To create inclusive software, development teams need to consider how they identify inclusive requirements for a software product. Requirements elicitation is the first stage in the process of developing the requirements of a software system. Elicitation is about describing the functionality, reliability, efficiency, and usability of the system to be developed, so that it suits the end users’ needs [12].

Recent research has found that both traditional elicitation techniques (e.g., user interviews) and newer online crowd-based approaches may have challenges in gathering the views of a diverse set of users. In particular, there are significant challenges in eliciting requirements from users with cognitive disabilities, as well as ensuring that the full demographic spectrum (e.g., by gender, age, ethnicity) of a user base is adequately represented.

This chapter discusses the motivations for more inclusive requirements elicitation and the challenges that need to be overcome and finally makes recommendations for both requirements engineering practitioners and researchers.

Motivation for Inclusive Elicitation

Understanding user needs and desires for a software product is a critical part of modern software development. In the modern software landscape, development teams must keep their users happy to remain competitive as, in many cases, the competition is just one click away. Elicitation of user needs is central both in the initial design of the software and in its ongoing maintenance and evolution. A 2021 survey of software developers found the vast majority of developers (97%) agreed that user feedback gives them a better understanding of user needs and makes them aware of usability issues [25]. Thus, user needs as described in feedback are often being used to drive product development decisions.

However, the user base of software products can be extremely diverse, in terms of demographics (e.g., age, gender, geography, cultural background), as well as specialized needs related to physical and cognitive disabilities [4, 12, 22, 23]. If the diversity of the users being engaged through elicitation processes is not representative of the actual user base, this introduces the possibility of developing biased software that does not meet the needs of all users. A clear example of this comes from the broader field of engineering in the design of car safety devices. Women today are still significantly more likely to be seriously injured or killed in car accidents because car safety devices were designed and tested considering the size of the average man’s body [7]. There are also many examples of software systems failing to consider the needs of all users. When YouTube first launched its mobile app, approximately 10% of videos were being uploaded upside-down because the software did not accommodate left-handed users.Footnote 1 More recently, various AI systems have been shown to be biased against some users. For example, Amazon’s recruiting tool was found to be biased against women,Footnote 2 and Twitter’s image cropping tool had built-in racial biases.Footnote 3

Focusing on the needs of under-served people can make products better for everyone. Again, looking at an example in the broader field of engineering, curb cuts, which were originality designed to make city streets more accessible for wheelchair users, have improved the accessibility for many others, including people riding bikes or skateboards, pushing strollers, delivering packages, and pulling suitcases [3]. For a software-specific example, consider closed captioning of videos, which was originally designed to make videos accessible for people with hearing impairments [13]. Today, with the advent of social media, we see captions benefiting nearly everyone since they provide viewing flexibility; people can scroll through their social media feed and watch videos without the volume or consume videos in different languages.Footnote 4

Therefore, it is imperative that software requirements elicitation considers the needs of all of its users, to ensure the software is inclusive and fair for everyone. However, recent research has shown that both traditional requirements elicitation methods and recent crowd-based requirements elicitation approaches have representation challenges. These challenges are discussed in the next Chapter. (See Chapter 7, “Developers’ Perspective of Diverse End User Requirements,” for additional diversity-related challenges faced throughout the software development lifecyle.)

Challenges in Traditional Elicitation

Traditionally, software requirements have been elicited through methods such as interviews, focus groups, observations, and questionnaires. However, these approaches may miss segments of society. They need special focus to include diverse perspectives, especially since many of these traditional methods can only engage with a limited number of users, due to time and resource constraints. For example, you can’t interview every user of your software product and must instead engage with an extremely small sample, relative to the total user base. Other techniques, such as design thinking as described in Chapter 10, “Beyond Diversity: Computing for Inclusive Software,” can provide rich insights into the needs of users, but also face similar scalability problems.

Traditional techniques can also have a lot of inherent bias, in both the selection of elicitation participants and selective perception during elicitation. The requirements engineers’ own perceptions can cloud how they understand requirements. This can lead to miscommunications and a lack of shared understanding, which may produce misunderstood or simply missed requirements.

