4695 publications

  1. Universal Compression and Retrieval
  2. Universal Design in Video Games
  3. Universal Difference
  4. Universal Extensions and One Dimensional Crystalline Cohomology
  5. Universal Fuzzy Controllers for Non-affine Nonlinear Systems
  6. Universal Grammar and American Sign Language
  7. Universal Grammar and the Initial State of Second Language Learning
  8. Universal Grammar and the Second Language Classroom
  9. Universal Joints and Driveshafts
  10. Universal Joints and Driveshafts
  11. Universal Jurisdiction: The Sierra Leone Profile
  12. Universal Localities
  13. Universal Logic, Ethics, and Truth
  14. Universal Multiservice Networks
  15. Universal Navigation on Smartphones
  16. Universal Relations for Binary Neutron Star Mergers with Long-lived Remnants
  17. Universal Rights, Systemic Violations, and Cultural Relativism in Morocco
  18. Universal Routing Strategies for Interconnection Networks
  19. Universal Secondary Education in India
  20. Universal Semantic Communication
  21. Universal Service in WTO and EU law
  22. Universal Subgoaling and Chunking
  23. Universal Theory of Automata
  24. Universal Threats in Expert Applications and Solutions
  25. Universal Time-Series Forecasting with Mixture Predictors
  26. Universal, Intuitive, and Permanent Pictograms
  27. Universaldienst in Deutschland
  28. Universale Grammatik
  29. Universale Logik in heterogenen Kulturräumen
  30. Universalising Healthcare in India
  31. Universalities in Condensed Matter
  32. Universality in Statistical Physics and Synergetics
  33. Universality of Nonclassical Nonlinearity
  34. Universalizability
  35. Universalizing Nuclear Nonproliferation Norms
  36. Universals
  37. Universals
  38. Universals of Language Today
  39. Universe Unveiled
  40. Universe Without Things
  41. Universe of Scales: From Nanotechnology to Cosmology
  42. Universelles Zellenrechnerkonzept für flexible Fertigungssysteme
  43. Universities Under Fire
  44. Universities and Climate Change
  45. Universities and Epistemic Justice in a Plural World
  46. Universities and Science in the Early Modern Period
  47. Universities and Sustainable Communities: Meeting the Goals of the Agenda 2030
  48. Universities and the Europe of Knowledge
  49. Universities and the Production of Elites
  50. Universities as Agencies
  51. Universities as Drivers of Social Innovation
  52. Universities as Engines of Economic Development
  53. Universities as Living Labs for Sustainable Development
  54. Universities in Arab Countries: An Urgent Need for Change
  55. Universities in Change
  56. Universities in Transition
  57. Universities in the Age of Reform, 1800–1870
  58. Universities in the Knowledge Society
  59. Universities in the Neoliberal Era
  60. Universities in the Networked Society
  61. Universities with a Social Purpose
  62. Universities, Disruptive Technologies, and Continuity in Higher Education
  63. Universities, Employability and Human Development
  64. Universities, Inclusive Development and Social Innovation
  65. Universities, Rankings and the Dynamics of Global Higher Education
  66. Universities, Sustainability and Society: Supporting the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals
  67. Universities, the Citizen Scholar and the Future of Higher Education
  68. University Campus Solid Waste Management
  69. University Coeducation in the Victorian Era
  70. University Community Engagement and Lifelong Learning
  71. University Corporate Social Responsibility and University Governance
  72. University Cricket and Emerging Adulthood
  73. University Dynamics and European Integration
  74. University Education, Controversy and Democratic Citizenship
  75. University Engagement With Socially Excluded Communities
  76. University English for Academic Purposes in China
  77. University Evolution, Entrepreneurial Activity and Regional Competitiveness
  78. University Governance
  79. University Governance and Reform
  80. University Governance in (Post-)Conflict Southern Sudan 2005–2011
  81. University Initiatives in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
  82. University Initiatives on Climate Change Education and Research
  83. University Leadership
  84. University Pathway Programs: Local Responses within a Growing Global Trend
  85. University Performance Before and During Economic Crises
  86. University Rankings
  87. University Rankings
  88. University Research and Regional Innovation
  89. University Responsibility for the Adjudication of Research Misconduct
  90. University Science and Mathematics Education in Transition
  91. University Social Responsibility and Quality of Life
  92. University Startups and Spin-Offs
  93. University Writing in Central and Eastern Europe: Tradition, Transition, and Innovation
