30925 publications

  1. Tutorials in Mathematical Biosciences II
  2. Tutorials in Mathematical Biosciences III
  3. Tutorials in Mathematical Biosciences IV
  4. Tutorials in Motor Neuroscience
  5. Tutorials in Patellofemoral Disorders
  6. Tutorials in Suturing Techniques for Orthopedics
  7. Tutorials on Emerging Methodologies and Applications in Operations Research
  8. Tutorials on Motion Perception
  9. Tutorials on Multiresolution in Geometric Modelling
  10. Tutorials on the Foundations of Cryptography
  11. Tutorien und Seminare vorbereiten und moderieren
  12. Tutorien zur Technischen Mechanik
  13. Tutorium Algebra
  14. Tutorium Algebra
  15. Tutorium Algebra
  16. Tutorium Analysis 1 und Lineare Algebra 1
  17. Tutorium Analysis 1 und Lineare Algebra 1
  18. Tutorium Analysis 1 und Lineare Algebra 1
  19. Tutorium Analysis 1 und Lineare Algebra 1
  20. Tutorium Analysis 2 und Lineare Algebra 2
  21. Tutorium Analysis 2 und Lineare Algebra 2
  22. Tutorium Analysis 2 und Lineare Algebra 2
  23. Tutorium Elektrodynamik
  24. Tutorium Elektrodynamik und Relativitätstheorie
  25. Tutorium Genetik
  26. Tutorium Höhere Analysis
  27. Tutorium Mathe für Biologen
  28. Tutorium Mathematik für Einsteiger
  29. Tutorium Mathematische Methoden der Elektrodynamik
  30. Tutorium Optik
  31. Tutorium Optik
  32. Tutorium Physik fürs Nebenfach
  33. Tutorium Physik fürs Nebenfach
  34. Tutorium Quantenfeldtheorie
  35. Tutorium Quantenmechanik
  36. Tutorium Quantenmechanik
  37. Tutorium Reaktivität und Synthese
  38. Tutti i numeri sono uguali a cinque
  39. Tweak Your Mac Terminal
  40. Tween Girls' Dressing and Young Femininity in Singapore
  41. Twelfth Conference of the International Bar Association
  42. Twelfth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics
  43. Twelfth International Diatom Symposium
  44. Twelfth International Seaweed Symposium
  45. Twelfth Night
  46. Twelfth Night
  47. Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare
  48. Twelve Contemporary Economists
  49. Twelve Figures in Swedish Economics
  50. Twelve Lectures on Structural Dynamics
  51. Twelve Sporadic Groups
  52. Twelve-Lead Electrocardiography
  53. Twentieth Anniversary Volume:
  54. Twentieth Century Crime and Mystery Writers
  55. Twentieth Century Harmonic Analysis — A Celebration
  56. Twentieth Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals
  57. Twentieth-Century American Women’s Fiction
  58. Twentieth-Century Anglo-American Relations
  59. Twentieth-Century Britain
  60. Twentieth-Century British Political Facts 1900–2000
  61. Twentieth-Century Children’s Writers
  62. Twentieth-Century English History Plays
  63. Twentieth-Century English Literature
  64. Twentieth-Century European Drama
  65. Twentieth-Century Fantasists
  66. Twentieth-Century Germany: From Bismarck to Brandt
  67. Twentieth-Century Literary Theory
  68. Twentieth-Century Literature
  69. Twentieth-Century Romance and Gothic Writers
  70. Twentieth-Century Spain
  71. Twentieth-Century Suspense
  72. Twentieth-Century Western Philosophy of Religion 1900–2000
  73. Twentieth-Century Women Novelists
  74. Twenty Interviews With Psychometric Society Presidents
  75. Twenty Years of G-CSF
  76. Twenty Years of Independence in Zimbabwe
  77. Twenty Years of Life
  78. Twenty Years of Ozone Decline
  79. Twenty Years of Research and Development on Soil Pollution and Remediation in China
  80. Twenty Years of Theoretical and Practical Synergies
  81. Twenty-First Century Drama
  82. Twenty-First Century Fiction
  83. Twenty-First Century Marianne Moore
  84. Twenty-First Century Populism
  85. Twenty-First Century Quantum Mechanics: Hilbert Space to Quantum Computers
  86. Twenty-First Century World Order and the Asia Pacific
  87. Twenty-First Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals
  88. Twenty-First-Century British Fiction and the City
  89. Twenty-First-Century Feminist Classrooms
  90. Twenty-Five Astronomical Observations That Changed the World
  91. Twenty-Five Years of Educational Practice and Theory 1955–1979
  92. Twenty-Five Years of GOP Presidential Nominations
  93. Twenty-Five Years of Logical Methodology in Poland
  94. Twenty-One Lectures on Complex Analysis
  95. Twenty-Second Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals
  96. Twenty-Seventh Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals
  97. Twenty-Sixth Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals
  98. Twenty-first Century Curriculum Policy
  99. Twenty-first Century Feminism
  100. Twenty-first Century Learning by Doing
  101. Twilight
  102. Twilight of an Industry in East Africa
  103. Twin Buildings and Applications to S-Arithmetic Groups