Inclusivity in traditional requirements elicitation requires intensive communication between all participating stakeholders, especially when engaging users with cognitive disabilities [12]. In a recent study, researchers recommended an approach based on user-centered design (UCD) [16], to engage with users with cognitive disabilities [12]. They found requirements development with those with cognitive disabilities was feasible, with the participants proving to be reliable interview partners, who were quite capable of expressing their needs for a software product. Through this process the development team gained a deeper insight into the requirements of their end users, which led to new interaction and information presentation concepts.

Collecting requirements from a diverse set of users may require a diverse set of traditional elicitation techniques, as not everyone would be comfortable, or able, to participate using the same methods. Therefore, an inclusive approach to traditional elicitation can be time consuming and expensive. For it to be done well, a development team needs a lot of motivation and drive to focus on inclusion. This can be a challenge in many software projects, where time-to-market, or other business factors, may also be an important consideration. These challenges were emphasized in a recent study that found software companies often do not prioritize accessibility needs in practice [17]. They cited various reasons for this, including that there are no methods or tools available to help the teams with this process and a general lack of training on how to consider accessibility needs.

Newer crowd-based elicitation approaches can give developers access to large volumes of diverse user perspectives, through mining online channels such as app stores, social media, and support forums. However, recent research has highlighted representation challenges here also, which are discussed in the next section.

Challenges in Crowd-Based Elicitation

Online crowd-based elicitation is a modern approach that has promise for eliciting requirements from a diverse set of users. There are large volumes of user feedback on online channels, such as app stores, social media (e.g., Twitter), and user support forums. Recent research has identified significant amounts of requirements relevant information in each of these channels, including bug reports and feature requests [22]. Through mining user opinions online, requirements engineers are no longer limited by time and other resource limitations that constrain the number of users who can be involved in more traditional elicitation techniques, such as interviews or focus groups.

Recent research has found a diverse set of users give feedback on these channels, with respect to traditional demographic categories (e.g., age, gender), geographic location, and accessibility needs [10, 11, 22, 23]. However, this research also suggests the representation across these groups in online feedback may not be in proportion to the actual user bases of software products. Without considered attention, requirements generated from online feedback will disproportionately represent the loudest voices online and miss groups that are underrepresented.

This problem was emphasized in Tizard et al.’s 2020 survey of software users, where women reported to give significantly less online feedback than men, across all the studied channels (app stores, forums, social media) [23]. This was in line with Guzman et al.’s earlier gender study of feedback on the Apple App Store [11]. With age, the 2020 survey found that software users between 35 and 44 years reported to give the most feedback on all channels, with younger and older respondents reporting to give significantly less feedback. Research has also found that feedback behavior varies significantly between different countries and may be impacted by cultural factors [6, 10, 22].

Due to the large volume of online feedback, it is often necessary to prioritize user requests for development attention. One popular approach to prioritization is to find requests that are made frequently [5, 9, 14, 15]. However, this may exacerbate the issue of considering the views of underrepresented groups. An additional challenge is that online feedback often doesn’t contain much demographic information about feedback givers, meaning directly identifying requests from underrepresented groups is difficult or perhaps impossible [23].

Those with physical or cognitive disabilities may also be missed in requirements generated from online feedback. A recent study of user reviews on the Google Play Store identified requests related to accessibility needs, including vision, hearing, and cognitive impairment [4]. However, all the accessibility requests combined made up just 1.2% of the sampled app reviews. Therefore, these accessibility requests would certainly be missed by prioritization techniques based on frequency.

While mining user opinions online is a promising approach to source valuable requirements information, there remain challenges in ensuring the generated requirements are representative of the underlying user base of a software product. In the final section, we make recommendations for practitioners on how to elicit the most representative user views for software products, with the goal of producing products that meet the needs of the broadest possible set of users. We also make recommendations for researchers, identifying several promising paths forward to better understand representation issues in requirements elicitation and develop new approaches to address these challenges.

Recommendations for Inclusive Requirements Elicitation

Recommendations for Practitioners

Where users are being directly engaged through more traditional elicitation techniques (e.g., interviews), requirements engineers must take initiative to understand the diversity within their user base and engage with them. Collecting requirements from a diverse set of users may require a diverse set of approaches, as not everyone will be comfortable, or able, to participate using the same methods [12]. In the case of users with cognitive disabilities, Heumader et al. recommend an approach based on user-centered design, finding that their process produced meaningful insights into the user needs.

