
1 Introduction

Along with the demand of socio-economic and transportation development, the bridge construction technology has also been developed tremendously [1,2,3,4,5]. And a common construction methods called incremental launching has received wide attention from scholars. Lou Song et al. analyzed the mechanical behavior of large tonnage steel truss beam during step incremental launching and sliding construction based on MIDAS Civil software modeling [6]; Zhou Jianting et al. proposed a construction control method for incremental launching of large span rail steel box laminated beam bridge in the context of the north bank approach bridge of Nanjimen rail special bridge [7]; Liu Junhua used finite element method to study the facility construction method and incremental launching safety analysis method of a large span arch beam combination system bridge incremental launching construction [8]; Based on the law of lateral deflection of steel channel beam tangential incremental launching, Yang Zengquan proposed the construction process of steel channel beam step incremental launching without temporary pier and pier side support in the middle [9]; Shi Xiaoye et al. proposed a guide beam strengthening scheme with double rows of longitudinal stiffening ribs by analyzing the local instability and buckling deformation characteristics of the guide beam [10].

In this paper, a structural computational finite element model is established to calculate and analyze each construction stage of steel beam incremental launching construction by taking the newly added flyover at Gaoping station on Yichuang-Wanzhou Railway as a relying project, and calculating the steel beam displacement and stress respectively to verify the safety of steel beam structure during incremental launching construction.

2 Project Overview

Gaoping station is a new station on the Yichuang-Wanzhou Railway, which is one of the main skeleton of China’s “eight vertical and eight horizontal” high-speed railroad network, with up to 96 high-speed trains running every day. In order to reduce the impact on the operation of existing lines and ensure the safety of the entire construction process, the best construction method of the station flyover is incremental launching method [11,12,13].

The bridge is equipped with 4 sets of step incremental launching equipment with longitudinal center spacing of 12.6 + 14.4 + 12.8 + 7.9 + 5.5 m and transverse center spacing of 9 m. The steel beam push can be divided into three stages. The first stage is to assemble a 27 m steel beam, and then push 6 m integrally to the end of the steel beam to reach the top D7 and D8 of the walker; the second stage is to continue to assemble a 6 m steel beam. Then push it integrally for 10 m; the third stage is to continue to assemble the remaining 10.075 m steel beam, push it 9.6 m integrally until the steel beam is pushed to the design position.

3 Finite Element Modeling

3.1 Calculation Parameters

The steel used for the steel beam of the flyover at Gaoping station includes Q345qD and Q235. The allowable stress for compression and bending of Q345qD steel is 250 MPa, and the allowable stress for shear is 140 MPa; the allowable stress for compression and bending of Q235 steel is 170 MPa, and the allowable shear stress is 100 MPa [14].

3.2 Calculation Load

  • Self-weight of steel beam

    Taking into account the self-weight of steel beams, detailed structures such as bridge decks, diaphragms and stiffeners are not included in the finite element model. Therefore, the self-weight coefficient is increased to balance the gravity of the detailed structure, and the self-weight coefficient is taken as 1.37.

  • Self-weight of incremental launching temporary piers

    The self-weight of the temporary pier support and the assembled support is automatically loaded by the program. Taking into account that the welds and stiff plates are not included in the model, the self-weight coefficient is taken as 1.2.

  • Lncremental launching horizontal force

    Horizontal loads in the transverse and longitudinal directions are applied to the top of the temporary piers, and the load is taken as 5% of the reaction force of the vertical fulcrum.

  • Construction load

    Consider the construction load of 2.0 kN/m2 on the working platform on the top of the temporary pier.

3.3 Calculation Conditions

The temporary piers supporting the steel beam structure at different positions during the entire incremental launching construction process will change accordingly, and the whole process will be divided into 17 working conditions (calculated once every 2 m of incremental launching). The reaction force of temporary pier support, steel beam deflection and stress are calculated under each working condition. The calculation models at different stages are shown in Figs. 1, 2 and 3, and the description of the controlled working conditions and the length of the front and rear cantilever during the pushing process of the steel beam are shown in Table 1.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The first stage.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The second stage.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The third stage.

Table 1. Controlled construction steps.

4 Calculation and Analysis of Steel Beam Pushing Process

4.1 Steel Beam Displacement Calculation

The maximum displacement of each member of the steel beam under various controlled construction conditions is shown in Fig. 4. The deflection of the lower chord (LC) and the upper chord (UC) refers to the vertical displacement, and the web member deflection (WM) refers to the horizontal displacement.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Maximum deflection of incremental launching steel beam member under various controlled construction conditions.

It can be seen from Fig. 4 that under different working conditions, the maximum deflection of the upper chord and the lower chord of the steel beam are basically the same, and both are greater than the deflection of the web. The maximum deflection of each member appears in working condition 7 (the front cantilever length is 11.4 m). At this time, the maximum vertical deflection of the lower chord is −27.4 mm, the maximum vertical deflection of the upper chord is −27.5 mm, and the maximum horizontal deflection of the web member is −2.5 mm. Figure 5 shows the displacement cloud picture for working condition 7.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Steel beam deflection cloud map for working condition 7.

According to “Steel Structure Design Standard”, the allowable value of deflection for working condition 7 is 28.5 mm [15]. From the above analysis, it can be seen that although the deflection of each member can meet the requirements of the railway bridge steel structure construction code, the maximum deflection of the upper chord and the lower chord is close to the limit value, indicating that the steel beam structure has made full use of some chords’ flexural stiffness.

4.2 Steel Beam Stress Calculation

Figure 6 shows the maximum normal stress of the upper chord (UC), lower chord (LC), vertical web member (VWM), and inclind web member (IWM) of steel beams under various controlled construction conditions.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Maximum normal stress of incremental launching steel beam member under various controlled construction conditions.

As can be seen from the above figure, the maximum value of the normal stress appears in the upper chord during the whole process of the steel beam incremental launching construction. The phenomenon is particularly significant in working condition 7 and working condition 16. The maximum normal stress of the lower chords of the steel beam appears in the working condition 7, which is 107.9 MPa. The maximum normal stress of the upper chords and the vertical web members both appear in the working condition 16, which are 52.4 MPa and 65.7 MPa, respectively. And the maximum normal stress of the inclind web members appears in the working condition 17, which is 54.2 MPa. The steel used in the steel beam is marked with Q235, whose allowable stress is 250 MPa. Therefore, the load-bearing capacity of each member of the steel beam can meet the requirements during the incremental launching process, and the structure is safe and controllable.

5 Conclusion

Basing on the above researches, conclusions and suggestionscan be drawn as follows: (1) In the whole process of steel beam incremental launching construction, the deflection of each member can meet the requirements of the railway bridge steel structure construction code. But when the length of the front cantilever of the steel beam reaches 11.4 m (working condition 7), the maximum deflection of the upper chord and the lower chord is close to the limit. (2) During the construction of the steel beam incremental launching, the load-bearing capacity of each member of the steel beam meets the requirements. It shows that the design of steel flyover structure and the design of the incremental launching construction plan are reasonable, and the structure of the incremental launching process is safe and controllable. (3) In view of the complexity and uncertainty of the incremental launching construction process, real-time monitoring of the construction process is required, and the beam should be dropped in time when abnormal conditions occur to ensure the safe operation of the existing line under the bridge.