
A Global Background

Throughout history, nations, civilizations, empires, and countries have risen and fallen. While this is a natural cycle and evident in the known history of humankind, the reasons for their rise and fall are varied, and it is often a combination of factors that leads to the ultimate decline of a once-great power.

History tells us that great nations rise and fall. Babylon and Greece, great empires of their time, have fallen. The strong Roman Empire has come and gone. Where are the great empires of the past? Where is the Assyrian Empire? The Babylonian Empire? The Roman Empire? You can find what is left of them in museums only, in ruins, and in a few ancient stone buildings frequented only by modern tourists. Great nations rise and fall! Is it possible that any superpower could be returned to ashes, like so many great nations that have gone before?

There will be no one permanent superpower, and the historic cycle of the rise and fall of various nations will continue. We can only be impressed by the great empires of the past. The Babylonian Empire ruled the Middle East, and the armies of Nebuchadnezzar were unstoppable. The mighty Roman Empire lasted for 500 years, before falling to the Vandals and the Heruli. World War II saw the blitzkrieg expansion of the Third Reich across Europe and North Africa. Hitler’s ambitions included the conquest of the Soviet Union, but he failed, and Allied armies pummeled mighty Germany into a rubble heap. Can any nation or empire long endure? Can the USA last much longer as a superpower? What are the lessons of history—and Scripture—and the warnings they portend for Western civilization? The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics consisted of 15 republics and one-sixth of the world’s land surface, or 2.5 times the area of the USA. This great superpower disintegrated in 1991. On November 9, 1989, the symbol of its subjugation of Eastern Europe, the Berlin Wall, came tumbling down.

Why do nations decline and fall? History has proven, time and again, that a nation’s moral condition and its character are key to its endurance. The Apostle Paul wrote: “Do not be deceived; God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” Individuals and nations that sow immorality, violence, and oppression will not long endure.

Note these sobering words by former US Education Secretary William Bennett: “National prosperity, as it happens, is largely dependent on lots of good private character. If lying, manipulation, sloth, lack of discipline, and personal irresponsibility become commonplace, the national economy grinds down. A society that produces street predators and white-collar criminals has to pay for prison cells. A society in which drug use is rampant must pay for drug treatment centers. The breaking up of families means many more foster homes and lower high school graduation rates. A society that is parsimonious in its personal charity (in terms of both time and money) will require more government welfare. Just as there are enormous financial benefits to oral health, there are enormous financial costs to moral collapse.”

The history of the world is the story of nations and empires that prospered and later turned to dust. Will we learn from the lessons of history? Some nations declined slowly before their demise. Others were destroyed or conquered suddenly.

One of the most significant factors in the rise of a nation or civilization is its ability to adapt and innovate. This can include technological advancements, economic policies, and cultural changes that enable a society to thrive and expand. For example, the Industrial Revolution in Europe during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries allowed for unprecedented economic growth and a significant increase in living standards. However, the same factors that lead to a society’s success can also contribute to its downfall. Technological innovations can be outpaced or misused, leading to social or environmental problems. Economic policies that once provided prosperity can become outdated or corrupt, leading to economic stagnation or collapse. Cultural changes can also backfire, leading to social unrest or even civil war.

Another critical factor in the rise and fall of nations is their political systems. Democratic and republican systems that prioritize the rule of law and individual rights have been associated with greater stability and success, while authoritarian regimes that concentrate power in the hands of a few have often led to corruption, unrest, and collapse.

Environmental factors, such as climate change, natural disasters, and resource depletion, can also contribute to a society’s decline. Droughts, famine, and disease can devastate populations, while environmental degradation can harm the natural systems that support human societies.

Ultimately, the fate of a nation or civilization often rests on its ability to navigate these various factors and maintain a sense of balance and stability. While no society is immune to decline, those that can adapt, innovate, and prioritize the well-being of their citizens are more likely to thrive over the long term. It is the matter of governance, which makes or breaks nations, civilizations, and countries. Good governance can be long-lasting and endure, which makes its people happy, satisfied, and united. Only an approach of public welfare, security, justice, and prosperity can keep the masses satisfied and become sustainable for longer.