Another possibility is for software teams to utilize the method described in Chapter 27, “How to Measure Diversity Actionably in Technology,” to measure diversity gaps in their requirements elicitation process using a GenderMag survey. By employing this survey, teams could gain insights into the cognitive styles of those participating in the requirements elicitation process, allowing them to identify who is missing from the process from a cognitive style perspective. As described in the same chapter also, cognitive styles can give insight into how users interact with software systems. Therefore, this survey can help teams identify whose voices are missing.

Crowd-based elicitation, where user opinions are mined from online feedback channels, can overcome many of the time and resource constraints associated with traditional elicitation approaches. Online user feedback has been found to contain much requirements relevant information, from a diverse set of users [19, 23]. Analysis tools are available to help automatically extract relevant information from the large volumes of feedback, which have shown promising performance in research settings [8, 20, 24].

As discussed, there are still challenges in ensuring user views mined online are representative. In their 2020 user study, Tizard et al. recommend that to elicit the most representative requirements information, development teams should consider feedback from multiple feedback channels. Their study found that different demographics are more likely to engage with different feedback channels. For example, younger software users reported to be more likely to engage with app stores, whereas older users may prefer support forums. They also found that a majority of feedback givers reported only engaging with one online feedback channel; therefore, focusing on a single channel will certainly miss some users.

Furthermore, the lack of demographic information, such as age and gender, continues to be a practical problem for mining the views of underrepresented groups in online feedback. Being aware that women and certain age groups may be underrepresented gives requirements engineers the option to directly engage with those groups to supplement online feedback mining. Traditional elicitation techniques such as interviews or questionnaires will be effective tools to target underrepresented demographics.

Mining user opinions from different geographic locations is more achievable in the current online landscape, as country-level location data is often available. For example, the Apple App Store divides itself by country, and location data is often available for feedback givers on social media (e.g., Twitter). Requirements engineers can therefore sample user opinions to closely match a geographically diverse user base. In doing so, the diverse views of users from different backgrounds and cultures can be uncovered and help broaden the appeal of a software product.

Finally, there are smart analysis tools available to help extract accessibility requests from app store reviews. As previously mentioned, recent research found accessibility requests in app reviews related to vision, hearing, and cognitive impairment, among others [4]. These reviews were identified with keyword searches, followed by manual analysis. Subsequent research then applied the identified reviews to build smart analysis tools to automatically extract accessibility requests with promising accuracy, which have been made available [1].

Recommendations for Researchers

For traditional elicitation techniques, there are several promising avenues of research to improve inclusivity. Heumader et al.’s work [12] points to a path forward in eliciting requirements from those with cognitive disabilities. They suggest the investigation of approaches that combine two existing design methods – inclusive participatory action research (IPAR) [18] and user-centered design (UCD) [16] – showing promising early results. Similarly, Chapter 10, “Beyond Diversity: Computing for Inclusive Software,” describes success using design thinking techniques to elicit requirements from diverse users. However, such techniques are time intensive and difficult to scale to a large number of users. Another direction for research is to address the challenges of scale facing traditional elicitation techniques, such as interviews and focus groups. For example, automated conversational agents, such as LadderBot [21], hold promise for overcoming the time and location constraints of person-to-person elicitation. A conversational agent could enable end users to articulate needs and requirements, by mimicking a human (expert) interviewer. By automating the interview process, a significantly larger sample of a user base could be engaged. Combined with the ability to target potentially underrepresented groups, automated user interviews hold significant potential to support inclusive requirements elicitation. Future work can evaluate the effectiveness of new conversational agents (e.g., LadderBot) against traditional person-person interviews and digital questionnaires. Additionally, these chatbot approaches would be well suited to evaluation in lab-based experiments.