  94. University and School Collaborations during a Pandemic
  95. University of Toronto Mathematics Competition (2001–2015)
  96. University of the World
  97. University-Community Engagement in the Asia Pacific
  98. University-Community Partnerships for Transformative Education
  99. University-Industry Knowledge Interactions
  100. University-Industry R&D Collaboration in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan
  101. University–Community Relations in the UK
  102. Universitäre Bildungskooperationen
  103. Universitäre Lernkultur
  104. Universitäre Prüfungsplanung
  105. Universität Neu Denken
  106. Universität und Image
  107. Universität und Lebenswelt
  108. Universitäten im Leistungswettbewerb
  109. Universitäten im Wettbewerb
  110. Universitäts-entwicklung und neue Medien
  111. Universitätsbibliotheken im Vergleich
  112. Universitätsjubiläum und Erneuerungsprozeß
  113. Universitätskolloquien zur Schizophrenie
  114. Universitätskolloquien zur Schizophrenie
  115. Universitätskrankenhäuser im reformierten Gesundheitswesen
  116. Universitätskultur
  117. Universitätsorganisation und präsidiale Leitung
  118. Universum für alle
  119. Universum ohne Dinge
  120. Unix
  121. Unix-Netzwerkprogramminerung mit Threads, Sockets und SSL
  122. Unklare Öffentlichkeit
  123. Unknowledge and Choice in Economics
  124. Unknown Values and Stakeholders
  125. Unkonventionelle Bergbahnen
  126. Unkräuter im Ackerbau der Neuzeit
  127. Unlearn Pain
  128. Unlearning at Work
  129. Unleash Core Data
  130. Unleash the System On Chip using FPGAs and Handel C
  131. Unleashing Society’s Innovative Capacity
  132. Unleashing The Power of ChatGPT
  133. Unleashing the Crowd
  134. Unleashing the Force of Law
  135. Unleashing the Power of 5GtoB in Industries
  136. Unleugbare Daten und digitale Währungen
  137. Unlikely History
  138. Unlikely Partners?
  139. Unlimited Liability of State-owned Banks under the EC-Rules of State Aids
  140. Unlocking Artificial Intelligence
  141. Unlocking Blockchain on Azure
  142. Unlocking Digital Transformation of Agricultural Enterprises
  143. Unlocking PhD Success
  144. Unlocking Social Theory with Popular Culture
  145. Unlocking dbt
  146. Unlocking markets to smallholders
  147. Unlocking the Palestinian-Israeli Negotiations
  148. Unlocking the Potential of Diversity in Organisations
  149. Unlocking the Secrets of White Dwarf Stars
  150. Unmagnetische Handwerkzeuge aus Titan und Stahl Schmieden — Bearbeiten — Prüfen
  151. Unmanaging
  152. Unmanned Aerial Systems in Precision Agriculture
  153. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Applications over Cellular Networks for 5G and Beyond
  154. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Cellular Communications
  155. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Design and Technology
  156. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: Applications in Agriculture and Environment
  157. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Applications: Challenges and Trends
  158. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Smart Cities
  159. Unmanned Aircraft Design
  160. Unmanned Aircraft Design
  161. Unmanned Aircraft Systems
  162. Unmanned Combat Air Systems in Future Warfare
  163. Unmanned Rotorcraft Systems
  164. Unmarried Motherhood in the Metropolis, 1700–1850
  165. Unmasking Europa
  166. Unmasking Financial Psychopaths
  167. Unmasking Invisible Challenges in Entrepreneurship
  168. Unmasking L.A.
  169. Unmasking Project Management
  170. Unmasking School Leadership
  171. Unmeasured Information and the Methodology of Social Scientific Inquiry
  172. Unmittelbare betriebliche Rentenzusagen aus finanzwirtschaftlicher Sicht
  173. Unmittelbarer Opferzeugenschutz
  174. Unnatural Amino Acids
  175. Unnatural Selection
  176. Unobserved Variables
  177. Unobstructed Shortest Paths in Polyhedral Environments
  178. Unobtrusive Observations of Learning in Digital Environments
  179. Unoccupied Electronic States
  180. Unofficial Selves
  181. Unpacking EU Policy-Making towards China
  182. Unpacking Open Innovation
  183. Unpacking School Lunch
  184. Unpacking the Collection
  185. Unpacking the Death Penalty in ASEAN
  186. Unpacking the ‘Start-up City’
  187. Unpaid Work and the Economy
  188. Unpolitische Jugend?
  189. Unpraktische Pädagogik
  190. Unprecedented Leadership
  191. Unpublished Manuscripts
  192. Unqualified and Underemployed
  193. Unquoted Companies
  194. Unraveling Bluetooth LE Audio
  195. Unraveling Breastfeeding Patterns in Mexico
  196. Unraveling Race, Politics, and Gender in Trinidad and Tobago’s Economic Development
  197. Unraveling Software Maintenance and Evolution
  198. Unraveling Thermoluminescence
  199. Unraveling the Exposome
  200. Unraveling the Voynich Codex