The Rise of China

China, one of the oldest civilizations in the world, has a rich and complex recorded history that spans over 5000 years. In recent decades, China has undergone tremendous growth and modernization, emerging as a major global economic and political power. The rise of China is a fascinating phenomenon, rooted in its unique history, culture, and strategic approach to development.

Historically, China was a dominant global power for centuries. From the Han Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, China was a center of innovation, trade, and cultural exchange. However, in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries, China was weakened by internal political turmoil, foreign aggression, and economic decline. This period of weakness culminated in the Chinese Civil War, which led to the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949.

Under the leadership of Mao Zedong, China pursued the path of socialist development, emphasizing self-reliance and collectivism. Despite achieving significant progress in industrialization and social welfare, this period was also marked by political repression, famine, and isolation from the international community.

Since the late 1970s, China embarked on a new phase of economic and social development under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping. This period of reform and opening up has led to unprecedented economic growth, lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty and transforming China into the world’s second-largest economy.

The Chinese government has pursued a unique model of development, combining elements of socialism, market economics, and state-led investment. This model has allowed China to achieve rapid growth while maintaining social stability and political control. The government’s emphasis on long-term planning and investment in key strategic sectors, such as infrastructure, high-tech industries, and education, has enabled China to become a global leader in areas such as 5G technology, artificial intelligence, and renewable energy.

China’s rise has not only been economic but also political and cultural. China has become more assertive in its foreign policy, seeking to expand its influence and protect its national interests. China has also become a leading cultural exporter, with Chinese films, music, and art gaining global popularity.

Despite several challenges, the rise of China has brought significant benefits to the world. China’s economic growth has driven global prosperity and contributed to poverty reduction. China has also played a constructive role in promoting global cooperation on issues such as climate change, trade, and public health.

The rise of China is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that reflects China’s unique history, culture, and strategic approach to development. While challenges remain, China’s achievements in economic growth, technological innovation, and cultural influence are a testament to the resilience and dynamism of the Chinese people. As China continues to play an increasingly important role in the world, it is important for the international community to engage with China in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation.

An Introduction to China’s System

China’s governance system is often scrutinized by the international community due to its unique characteristics and approaches. However, its system has proved to be highly effective in enabling China to achieve impressive economic growth and social stability. This chapter will examine the strengths and successes of the Chinese governance system, highlighting key features and good practices that have contributed to its achievements.

Economic Success

One of the most significant achievements of China’s evolution has been its economic development. China’s economic growth has been nothing short of miraculous, with the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) growing at an average rate of 9.5% per year over the past 40 years. This growth has been fueled by a combination of factors, including government investment in infrastructure, a focus on manufacturing, and a large and well-educated workforce.

Social Development

Along with its economic development, China has made significant strides in social development as well. Poverty has been reduced dramatically in China, with over 700 million people lifted out of poverty in the past 40 years. This achievement was made possible through a combination of government policies and private sector initiatives, including investments in education, healthcare, and social welfare programs.

Good Governance

One of the key features of China’s success has been its system of good governance. The Chinese government has been committed to promoting economic and social development while maintaining political stability. This has been achieved through a combination of policies that prioritize the needs of the people, as well as a strong emphasis on transparency and accountability in government.

The Chinese concept of “whole process people’s democracy,” which is quite different from Western democracy, is another key to its success. It is based on collective wisdom and continuously changing based on the feedback of stakeholders and experts in various fields. China has introduced reforms gradually and in a timely manner while maintaining core cultural values, social norms, and political ideology. It is the culmination of centuries-old Chinese wisdom and keen CPC leadership.

The success of Chinese governance is based on ensuring the welfare of its population and a people-centered approach. The government spares no effort in improving the standard of living of its people, and in return, the leadership enjoys public support.

This people-centered spirit was demonstrated at the time of the outbreak of COVID-19. The government did every possible thing to save lives, and in return, the public has offered the best possible cooperation in implementing preventive measures.

Eradication of absolute poverty in China was also only possible through choosing the correct policies by a visionary leadership and the selfless hard work of the public. So far, only China has achieved poverty elimination goals set by MDGs well ahead of schedule.

