
1 Introduction

Perpetual asphalt pavement is one of the hotspots in the field of highway development in China. Semi-rigid base or flexible base structure is usually used in perpetual pavement in China. The pavement structure with flexible material between asphalt layer and semi-rigid subbase is called inverted asphalt pavement structure [1]. Semi-rigid base has high stiffness and stress diffusion capacity, but its bottom is prone to produce temperature shrinkage cracks and dry shrinkage cracks when the temperature and humidity of the surrounding environment changes. Such cracks may gradually develop into bottom-up reflection cracks on the surface, which leads to the cracking of the pavement [2,3,4]. The inverted structure not only has the advantages of high strength and good bearing capacity of semi-rigid base, but also has the advantages that the flexible base can reduce the reflective crack [5, 6]. The lower layer of graded broken stone can bear the vertical load from the top to the bottom of the road surface and dissipate the strain energy from the bottom to the upper cement stabilized macadam base, and it can also make full use of the characteristics of the high compressive strength and low tensile strength of graded macadam base to reduce the damage of pavement structure caused by water erosion and overloading of semi-rigid materials [7].

Researchers in the United States, Australia, South Africa and other countries found that flexible interlayer can significantly reduce the asphalt pavement structure in the use of structural reflection cracks [8]. However, the mix of composite structures varies from country to country. The flexible interlayer of composite pavement structures in South Africa is usually 15 cm of graded or asphalt stabilized macadam, while graded macadam is commonly used in Australia and France [9]. The composite pavement structure consisting of asphalt stabilized macadam base course and granular subbase or cement stabilized subbase course is usually adopted in Japanese highways [10]. Since the modulus of the flexible interlayer of graded macadam is smaller than that of water-stabilized macadam, the stress transmitted by the base of water-stabilized macadam can be reduced, the inverted base asphalt pavement structure can give full play to the graded macadam base of the mechanical characteristics and drainage characteristics, so that the pavement structure has good durability [11].

According to the summary, the inverted structure with graded crushed stone flexible interlayer is rarely used at home and abroad. Moreover, most foreign studies are aimed at the composite pavement formed by paving asphalt mixture layer on cement concrete pavement, and there is a lack of research on cement stabilized macadam subbase. Through material design and accelerated loading test, this paper systematically compares and studies the performance differences between two kinds of Inverted Asphalt Pavement and semi-rigid asphalt pavement. Lay the foundation for the inverted asphalt pavement structure to be used as a perpetual pavement.

2 Pavement Structure and Material Design

2.1 Pavement Structure

According to the perpetual asphalt pavement structure in Hebei province and the perpetual pavement structure in Shandong Binda Expressway, three pavement structures are selected. In order to study the durability of composite base course, the control variable method was used. That is, the surface layer and the roadbed structure are consistent, but the roadbed is different. The base of Structure A is Large Stone Porous asphalt Mixes (LSPM) and cement stabilized macadam. The base of structure B is graded crushed stone and cement stabilized crushed stone. The base of structure C is two layers of cement stabilized macadam. Structure A and structure B were the experimental group, and the structure C was the control group. The structure is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. The structural forms in the accelerated pavement test section.

2.2 Materials Design

2.2.1 Mixture

SBS modifier/crumb rubber composite modified asphalt (SRA) was used as binder for asphalt mixture. To ensure the rationality of gradation design, the maximum nominal size of gradation increases from the surface layer down. The grading is shown in Table 2. In addition, the performance of the four kinds of asphalt mixture was studied. As shown in Table 3. The process of splitting strength test are shown in Fig. 1.

Table 2. Mix proportion of asphalt mixtures.
Fig. 1.
figure 1

The process of splitting strength test.

Table 3. The performance of asphalt mixture.

As can be seen from Table 3, SMA-13 has the best high temperature stability and low temperature stability among all asphalt mixtures. And its dynamic modulus is 9777 MPa, which shows that its ability of resisting traffic load is the strongest. This also meets the functional requirements of SMA-13 as an anti-wear layer. However, according to the fatigue test data, the fatigue life of SMA-13 is lower than AC-16C and AC-20C, but higher than LSPM-25. This is due to the discontinuous gradation of SMA-13 and its larger void ratio will reduce the bond strength between coarse aggregates, which reduces its fatigue life.

