
1 Introduction

Programming and computing-related skills are vital in the information age both for personal and social development. In CoolThink@JC, City University of Hong Kong (CityU) aims to provide professional education support to enhance programming literacy among Hong Kong citizens through a series of elaborative teaching and learning activities, in particular targeting the primary school student group in the Hong Kong population.

Programming/coding has now become a global initiative in multiple countries, such as the “Hour of Code” campaign was first initialized by in the US in 2013 providing free educational resources for all ages. Now, over 100 million students worldwide have already tried an “Hour of Code”. In the UK and Australia, programming has been put into the primary education curriculum. In Hong Kong, CityU Apps Lab (CAL) ( is a leading University organization offering free workshops to the public to learn to code, and officiated the first “hour of code” in the territory. Over 2,000 h of programming has been achieved in the previous “Hour of Code HK” workshops, and we, at CityU of Hong Kong, have offered over 10,000 h of programming lessons to the beneficiaries by running “We Can Code” and “Go Code 2015” with the Sino Group.

In the world’s major economies, students from elementary to postgraduate level are getting increasingly involved in understanding the fundamentals of computer programs and programming skills. In the UK, a new version of the relevant curriculum was established a year earlier on July 8, 2013 by GOV.UK, putting a significant emphasis on computing skills. The new curriculum replaces basic word processing skills with more demanding tasks such as programming and understanding algorithms. Primary school children are proposed to be taught how to write simple programs using computer languages.

In Singapore, Hong Kong’s Asian competitor of diverse areas is a plan being fermented by the INFOCOMM Development Authority (IDA), which prescribes the progressive introduction of software programming classes into public schools. This would provide students with a unique opportunity to write programs in classroom settings employing the teaching and educational resources, which are available to other fundamental curricula. A talk is now being initiated by the nation’s Ministry of Education regarding the necessity of incorporating programming into its national curriculum.

Estonia is beyond all doubt taking the lead in programming skill education by launching a nationwide scheme to teach school kids from the age of seven to nineteen the methodology of writing computer programs. It is one of the first countries to have a government that was fully enabled. The ProgeTiger initiative was started in January 2012 by the Estonian government, aiming at bringing programming into classrooms to help raise Estonia’s technical competency. This small country with a population of 1.3 million is the home of Skype and has been attracting sponsoring activities from well-known organizations such as the Mozilla Foundation.

It is of great significance that Hong Kong citizens could grasp the basic principles of mechanisms of the digital devices that play such a large role in modern life and be aware of the fundamentals of programming. It is also important to know that when running the “Hour of Code HK” Campaign, we observe that youth group can achieve the programming tasks in a much shorter time when compared with University students or adults. In this connection, it is identified that there is still a lack of momentum in Hong Kong in the present day to catch up with the world’s best.

We believe that students at their early age are able to understand and acquire computational thinking skill at a faster pace; therefore, in this project, we provide the students in the participating schools three years of in-class training and out-of-class mentoring support from junior, intermediate, up to advanced level. For the in-class training at each level, there are 8−14 lessons with each lasting around 35–45 min. The out-of-class mentoring support is provided by our university student mentors on a group basis (around two student mentors take care of a class of 40 students). The student mentors take part in this project through our established campus internship and other cocurricular experiential learning schemes.

In CoolThink@JC, a sustainable learning environment was created for a period of 3 years for the participating primary students to learn the skill to program and keep up the learning attitude. The main role of the CityU team is to provide in-class manpower support and parent involvement support, and to facilitate effective learning in target schools. CityU Apps Lab, an education community at CityU consisting of more than 600 University student members, is able to provide such manpower support throughout this project. It is expected that in 3 years’ time, this community can grow up to 1,000 members on campus involving the CityU Alumni network. Students from other Hong Kong higher education institutions who are passionate about computational thinking (CT) and programming education are also recruited to join this project.

Yet, one challenge identified by the research group is the diverse cultures and backgrounds of the recruited students, which the cultural difference is expected to be overcome in the stress-adaption-growth (SOSAG) process in the recruitment.

In order to provide interactions with primary school students, we will provide support to the whole project to create a structured curriculum with the partnering organizations on this project that eventually integrates learning existing subjects such as mathematics and sciences with the computational thinking skills that the students have picked up. This has the potential to galvanize knowledge sharing and learning among the students.

2 Roles and Responsibilities of TAs

In CoolThink@JC, 100 and 500 teaching assistants (TA) were recruited by CityU from over 10 tertiary institutions of Hong Kong in the academic years of 2016/17 and 2017/18 to serve 32 pilot primary schools that participate in the computational thinking education in Hong Kong.

The main roles of TAs are to assist teachers in dealing with classroom teaching, e.g., co-teaching CT and answering students’ enquiries in class in the pilot primary schools. They also help in creating a joyful and innovative learning environment, and act as a role model in the classroom (e.g., by providing a passionate and responsive presence).

