6798 publications

  1. Work Out Mathematics GCSE
  2. Work Out Mathematics for Economists
  3. Work Out Maths GCSE
  4. Work Out Modern World History GCSE
  5. Work Out Numeracy
  6. Work Out Numeracy
  7. Work Out Operational Research
  8. Work Out Organic Chemistry
  9. Work Out Physical Chemistry
  10. Work Out Physics GCSE
  11. Work Out Physics GCSE
  12. Work Out Physics ‘O’ Level and GCSE
  13. Work Out Principles of Accounts for First Examinations
  14. Work Out Pure Mathematics A-Level
  15. Work Out Science GCSE
  16. Work Out Social and Economic History GCSE
  17. Work Out Sociology GCSE
  18. Work Out Spanish
  19. Work Out Spanish GCSE
  20. Work Out Spanish GCSE
  21. Work Out Waves and Optics
  22. Work Patterns and Capital Utilisation
  23. Work Placements — A Survival Guide for Students
  24. Work Stress and Health in a Globalized Economy
  25. Work Teams: Past, Present and Future
  26. Work and AI 2030
  27. Work and Cancer Survivors
  28. Work and Education in America
  29. Work and Family Interface in the International Career Context
  30. Work and Family in Japanese Society
  31. Work and Family in Urban China
  32. Work and Health
  33. Work and Health
  34. Work and Identity
  35. Work and Identity
  36. Work and Idleness
  37. Work and Industry
  38. Work and Leisure in Late Nineteenth-Century French Literature and Visual Culture
  39. Work and Life in the Global Economy
  40. Work and Mental Health in Social Context
  41. Work and Occupation in French and English Mental Hospitals, c.1918-1939
  42. Work and Quality of Life
  43. Work at the Boundaries of Science
  44. Work in Cinema
  45. Work in Early Modern Italy, 1500–1800
  46. Work in Tropical Forests
  47. Work in the Future
  48. Work or Fight!
  49. Work, Employment and Unemployment in the Soviet Union
  50. Work, Family Policies and Transitions to Adulthood in Europe
  51. Work, Family and Commuting in Europe: The Lives of Euro-commuters
  52. Work, Family and Integration
  53. Work, Gender and Family in Victorian England
  54. Work, Income and Inequality
  55. Work, Inheritance, and Deserts in Joseph Conrad’s Fiction
  56. Work, Institutions and Sustainable Livelihood
  57. Work, Learning and Sustainable Development
  58. Work, Organisation and Labour in Dutch Society
  59. Work, Organizations, and Technological Change
  60. Work, Politics and the Green Industrial Revolution
  61. Work, Precarity and COVID-19
  62. Work, Regulation, and Identity in Provincial France
  63. Work, Subjectivity and Learning
  64. Work, Wealth, and Postmodernism
  65. Work-Family Enrichment
  66. Work-Integrated Learning Case Studies in Teacher Education
  67. Work-Learn-Life-Balance in der Wissensarbeit
  68. Work-Life Balance
  69. Work-Life Balance and Women's Entrepreneurship
  70. Work-Life Balance in Africa
  71. Work-Life Balance in Construction
  72. Work-Life Balance in Europe
  73. Work-Life Balance in the 21st Century
  74. Work-Life Interface
  75. Work-Life Matters
  76. Work-Life Research in the Asia-Pacific
  77. Work-Life-Balance - eine Frage der Leistungspolitik
  78. Work-Life-Balance als politisches Instrument
  79. Work-Life-Balance im Kontext von mitarbeiterunterstützenden Dienstleistungen
  80. Work-Life-Integration
  81. Work-Related Learning
  82. Work-life Integration in Africa
  83. Work/Life City Limits
  84. Workbook Hoshin Kanri
  85. Workbook Strategisches Management
  86. Workbook berührende, hybride Veranstaltungen
  87. Workbook for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  88. Workbook for Macroeconomic Theory
  89. Workbook for Microeconomics
  90. Workbook for Principles of Microeconomics
  91. Workbook for Principles of Microeconomics
  92. Workbook for Small Business Management
  93. Workbook for Statistical Methods in Education and Psychology
  94. Worked Examples in X-Ray Analysis
  95. Worked Examples in X-Ray Analysis
  96. Worked Up Selves
  97. Worker Cooperatives in India
  98. Worker Representation and Workplace Health and Safety
  99. Worker Rights and Labor Standards in Asia’s Four New Tigers
  100. Workers and Employers
  101. Workers and Margins
  102. Workers and the New Depression
  103. Workers in Third-World Industrialization
  104. Workers, Managers, Productivity
  105. Workers, Managers, and Technological Change