In summary, through the experimental verification, we can conclude that the asphalt mixture used in the test road has good road performance.

2.2.2 Unbound Aggregate

Unbound aggregate is a mixture of aggregates of different sizes obtained by gradation design. Graded macadam obtains its load-bearing capacity through the force between its internal aggregates. Mixture gradation was shown in Table 4. Although the graded macadam base can prevent the reflection crack very well, but its bearing capacity is usually less than that of asphalt or cement stabilized base. In order to enhance the shear strength and rutting resistance of graded broken stone, 1‰ polypropylene fiber was added to the mixture. The properties of graded broken stone are shown in Table 5.

Table 4. Mix proportion of unbound aggregate.
Table 5. The performance of aggregate.

By comparing the performance of graded broken stone with and without fiber, we can see that the performance of graded broken stone with fiber is greatly improved. The standard CBR value is increased by 17.75%, and the flooding CBR value is increased by 19.66%. The most remarkable thing is that the shear strength and splitting strength of graded broken stone increased by 36.63% and 23.84% respectively after adding fiber. This shows that its ability to resist wheel load is greatly improved.

2.2.3 Cement Stabilized Macadam

In order to obtain the best bearing capacity of cement-stabilized macadam, the influence of different cement-based binders on the performance of cement-stabilized macadam was studied during the design of cement-stabilized macadam. Three binders, 5% Portland cement, 5% super sulphur cement and 2% steel slag powder + 3% Portland cement, were compared in this test. The gradation and properties of cement stabilized macadam are shown in Tables 6 and 7. The process of splitting strength test are shown in Fig. 2.

Table 6. Mix proportion of cement stabilized macadam.
Fig. 2.
figure 2

The process of splitting strength test.

Table 7. The performance of cement stabilized macadam.

From Table 7, it can be seen that the unconfined compression strength of super-sulphur cement stabilized macadam is the highest at 7 days, reaching 6.11 MPa under the same curing condition. Its 14 days splitting strength is 1.21 MPa. The results show that it has reached the design requirements of the intensity of the base of the expressway and the first-class highway under the extremely heavy traffic condition. The compressive strength of steel slag powder + Portland cement stabilized macadam is the lowest in 7 days, which is only 1.98 MPa. Its 14 days cleavage strength is also the lowest, only 0.27 MPa. When the curing period reached 28 days, the unconfined compressive strength of three kinds of cement stabilized macadam increased obviously. Among them, the unconfined compressive strength of super-sulfur cement stabilized macadam increased most significantly, reaching 10.73 MPa. However, compared with the unconfined compressive strength, the indirect tensile strength of three kinds of cement stabilized macadam did not increase obviously.

Super sulfated cement was selected as binder for cement stabilized macadam.

3 Experimental Design and Data Collection Scheme

3.1 Experimental Design

In this research, based on the above research on the structure and materials, a test road of perpetual asphalt pavement was built with an effective loading length of 12 m. Three kinds of pavement structures were tested by linear accelerated loading test equipment, as shown in Fig. 2. The test parameters are: axle load 100 kN and tire pressure 0.7 MPa. In addition, a constant temperature control device is used to control the test temperature at 25 ℃. At the same time, through the sensors embedded in the test road in advance, the road surface ruts, deflections, the settlement of the subgrade, and the longitudinal and transverse tensile strain at the bottom of surface course and base course were monitored and studied for different loading amounts. The test road and accelerated loading equipment as shown in Figs. 3 and 4 shows the embedding position and mark number of each sensor.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The test road and accelerated loading equipment.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Layout of sensor embedding position.

3.2 Data Collection Scheme

3.2.1 Rut Cross Section

The rutting was caused by the road surface deformation under the action of different amounts of axle loading. The durability of the different structures could be obtained by studying the change law of the rutting section for different load times amounts. In this experiment, a three-dimensional laser section instrument was used to scan the rutting sections for different amounts of axle loading. Each structure needed to collect five groups of sections, and after processing, the average value was taken as the rutting depth of each structure.

3.2.2 Deflection

In this experiment, a Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) was used to measure the deflection of the road surface under different amounts of axle loading. The deflection data of each structure were measured three points, and the deflection data of each measuring point were measured three times. The average value of three measured points was taken as the deflection data of the structure.