  104. Twin Peaks for Europe: State-of-the-Art Financial Supervisory Consolidation
  105. Twin Support Vector Machines
  106. Twin and Higher-order Pregnancies
  107. Twin-Control
  108. Twins in Contemporary Literature and Culture
  109. Twins in Society
  110. Twins in the World
  111. Twin–Win Research:
  112. Twisted Isospectrality, Homological Wideness, and Isometry
  113. Twisted Teichmüller Curves
  114. Twisting the Lion’s Tail
  115. Twistor Geometry and Non-Linear Systems
  116. Twistor Sigma Models
  117. Twistor Theory for Riemannian Symmetric Spaces
  118. Twistors and Particles
  119. Twitter Data Analytics
  120. Twitter als Basis wissenschaftlicher Studien
  121. Twitter, the Public Sphere, and the Chaos of Online Deliberation
  122. Two Algebraic Byways from Differential Equations: Gröbner Bases and Quivers
  123. Two Bengals
  124. Two Bit Circus and the Future of Entertainment
  125. Two Centuries of Compensation for U.S. Production Workers in Manufacturing
  126. Two Centuries of Local Autonomy
  127. Two Centuries of Overseas Trading
  128. Two Colonial Empires
  129. Two Cultures
  130. Two Decades of Basic Education in Rural China
  131. Two Decades of Legislative Politics and Governance in Nigeria’s National Assembly
  132. Two Decades of Multimedia Storytelling in Digital Journalism
  133. Two Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
  134. Two Faces of Evil: Cancer and Neurodegeneration
  135. Two Greek Magical Papyri in the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden
  136. Two Hybrid Technologies
  137. Two Millennia of Mathematics
  138. Two Minds
  139. Two Phase Flows and Waves
  140. Two Phase Separation in the T-Junction
  141. Two Shakespearean Sequences
  142. Two Soviet Studies on Frege
  143. Two Studies in Gas-Phase Ion Spectroscopy
  144. Two-Dimensional (2D) Nanomaterials in Separation Science
  145. Two-Dimensional Change Detection Methods
  146. Two-Dimensional Conformal Geometry and Vertex Operator Algebras
  147. Two-Dimensional Coulomb Liquids and Solids
  148. Two-Dimensional Digital Signal Prcessing II
  149. Two-Dimensional Digital Signal Processing I
  150. Two-Dimensional Echocardiographic Atlas
  151. Two-Dimensional Electron Systems
  152. Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis Protocols
  153. Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis and Immunological Techniques
  154. Two-Dimensional Linear Systems
  155. Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography
  156. Two-Dimensional Materials for Environmental Applications
  157. Two-Dimensional Quadratic Nonlinear Systems
  158. Two-Dimensional Quadratic Nonlinear Systems
  159. Two-Dimensional Real-Time Ultrasonic Imaging of the Heart
  160. Two-Dimensional Superconductivity in Rare Earth Oxybismuthides with Unusual Valent Bismuth Square Net
  161. Two-Dimensional Systems
  162. Two-Dimensional Systems, Heterostructures, and Superlattices
  163. Two-Dimensional Systems: Physics and New Devices
  164. Two-Dimensional Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides
  165. Two-Fluid Model Stability, Simulation and Chaos
  166. Two-Hybrid Systems
  167. Two-Hybrid Systems
  168. Two-Parameter Martingales and Their Quadratic Variation
  169. Two-Person Bargaining Experiments with Incomplete Information
  170. Two-Person Zero-Sum Games
  171. Two-Phase Flow Heat Exchangers
  172. Two-Phase Flow for Automotive and Power Generation Sectors
  173. Two-Phase Flow in Refrigeration Systems
  174. Two-Phase Flows
  175. Two-Phase Gas-Liquid Flow in Pipes with Different Orientations
  176. Two-Phase Heat Transfer Enhancement
  177. Two-Photon Physics at e+e− Storage Rings
  178. Two-Scale Approach to Oscillatory Singularly Perturbed Transport Equations
  179. Two-Scale Stochastic Systems
  180. Two-Track Training
  181. Two-Way Analysis of Variance
  182. Two-Way Cable Television
  183. Two-dimensional Echocardiography in Infants and Children
  184. Two-dimensional Hybrid Composites
  185. TxNxM1
  186. Tychastic Measure of Viability Risk
  187. Tycoons, Scorchers, and Outlaws: The Class War That Shaped American Auto Racing
  188. Tympanic Membrane Retraction Pocket
  189. Typaldos-Methode
  190. Type 1 Diabetes
  191. Type 1 Diabetes
  192. Type 2 Diabetes
  193. Type 2 Diabetes
  194. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
  195. Type 2 Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes, and the Metabolic Syndrome
  196. Type 2 Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes, and the Metabolic Syndrome
  197. Type 2 Immunity
  198. Type 3 Secretion Systems
  199. Type A Behavior: Its Diagnosis and Treatment
  200. Type IV Secretion in Gram-Negative and Gram-Positive Bacteria