The Evolution of Good Governance

China has come a long way in terms of good governance. Over the past few decades, the country has undergone a remarkable transformation, both socially and economically. The Communist Party of China has played a significant role in guiding the country toward a more accountable, transparent, and participatory governance model.

The evolution of good governance in China began in the late 1970s when the country started embracing market-oriented economic policies. Deng Xiaoping, the architect of China’s economic reforms, understood the importance of creating an enabling environment for economic growth, which necessitated a shift toward a more decentralized and market-oriented approach to governance. This policy shift created space for the emergence of non-state actors and increased citizen participation in decision-making processes.

Over the years, the government has taken numerous measures to improve good governance. These include the establishment of an independent judiciary, the strengthening of anti-corruption measures, and the promotion of participatory governance. In addition, the government has also made significant efforts to enhance transparency and accountability in decision-making processes.

One of the most notable developments in China’s governance model is the establishment of a rule-based system. The country has enacted numerous laws and regulations that govern various aspects of society, including the economy, the environment, and social welfare. The government has also set up regulatory bodies to ensure that these laws are enforced and implemented effectively.

The Chinese government has also recognized the importance of citizen participation in decision-making processes. The country has implemented various measures to promote participatory governance, such as public consultations, public hearings, and the establishment of citizen advisory committees. These measures have enabled citizens to voice their opinions on important issues and contribute to policy-making processes.

Furthermore, the government has implemented various measures to enhance transparency and accountability in decision-making processes. For instance, the government has set up mechanisms for the disclosure of information, such as the Freedom of Information Act. This law ensures that citizens have access to government information, which promotes transparency and accountability.

Finally, the Chinese government has taken significant steps to combat corruption. The government has established anti-corruption agencies and implemented numerous measures to strengthen accountability mechanisms. The government has also implemented various measures to promote ethical behavior among public officials, such as the establishment of codes of conduct and the provision of training on ethics and integrity.

The evolution of good governance in China is a remarkable success story. The Chinese government has implemented numerous measures to promote transparency, accountability, and citizen participation in decision-making processes. The establishment of a rule-based system and the strengthening of anti-corruption measures are significant achievements that have contributed to the country’s overall development. As China continues on its path toward modernization, it is likely that the government will continue to take measures to improve its governance model and build a more prosperous and equitable society.

Modernization in all aspects, which is very much visible, is the result of good governance. China has achieved top global rankings in a number of areas and is leading Europe and America in several of these, like telecommunication and 5G, high-speed rail, infrastructure, and construction, to name a few.

Key Features of China’s System of Governance

China, one of the largest and most populous countries in the world, has a rich history of governance and uses practices that have evolved over centuries. In recent years, China has made significant progress in developing good governance practices, which has contributed to its economic growth, social development, and global impact. Some of the key features of Chinese good governance and practices are discussed below.

Strong Leadership and Political Stability

China’s leadership and political stability have been critical in driving the country’s impressive economic growth and development in recent years. Under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, the government has implemented various policy measures and action plans aimed at promoting political stability and ensuring sustainable development. Political stability is vital for economic development and China has attained this, providing a conducive environment, where each individual contributes to the social and economic development of the country.

To maintain a stable political environment that fosters investor confidence and promotes economic growth, the government has implemented several measures, including anti-corruption campaigns, which have helped to restore public trust in the government and promote accountability among public officials. Additionally, the government has taken steps to improve the legal system, increase transparency, and promote good governance, all of which are critical in promoting political stability.

President Xi Jinping, who is also the Secretary General of the CPC, and Chairman Central Military Commission, is one of the strongest leaders in the world. He loves his people and spares no effort to ensure their welfare. He also loves all mankind and is working to best to serve the whole of humanity. This has made him popular both in China and globally.

Effective Economic Management and Planning

China’s economic management and planning have been a driving force in its remarkable economic growth since the reforms introduced in 1978. The country’s policies and action plans have been implemented with a focus on achieving high levels of economic development while ensuring sustainability and environmental protection.

One of the key policy measures implemented by the Chinese government is the “Five-Year Plan,” which sets targets for economic development and outlines strategies for achieving them. The most recent plan, covering the period from 2021 to 2025, focuses on innovation, technological advancement, and the development of new industries, such as green energy, to help achieve a more sustainable economy. These efforts have led to significant achievements, both in terms of economic growth. China’s economy has grown at an average rate of over 6% per year since 2010.