3.2.3 Strain

Tensile strain is an important index to control pavement cracking. In order to measure the tensile strain of the base and the surface layer, the transverse strain sensor, the longitudinal strain sensor and the vertical strain sensor are embedded. Firstly, the dynamic response of three kinds of asphalt pavement under different axle load is studied. The dynamic response of the road surface under the action of 80 kN, 100 kN and 120 kN is measured by the acceleration loading equipment. Secondly, the dynamic response of asphalt layer under different loading times is studied. It is an important data to reflect the internal fatigue failure of pavement structure and to judge the service condition of pavement structure under the action of axle load.

4 Results and Analysis

4.1 Rut Cross Section

Figure 5 presents the results of the rutting depth data of the three structures after different loading amounts.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Rut depth curve.

As can be seen from Fig. 5, the rutting depth curves of structure a and structure B are quite similar. Among them, the rutting depth of structure a increases evenly from 0 to 500,000 times and slows down from 500,000 to 800,000 times. But it began to grow rapidly after 800000 times. The rutting depth of C structure increases relatively slowly. The B structure is between the A and C structures. This is because the base of structure A and B structure is flexible, and the aggregate is further compressed and compacted by the wheel load at the early stage, which leads to the increase of rut depth. At this stage, the cement-stabilized macadam subbase is still in the state of cementation. This stage corresponds to the load number of 0 to 500000 times. At the end of the first stage, the cement stabilized macadam subbase with C structure will be broken gradually under the action of axle load. This is the transition phase, which corresponds to 500000 to 800000 times. After 800000 times, the cement stabilized macadam subbase of the C structure is treated as an equivalent granular state, leading to a further increase in rutting depth. However, the strength of B structure base is much higher than that of graded crushed stone. Therefore, the duration of the first phase is greater than that of the A structure. After one million times, the rutting depth of three pavement structures: structure A > structure B > structure C. In the composite structure, the rutting resistance of structure B is better than that of structure A.

4.2 Deflection

Figure 6 presents the results of the deflection test data after different loading amounts.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Road surface deflection value change rule graph.

According to the curve chart of the deflection value change in Fig. 6, the deflection value of structure A was the largest, followed by the values of structure B, and the value of structure C was the smallest. In other words, the deflection value of the composite asphalt pavement with base layer of LSPM was generally lower than that of the composite asphalt pavement with base layer of unbound aggregate, but both were larger than the deflection value of the semi-rigid asphalt pavement. This showed that the bearing capacity of semi-rigid asphalt pavement is better than that of the composite asphalt pavement. In addition, in the composite asphalt pavement, the bearing capacity of LSPM base was better than that of the unbound aggregate base.

4.3 Dynamic Response of Pavement Structure Under Different Axle Load

In order to study the dynamic response of the three pavement structures under different axle loads, the axle loads of 80 kN, 100 kN and 120 kN are adopted. The applied loading speed is 22 km/h. The strain-time curves of the three structures under different axial loads are shown in Figs. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Transverse (left) and longitudinal (right) flexural strains of surface layer of A structure at different loading times.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Transverse (left) and longitudinal (right) flexural strains of middle course of A structure at different loading times.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Transverse (left) and longitudinal (right) flexural strains of lower layer of A structure at different loading times.

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Transverse (left) and longitudinal (right) flexural strains of surface layer of B structure at different loading times.

Fig. 11.
figure 11

Transverse (left) and longitudinal (right) flexural strains of middle course of B structure at different loading times.

Fig. 12.
figure 12

Transverse (left) and longitudinal (right) flexural strains of lower layer of B structure at different loading times.

Fig. 13.
figure 13

Transverse (left) and longitudinal (right) flexural strains of surface layer of C structure at different loading times.

Fig. 14.
figure 14

Transverse (left) and longitudinal (right) flexural strains of middle course of C structure at different loading times.

Fig. 15.
figure 15

Transverse (left) and longitudinal (right) flexural strains of lower layer of C structure at different loading times.