Another major responsibility of TAs is to provide professional support to teachers in relation to teaching and learning. They have to motivate students’ learning and encourage them to interact with others, for example, by praising students who have successfully completed the class exercises with creative ideas and are behaving well, and encouraging them to assist other classmates. Also, they take the role of inspiring students to generate creative ideas by encouraging students to finish their tasks by themselves with appropriate guidance. They have to be aware of student progress and achievements, and report any concerns regarding student matters to their supervisors, namely teaching leads (TLs).

3 Service-Oriented Stress-Adaption-Growth (SOSAG) Process

3.1 Assessment and Stress

TAs take the main role in providing support in CT lessons and act as an ultimate executor of co-teaching in primary schools. Before being assigned to serve in primary schools, potential candidates are trained and assessed based on their performances on a series of tests and teaching practices to become “qualified TAs”.

Unlike other subjects or skill set training, teaching CT is not easy as learners are required to have thorough understanding of both concepts and mechanisms to acquire the thinking skills needed for asking questions, understanding problems, and identifying solutions. Training TAs to be qualified to provide support to CT teaching at a large scale is even more a challenging task. Instead of “spoon-feeding” candidates for the essential soft and hard skills as the knowledge for co-teaching CT, candidates are expected to have a good attitude and high motivation, especially in Stage 1 where there are frequent interactions between candidates and the assessor for examining candidates’ understanding on CT concepts, CT practices, and CT perspectives. This ensures the training and assessment at a large scale can be conducted smoothly while maintaining quality.

Among hundreds of TAs recruited from various academic background and experience, some do not have relevant education background while some lack relevant experiences, e.g., teaching or interacting with children. To overcome the cultural difference of a large group of TAs, assessments are crucial to evaluate and maintain the standard of TAs via various kinds of assessment methodologies. Potential candidates are exposed to stress in four stages of assessments, which include a test via electronic submission and interview screening (Stage 1), training assessment (Stage 2), teaching practice assessment (Stage 3), and probation assessment to be qualified TAs (Stage 4). The assessment stages are summarized in Fig. 18.1.

Fig. 18.1
figure 1

The stages of becoming a qualified TA in CoolThink@JC of Hong Kong

In various stages of assessments, stress is caused by the intercultural differences including but not limited to (i) education background (e.g., education, programming) and (ii) work experiences (e.g., teaching experience or experience with children). The potential challenges that new recruits for this program may face are highlighted and emphasized with an increasing extent in each stage to enlarge their stress, and therefore the adaption and growth eventually.

Many candidates expressed that they suffered from varying degree of anxiety, sorrow, and even pain in different stages due to the various reasons: some candidates are not confident to learn CT when being given a test related to Scratch in Stage 1; some are distressed when being asked to handle student issues during interview while some feel worried to handle a big class of students and answer all enquiries from students properly in the lesson.

To resolve the stress, adaptation takes place to promote qualitative transformation toward growth (Kim, 2001). We consider the “cultural shock” as a “catalyst” for potential TAs to adapt quickly and grow to make them fit in the roles in the service engagement.

3.2 Adaptation

Although stress may be considered as a negative emotion, an appropriate level of stress can be beneficial (Spencer-Oatey & Franklin 2009). Studies show that people under higher frequency of stress have higher level of adaption (Kim, 2001). Adaptation to “intercultural” differences marks a change in terms of behavior and attitude. In the adaption process, we offer TAs debriefing and reflection in different assessment stages to allow for self-review and lesson observation for self-improvement; for example, some candidates showed stress when failing in teaching practice caused by lateness or unsatisfactory performance. They reflected on the importance of time management and preparation.

3.3 Growth

Adaptation also leads to psychological growth and better understanding of who we are, what we value, and where we might want to go (Shi, 2006). The journey of becoming qualified TAs of CoolThink@JC in the form of service learning helps to achieve a balance between service outcomes and learning goals (Furco, 1996). Service and learning goals are of equal weight and each enhances the other for all participants in service-learning (Sigmon, 1994). In the case of TAs in this project, service refers to the co-teaching support provided to teachers and students at primary schools while learning refers to the growth of TAs.

During the service, TAs are required to identify a problem, propose a solution, and learn from the experience (Crutsinger, Pookulangara, Tran, & Kim, 2004). During the lessons, TAs observe the students’ learning progress to identify their problems, then think of a way to present the problem and to inspire the students to solve it. Experienced TAs usually learn from past experience to respond to students of different levels and characteristics for a better learning outcome.

We consider it a stress-adaption-growth process which eventually leads to the self-development of TAs. As an extension to the existing intercultural transformation theory (ITT), we propose that this multiple-stage service-oriented process leads to TAs’ self-development as the “service-oriented stress-adaption-growth (SOSAG) process” highlights the growth via engaging candidates in service. The self-development of TAs is examined in Sect. 18.4—Evidences (Table 18.1).