  106. Workers’ Compensation Insurance Pricing
  107. Workers’ Compensation Insurance: Claim Costs, Prices, and Regulation
  108. Workflow Automation
  109. Workflow Management
  110. Workflow Management Systems and Interoperability
  111. Workflow Management Systems for Process Organisations
  112. Workflow Management Systems for Process Organisations
  113. Workflow Management mit SAP® WebFlow®
  114. Workflow Management with SAP® WebFlow®
  115. Workflow Modeling Assistance by Case-based Reasoning
  116. Workflow and Process Automation
  117. Workflow in the 2007 Microsoft Office System
  118. Workflow-Management für COBRA-basierte Anwendungen
  119. Workflow-Management in der industriellen Praxis
  120. Workflow-Management in verteilten Systemen
  121. Workflow-Management in verteilten Systemen
  122. Workflow-Management kompakt und verständlich
  123. Workflow-based Integration
  124. Workflowmanagement in der Produktionsplanung und -steuerung
  125. Workflows for e-Science
  126. Workforce Development
  127. Workforce Development
  128. Workforce Inter-Personnel Diversity
  129. Workforce Transitions from the Profit to the Nonprofit Sector
  130. Workgroups eAssessment: Planning, Implementing and Analysing Frameworks
  131. Working Across Boundaries
  132. Working Adolescents: Rethinking Education For and On the Job
  133. Working Around Disruptions of Network Infrastructures
  134. Working Below Capacity
  135. Working Beyond 60
  136. Working Capital Management
  137. Working Capital Management
  138. Working Capital Management
  139. Working Capital Management
  140. Working Capital und Cash Flow
  141. Working Capital und Unternehmenswert
  142. Working Class Credit and Community since 1918
  143. Working Class Female Students' Experiences of Higher Education
  144. Working Class Formation in Taiwan
  145. Working Class Girls, Education and Post-Industrial Britain
  146. Working Conditions in a Marketised University System
  147. Working Creatively with Stories and Learning Experiences
  148. Working Cross-culturally
  149. Working Dazed
  150. Working Environment and Digital Transformation
  151. Working Knowledge
  152. Working Poverty in Europe
  153. Working Through Barriers
  154. Working Through Ethics in Education and Leadership
  155. Working Time, Knowledge Work and Post-Industrial Society
  156. Working Together Apart
  157. Working Toward Solutions in Fluid Dynamics and Astrophysics
  158. Working Towards a Proficiency Scale of Business English Writing: A Mixed-Methods Approach
  159. Working Two Way
  160. Working With Arithmetic
  161. Working Women and State Policies in Taiwan
  162. Working Women on Screen
  163. Working and Caring for a Child with Chronic Illness
  164. Working and Caring over the Twentieth Century
  165. Working and Learning in Times of Uncertainty
  166. Working for Oil
  167. Working for Yourself Without Capital
  168. Working for a Family Business
  169. Working for a Future
  170. Working for the Japanese: Myths and Realities
  171. Working for the State
  172. Working in Adversarial Relationships
  173. Working in Digital and Smart Organizations
  174. Working in East Germany
  175. Working in Jamie’s Kitchen
  176. Working in Language and Law
  177. Working in Teams
  178. Working in the Field: Anthropological Experiences across the World
  179. Working on Wicked Problems
  180. Working on the quality of working life
  181. Working the Land
  182. Working the Margins of Community-Based Adult Learning
  183. Working to Learn
  184. Working with Abused Children
  185. Working with Abused Children
  186. Working with Assumptions in International Development Program Evaluation
  187. Working with Assumptions in International Development Program Evaluation
  188. Working with Bilingual Language Disability
  189. Working with Children and Parents through Separation and Divorce
  190. Working with Children in Groups
  191. Working with Christian Servant Leadership Spiritual Intelligence
  192. Working with Chronic Illness
  193. Working with Coders
  194. Working with Data in Public Health: A Practical Pathway with R
  195. Working with Eating Disorders
  196. Working with Excluded Populations in HIV
  197. Working with Families
  198. Working with Ferns
  199. Working with Groupware
  200. Working with India