China’s economic management and planning have been instrumental in its significant economic growth and achievements. The country’s policies and action plans have prioritized sustainable development. China’s efforts serve as a positive example for other countries.

Emphasis on Education and Human Resource Development

China has made significant progress in the areas of education and human resource development during the last four decades. The country has implemented various policy measures and action plans to improve the quality of education and training for its citizens, which have led to significant achievements.

One of China’s priorities has been to increase access to education for all. The government has invested heavily in building schools and universities and has also implemented policies to make education more affordable and accessible to low-income families. As a result, the literacy rate in China has increased significantly, and more and more students are pursuing higher education.

Another priority for China has been to develop a highly skilled workforce that can compete in the global economy. To achieve this, the government has implemented a range of measures to improve the quality of vocational training, including partnerships with international companies to provide training and certification programs. Today, the Chinese workforce is highly skilled, efficient, and productive, but more importantly, competitive. Additionally, the country has invested in research and development to support innovation and entrepreneurship, which has led to the emergence of a strong startup ecosystem.

China’s efforts in education and human resource development have been impressive. The country has made significant progress in expanding access to education, improving the quality of vocational training, and developing a highly skilled workforce.

Focus on Innovation and Technology

China has made huge strides in the fields of innovation, science, and technology over the past few decades, with policy measures and action plans that have boosted these sectors. With a focus on economic development and a desire to become a global leader in innovation, China has prioritized these sectors to achieve remarkable achievements.

The Chinese government has implemented a series of policies to promote innovation, including the “Made in China 2025” plan, which aims to upgrade Chinese manufacturing through increased innovation and technological advancements. The government has also invested heavily in research and development, leading to the establishment of research institutions such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which has made significant contributions to scientific research. China has surpassed many nations including Europe and America in terms of research publications and patents filed, which is often a yardstick used to measure standards of science, technology, and the innovativeness of a country.

In addition to the promotion of innovation, China has made great strides in the field of science and technology. The country has made significant investments in the fields of artificial intelligence, robotics, and 5G technology, among others. These investments have resulted in breakthroughs such as the world’s first quantum satellite and the world’s fastest supercomputer.

China’s achievements in innovation, science, and technology are undeniable, and the country is committed to continued progress in these areas. With its focus on economic development and the promotion of scientific advancements, China is poised to become a global leader in innovation, science, and technology. As China continues to invest in research Infrastructure and human resource, I think we can look forward to further advancements and breakthroughs. Chinese universities are hubs for the creation of knowledge and innovations with the number of Chinese universities listed among the world’s best five hundred universities continues to climb.

Strong Social Welfare System

China’s social welfare system has undergone major changes recently, reflecting the country’s economic growth and social development. The Chinese government has implemented a series of policy measures and action plans to improve social welfare, reduce poverty, and promote social stability.

One of the key priorities of China’s social welfare system is poverty reduction. In 2020, China announced that it had achieved its goal of eradicating absolute poverty, lifting over 800 million people out of poverty over the past four decades. This was achieved through a range of measures, including targeted poverty alleviation programs, investment in infrastructure, and the creation of new jobs.

In addition to poverty reduction, China has also implemented a number of policies to improve access to healthcare and education. The government has expanded the coverage of basic medical insurance and introduced a new system of universal health coverage. This has helped to reduce healthcare costs and improve access to medical services for millions of people. The average life expectancy in China has improved considerably.

Similarly, the Chinese government has invested heavily in education, with a focus on improving access to quality education for all. In recent years, China has increased its spending on education, with a particular emphasis on improving the quality of education in rural areas. This has helped to reduce educational inequality and improve social mobility. As a result, the literacy rate in China has increased significantly.

The country has also introduced a range of policies and action plans to reduce pollution and promote sustainable development. For example, the government has launched a “war on pollution,” which has led to significant reductions in air pollution levels in some of the country’s major cities. Additionally, China has made significant investments in renewable energy that has made it the world’s largest producer of solar and wind power.