Table 18.1 ITT factors in the stages to become qualified TAs in CoolThink@JC of Hong Kong

4 Evidence

In this study, data was being collected and presented in the form of in-depth reflective summary submitted by TAs. The extracted content of the reflective summary was mapped against the corresponding factors of the stress-adaption-growth process of the intercultural transformation theory (ITT) (Kim & Ruben, 1988). Five cases were examined in light of ITT factors through the different stages of the SOSAG process.

The TA subjects in this study were invited to reflect on a number of attributes (listed in Sect. which are expected of a qualified TA in CoolThink@JC.

4.1 Attitude

  • Understanding the importance of the sense of responsibility (e.g., punctuality, being well prepared).

  • Stepping out the comfort zone to accept new challenges which may be out of their profession.

4.2 Soft Skills

4.2.1 Communication Skills

  • Communicating with various stakeholders including supervisors, school teachers, students, and partner TAs (e.g., observing students’ learning progress and problems, communicating with students to give them a helping hand, handling student behavioral and disciplinary issues occasionally, and resolve conflicts between students).

4.2.2 Time and Stress Management

  • For example, handling a certain number of students inquiries and issues within the limited lesson time.

4.2.3 Knowledge on CT and Programming

  • For example, using CT concerts to solve problems in daily life.

Table 18.2 summarizes the TAs’ self-review comments through the SOSAG in the service engagement in CT education. The comments that correspond to the respective ITT factors are highlighted for further analysis.

Table 18.2 Excerpts from reflective summaries submitted by teaching assistants in CoolThink@JC

5 Discussion

5.1 Add-On Training

For the enhancement of knowledge in computational thinking, supplementary training will be offered to the existing TAs. Based on train-the-trainer model, experienced TAs form a taskforce to be trainers to design and offer add-on training for junior TAs. Under sufficient guidance by supervisors, they can become a good trainer to incorporate interactivity and foster thought-provoking conversations among peers.

5.2 Promotion

Based on enhanced intercultural transformation theory (ITT) (Sivakumar & Kwok, 2017), promotional exercises can be considered as “motivation” while add-on training and advice from supervisors are “support” in the TAs’ SOSAG process.

After the completion of at least one semester of service, TAs are eligible to apply for promotion via self-application or supervisors’ nomination. They may be promoted to “Senior TAs” or even “Supervisory TAs” based on the following factors:

  • Personal motivation and willingness to take up additional duties.

  • Experience.

  • Performance review.

  • Evaluation conducted during individual and group interview for promotion.

Promoted TAs are expected to take up additional duties including to act as the role model for TAs, to help new TAs get acquainted with work environment, and to assist supervisors in managing TAs by conducting a quality inspection in relation to co-teaching support in various schools irregularly.

Some senior and supervisory TAs also involve in designing and offering add-on training to other TAs under the guidance of supervisors. They are trained to be the trainers. This train-the-trainer model allows outstanding TAs to maximize their potential ability.

5.3 Challenges

One of the biggest challenges in engaging hundreds of tertiary students in the CT education in primary schools is to maintain manpower bank. Due to the complexity of matching school lesson schedule and TA preferences according to availability and school location, a pool of well-trained TAs is needed to serve more than thirty primary schools.

If a similar model of providing co-teaching support were to be continually adopted in the CT education in primary schools, TA recruitment may need a wider and stronger support from all higher education institutions. Recognition of the importance of CT education and its impact by various parties in the society could be a significant motivator in the collaboration with higher education institutions. This mobilizes a bigger pool of potential TA candidates ready for screening process, and eventually allowing more suitable candidates can be identified. This is actually a win-win approach for both the service receivers (teachers and primary students) and givers (TAs).

5.4 Future Directions

Besides the duties of co-teaching in primary schools, TAs are also actively participating in the support of CT workshops for public, for example, some were sent to support programming workshops for the public in InnoTech Expo 2017, a large-scale innovation and technology event held in Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Through co-organizing the events with volunteers from different backgrounds, TAs learned new knowledge like using programs to control drones and gained new exposure and insights to the application of programming in real life. The pictures in Fig. 18.2 show our TAs’ engagement in the InnoTech Expo 2017.

Fig. 18.2
figure 2

TAs from CoolThink@JC supported CT-related workshops in InnoTech 2017

In the long run, TAs with the experience in CT education will have a higher chance of engagement in CT education and related industries. Besides CT education, TAs are more likely to serve the community continually in different aspects and be more prepared to become future pillars in the society.

The potential development of qualified TAs is summarized and illustrated in Fig. 18.3.

Fig. 18.3
figure 3

Potential development of qualified TAs in CoolThink@JC of Hong Kong

6 Conclusion

This chapter extends the existing intercultural transformation theory (ITT) and proposes the service-oriented stress-adaption-growth (SOSAG) process in the engagement of computational thinking co-teaching education. Through service engagement in CT education at primary schools, service-oriented stress-adaption-growth process took place and allowed TAs to undergo self-development in multiple stages.