Correction to: P. J. J. Gooris et al. (eds.), Surgery in and around the Orbit,

This book was inadvertently published with the following errors, and the errors have been corrected.

On Page iv, affiliation of the editor Maarten P. Mourits has been updated as follows:

Professor Emeritus

Department of Ophthalmology

Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Location AMC

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

On page 66, the legend to Figure 3.7 (b), (c) has been corrected as “(b) Lateral view of patient with unilateral Graves’ orbitopathy–unaffected side, (c) Lateral view of patient with unilateral Graves’ orbitopathy–affected side, exophthalmos present”.

On page 144, the text “–on demand–” has been deleted from the first paragraph of the Section “Visual Pathways”.

On page 147, the text “The visual field is the total area that can be seen without moving one’s head and eyes” has been corrected under the Section “Visual Field”.

On page 171, the text “in the sagittal plane” has been added to the first paragraph of the Section “Introduction: The (Axial) Globe Position”.

On page 311, the legend to Figure 19.3 has been corrected as “Orbital subperiosteal empyema: Fluid collection between the orbital wall and the periorbital”.