It can be seen that the strain in the pavement structure increases with the increase of axle load and there is obvious correlation between them. And the shape of the strain curve is related to the material properties of the structure and the depth of the monitoring point. In the case of A structure, when the axial load is increased from 80 kN to 100 kN, the longitudinal and transverse tensile strains of the upper layer increase by 33.3% and 62% respectively. In addition, the transverse strain of the three structures is more sensitive to load magnitude than the longitudinal strain. This may imply that this asphalt pavement structure under heavy load may be sensitive to longitudinal cracks.

In structure C, the bearing capacity is strong because the base is made of semi-rigid materials. It is shown in the strain diagram that the strain of the lower layer of structure C is the smallest, indicating that its bending deformation is the smallest. It is found that the transverse and longitudinal strains of structure B are smaller than those of structure A. This is because the base of structure B using LSPM, has a stronger load-bearing capacity than graded crushed stone materials. The maximum transverse tensile strain of structure A and structure B appears in the lower layer, and the maximum longitudinal tensile strain appears in the middle layer.

4.4 Dynamic Response of Pavement Structure Under Different Loading Times

Figures 16 and 17 show how the longitudinal and transverse flexural tensile strains in the three asphalt layers vary with loading times.

Fig. 16.
figure 16

Transverse bending strain at the bottom of asphalt layer at different loading times.

Fig. 17.
figure 17

Longitudinal bending strain at the bottom of asphalt layer at different loading times.

The longitudinal flexural-tensile strain of the three pavement structures is smaller than that of the transverse flexural-tensile strain at different loading times. In the course of the test, the strain value of the three pavement structures fluctuates up and down, which is mainly caused by the temperature change of the pavement layer during the loading. However, the bending and tensile strains of the three structures show a decreasing trend. Among them, the transverse and longitudinal flexural tensile strains appear at the bottom of the asphalt layer of structure C is the largest. This shows that the bottom of structure C asphalt layer is easy to incur Buttom-Up crack extending from bottom to top. In the inverted asphalt pavement structure, the bending strain of structure B is less than that of semi-rigid structure, but its changing trend is similar to that of structure C. However, the bending strain at the bottom of A structure asphalt does not increase during the loading. This indicates that the fatigue cracking resistance of structure A is the strongest. That is to say, the bending and tensile strain at the bottom of asphalt layer can be reduced obviously by setting graded broken stone base.

5 Results and Analysis

Through material design and accelerated loading test, this paper studies the performance of composite asphalt pavement structure and its feasibility as a perpetual pavement structure. The following conclusions are obtained:

  1. (1)

    Through the study on the properties of graded broken stone, it is considered that the bearing capacity, wheel load resistance and rutting resistance of graded broken stone with fiber are improved. The rutting resistance increases the most. This material can greatly improve the performance and service life of composite asphalt pavement. In addition, the bearing capacity of cement stabilized macadam can be improved by using super sulfate cement.

  2. (2)

    In three kinds of pavement structure, semi-rigid asphalt pavement has strong mechanical advantages. The inverted asphalt pavement with graded crushed stone base is the worst. The rutting resistance of semi-rigid asphalt pavement is better than that of composite asphalt pavement. In the composite structure, the rutting resistance of composite pavement with LSPM base is better than that with graded macadam base. Of the three pavement structures, structure A is the most prone to fatigue cracks. The pavement performance of structure C is still very good after loading one million times, and there is no structure fatigue phenomenon. This shows that improving the modulus of flexible base can improve the bearing capacity and rutting resistance of composite asphalt pavement.

  3. (3)

    The transverse flexural-tensile strain of the three pavement structures is more sensitive to axle load than longitudinal flexural-tensile strain. And semi-rigid asphalt pavement is more sensitive to the load. The inverted asphalt pavement structure with graded macadam base is more adaptable to load, and its sensitivity to load is much less than semi-rigid asphalt pavement. This shows that graded macadam base can play the role of diffusion stress, can effectively extend the service life of pavement.

  4. (4)

    By comparing the loading test results, it is concluded that the bearing capacity and rutting resistance of structure B are stronger than that of structure A. Its stress change is more similar to that of semi-rigid asphalt pavement. It can also restrain the reflective crack to a certain extent. Therefore, it is recommended to use LSPM base compound asphalt pavement structure for perpetual pavement.