Crowd-sourcing software requirements has been a significant focus for requirements engineering researchers in recent years. Traditionally, the crowd has been conceptualized from a high level, taking an aggregated view of their needs. However, as discussed, a growing number of studies suggest feedback habits and attitudes vary significantly between user groups (e.g., with gender, age, country). In the interest of more representative requirements engineering, researchers should continue to follow current trends and investigate a more fine-grained view of the crowd. With this goal in mind, we see three key areas for research: (1) Continue to investigate the representativeness of online feedback, and so identify areas where there are representation issues. (2) Investigate the causes of representation issues, such as feedback channel design and the impact of culture. (3) Investigate new approaches to encourage more representative feedback. These research directions are discussed in the following paragraphs.

Researchers should continue to investigate the representativeness of online feedback. Perhaps the primary challenge in understanding who gives online feedback is that feedback channels give very little information about their users. On some feedback channels, such as the Google Play Store, even the full name of the person providing the feedback is often unavailable. Recent research has made progress through indirect analysis techniques, such as user surveys, inferring gender through usernames, and comparing the content of feedback across regions in the Apple App Store [6, 10, 11]. Looking forward, these research approaches can continue to be leveraged; in particular, directly engaging software users (e.g., user surveys) continues to hold promise for gaining meaningful insights.

One avenue open for new research is the study of additional feedback channels, beyond the existing studies. The gender and regional analysis studies from Guzman and Fisher [6, 10, 11] focused on the Apple App Store, while Tizard et al.’s user survey studies [22, 23] focused on app stores, social media, and product forums. Extending these studies to additional feedback channels (e.g., issue trackers) would likely provide additional insights into online feedback behavior.

Future work should also endeavor to understand additional demographic and minority groups within the crowd and could also be extended to include intersectionality between groups [23]. For example, little is known about the ethnicity of feedback givers or differences across the economic spectrum. With gender, current work has been limited to only the differences between participants who identified as men and women. This can be extended to understanding the feedback behavior of non-binary software users. There is also significant room to continue to investigate differences in feedback behavior between countries [6, 10, 22].

The second main research direction we see is to investigate the causes of representation issues in online feedback. Previous work found underrepresented groups were more likely to cite several key reasons not to give online feedback. For example, both women and those under 25 years old more frequently (than their counterparts) reported that they found app stores confusing or hard to use, felt a resolution to their problem would take too long, and were not aware feedback could influence software improvements. Research has found that most software has gender inclusivity issues [2], so it’s possible that similar inclusivity issues exist in the software that collects online feedback.

A recent study also found software users in China and Germany reported significantly diverging reasons not to give feedback and suggested underlying cultural factors, such as collectivism and power distance [22]. Similar to other underrepresented groups, Chinese respondents were more likely (than Germans) to find online channels confusing or hard to use and were less likely to be aware they could influence software improvements through their feedback. Future research should investigate why certain groups are disproportionately impacted by these factors. There is also significant room to investigate differences in the motivations to give feedback between counties and the possible impact of culture.

Finally, researchers should investigate new approaches to encourage more representative online feedback. One promising direction for investigation is to directly address the factors underrepresented groups identify for not giving feedback, as discussed previously. Methods proposed by software users in previous work hold promise for addressing these challenges and should be investigated [23]. For example, giving a quick response to online feedback could be used to emphasize the connection to software improvement and help address the perception that a resolution will take too long. Clearly showing a track record of addressing feedback could also promote awareness of the process and help motivate user input. Future work should also investigate feedback interfaces that underrepresented groups find encouraging and easy to use. Lab trials could be carried out to evaluate if the approaches identified previously encourage feedback in a practical context.


Understanding and addressing user needs through diligent requirements elicitation is critical to success in the modern software landscape. In this chapter, we described the challenges in gathering views from a diverse set of users. Traditional elicitation methods (e.g., interviews) can exclude a significant proportion of the user base due to practical constraints, such as limited time. They can also suffer from bias and misunderstandings. For crowd-based elicitation, certain demographic groups can be significantly underrepresented in the online feedback it leverages. This issue is exacerbated by the lack of demographic information available about the online feedback givers, meaning it’s difficult (or impossible) to target feedback from specific groups. We made several recommendations to help practitioners overcome these challenges, including using various elicitation techniques to accommodate diverse users, employing user-centered design practices, and various strategies to increase the diversity of those participating in the requirements elicitation process. Finally, we outlined several promising directions for requirements engineering researchers to advance the literature on inclusive requirements elicitation.