnitus
  50. Tinnitus and Stress
  51. Tip Streaming of Simple and Complex Fluids
  52. Tip-Based Nanofabrication
  53. Tipler Physik
  54. Tipps und Tricks für den Anästhesisten
  55. Tipps und Tricks für den Augenarzt
  56. Tipps und Tricks für den Frauenarzt
  57. Tipps und Tricks für den Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenarzt
  58. Tipps und Tricks für den Herz- und Thoraxchirurgen
  59. Tipps und Tricks für den Orthopäden
  60. Tipps und Tricks für den Orthopäden und Unfallchirurgen
  61. Tipps und Tricks für den Pädiater
  62. Tipps und Tricks für den Sportmediziner
  63. Tipps und Tricks für den Urologen
  64. Tipps und Tricks für den ästhetisch-plastischen Chirurgen
  65. Tips and Techniques in Elbow Surgery
  66. Tips and Techniques in Laparoscopic Surgery
  67. Tips and Tricks for Problem Fractures, Volume I
  68. Tips and Tricks in Endocrine Surgery
  69. Tips and Tricks in Laparoscopic Urology
  70. Tips and Tricks in Plastic Surgery
  71. Tips and Tricks in Thoracic Surgery
  72. Tips und Tricks für den Traumatologen
  73. Tips und Tricks für den Urologen
  74. Tips zum Ingenieurstudium
  75. Tischtennis – Das Praxisbuch für Studium, Training und Freizeitsport
  76. Tissue Characterization in MR Imaging
  77. Tissue Culture Techniques
  78. Tissue Culture Techniques for Horticultural Crops
  79. Tissue Culture in Forestry
  80. Tissue Culture in Forestry and Agriculture
  81. Tissue Culture in Science and Society
  82. Tissue Culture of Epithelial Cells
  83. Tissue Culture of Trees
  84. Tissue Culture of the Nervous System
  85. Tissue Engineering
  86. Tissue Engineering
  87. Tissue Engineering
  88. Tissue Engineering
  89. Tissue Engineering
  90. Tissue Engineering
  91. Tissue Engineering
  92. Tissue Engineering
  93. Tissue Engineering I
  94. Tissue Engineering II
  95. Tissue Engineering III: Cell - Surface Interactions for Tissue Culture
  96. Tissue Engineering Methods and Protocols
  97. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
  98. Tissue Engineering for the Heart
  99. Tissue Engineering in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
  100. Tissue Engineering in Regenerative Medicine
  101. Tissue Engineering of Temporomandibular Joint Cartilage
  102. Tissue Engineering, Stem Cells, and Gene Therapies
  103. Tissue Functioning and Remodeling in the Circulatory and Ventilatory Systems
  104. Tissue Growth Factors
  105. Tissue Hypoxia and Ischemia
  106. Tissue Mechanics
  107. Tissue Microarrays
  108. Tissue Morphogenesis
  109. Tissue Morphogenesis
  110. Tissue Nutrition and Viability
  111. Tissue Oxygen Utilization
  112. Tissue Proteomics
  113. Tissue Proteomics
  114. Tissue Renin-Angiotensin Systems
  115. Tissue Repair
  116. Tissue Repair and Fibrosis
  117. Tissue Repair, Contraction and the Myofibroblast
  118. Tissue Restoration Through Regenerative Biology and Medicine
  119. Tissue Scaffolds
  120. Tissue Surgery
  121. Tissue and Organ Regeneration in Adults
  122. Tissue and Organ Regeneration in Adults
  123. Tissue culture as a plant production system for horticultural crops
  124. Tissue-Engineered Vascular Grafts
  125. Tissue-Engineered Vascular Grafts
  126. Tissue-Printing
  127. Tissue-Protective Cytokines
  128. Tissue-Resident Macrophages
  129. Tissue-Specific Cell Signaling
  130. Tissue-Specific Estrogen Action
  131. Tissue-Specific Stem Cell Niche
  132. Tissues, Cultures, Art
  133. Titan
  134. Titan from Cassini-Huygens
  135. Titan und Titanlegierungen
  136. Titangruppe: Elemente der vierten Nebengruppe
  137. Titanium
  138. Titanium
  139. Titanium Microalloyed Steel: Fundamentals, Technology, and Products
  140. Titanium Science and Technology
  141. Titanium and Titanium Alloys
  142. Titanium in Medicine
  143. Titel, Texte, Translationen
  144. Titelblätter, Titelkupfer, Frontispize
  145. Titled Elizabethans
  146. Titoism, Self-Determination, Nationalism, Cultural Memory
  147. Titration Calorimetry
  148. Titrimetric Methods
  149. Tl - Zr
  150. To Be Born
  151. To Be a Minority Teacher in a Foreign Culture
  152. To Be a Victim
  153. To Be or Not to Be in the Party
  154. To Build a Harmonious World
  155. To Conserve Unimpaired
  156. To Do or Not to Do a PhD?
  157. To Establish a Supra-sovereign International Currency
  158. To Grasp the Essence of Life
  159. To Infinity and Beyond
  160. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
  161. To Kill a Sultan
  162. To Know or Not to Know
  163. To Live and To Die: When, Why, and How
  164. To Live and To Die: When, Why, and How
  165. To Mars and Beyond, Fast!
  166. To Orbit and Back Again
  167. To Pace or not to Pace
  168. To Protect and To Serve
  169. To Queue or Not to Queue: Equilibrium Behavior in Queueing Systems
  170. To Seek Out New Worlds
  171. To Settle the Succession of the State
  172. To The Stars
  173. To Want to Learn
  174. To Wear the Dust of War
  175. To Work at the Foundations
  176. To the Lighthouse
  177. To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
  178. Toba-Batak—Deutsches Wörterbuch
  179. Tobacco
  180. Tobacco BY-2 Cells
  181. Tobacco BY-2 Cells: From Cellular Dynamics to Omics
  182. Tobacco Cessation and Substance Abuse Treatment in Women’s Healthcare
  183. Tobacco Control Policy in the Netherlands
  184. Tobacco Control in China
  185. Tobacco Dependence
  186. Tobacco Regulation, Economics, and Public Health, Volume I
  187. Tobacco Regulation, Economics, and Public Health, Volume II
  188. Tobacco Regulation, Economics, and Public Health, Volume III
  189. Tobacco Smoking Addiction: Epidemiology, Genetics, Mechanisms, and Treatment
  190. Tobacco Smoking and Atherosclerosis
  191. Tobacco Smoking and Nicotine
  192. Tobacco Use and Intimate Relationships
  193. Tobacco and Health
  194. Tobacco or Health?
  195. Tobacco or Health?
  196. Tobacco, Transformation and Development Dilemmas from Central Africa
  197. Tobacco: The Growing Epidemic
  198. Tobins q
  199. Tocqueville and Beaumont
  200. Tocqueville und der Individualismus in der Demokratie