China has taken a leading role in global efforts to protect the environment. The country has played an active role in international climate negotiations and was a key player in the development of the Paris Agreement. China has also committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2060, which is a significant step toward achieving global climate goals.

Generally, China’s social welfare system has made significant progress in recent years, with a focus on poverty reduction, healthcare, education, and environmental protection. The government has implemented a range of policy measures and action plans to achieve these goals and has made significant achievements in each of these areas. As such, China’s social welfare system serves as a positive example for other countries to follow.

Environmental Protection

China has made significant progress in environmental protection in recent years, reflecting the government’s commitment to sustainable development. The country has recognized the importance of preserving the natural environment and has implemented policy measures and action plans to protect it.

One of the key policy measures is the “Beautiful China” initiative, launched in 2015, which aims to improve the quality of the environment and promote sustainable development. The initiative focuses on reducing pollution, increasing green spaces, and promoting sustainable urbanization. It also aims to create a culture of environmental protection and encourage public participation in environmental conservation.

To achieve these goals, the Chinese government has introduced a number of action plans, including the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan, the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan, and the Soil Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan. These plans aim to reduce pollution, improve water and air quality, and clean up contaminated land.

China has also set priorities for environmental protection, with a particular focus on air pollution. The government has introduced measures to reduce emissions from industry and transport, while also promoting clean energy sources such as wind and solar power. The country has also introduced vehicle emissions standards and encouraged the use of electric vehicles.

China’s efforts in environmental protection have yielded positive results. According to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, air quality in 337 cities improved in the first half of 2021 compared to the same period in 2020. The government has also made progress in reducing pollution in rivers and lakes and has launched initiatives to protect biodiversity and promote ecological restoration.

China’s commitment to environmental protection is not only important for the country itself but also has significant global implications. As the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, China’s efforts in reducing emissions and promoting sustainable development can have a major impact on global climate change. China has taken a leadership role in international efforts to combat climate change, including its commitment to the Paris Agreement and its hosting of the UN Climate Change Conference in 2019.

China has made impressive strides in environmental protection in recent years, reflecting the government’s commitment to sustainable development. The policy measures and action plans implemented by the government, coupled with public participation and awareness, have yielded positive results in reducing pollution, promoting biodiversity, and restoring ecological systems. China’s leadership role in global efforts to protect the environment is commendable, and its continued efforts in this area are critical for a sustainable future for all.

Success Stories Abound

China’s good governance practices have contributed to its remarkable economic growth and social development in recent years. China has lifted over 800 million people out of poverty in the past four decades, accounting for more than 70% of the world’s poverty reduction during this period. The country has also made significant progress in areas such as healthcare, education, and technology development. China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a global infrastructure development strategy, has become an important platform for promoting economic cooperation and development across the world. The BRI has already delivered tangible benefits to many countries, including increased investment, trade, and employment opportunities.

China’s good governance practices are based on strong leadership, effective economic management, human resource development, innovation, and social welfare. These practices have contributed to China’s remarkable economic growth and social development in recent years and have made China an influential player on the global stage. As China continues to develop and grow, its good governance practices will remain a key driver of its success.

Conclusion and Recommendations

The Chinese governance system has a number of strengths and achieved multiple successes that have contributed to China’s impressive economic growth and social stability. The system’s focus on state-led development, decentralized decision-making, collaboration with the private sector, investment in education and social welfare, effective control of crime, and strategic communication have all been key factors in its success. Moving forward, China’s government will likely continue to refine and adapt its governance system to meet new challenges and opportunities.

The evolution of China from a backward nation to a modern and prosperous country is a remarkable success story that has taken place over several decades. China’s development is a testament to the resilience, hard work, and determination of its people, as well as the vision and leadership of its government. This transformation has been marked by many milestones, each building on the previous one to create a more prosperous and modern China. In this essay, we have examined the evolution of China from backwardness to modernity, with a particular focus on its achievements and key features of good governance.

In a fast-changing world, governance systems must support rapid decision-making under conditions of radical uncertainty, while maintaining accountability. That—not the Western expectation of what a governance system should look like—is the standard by which we should be assessing political developments in China.

The Chinese governance system is a complex and comprehensive system that has evolved over centuries of cultural and historical influences. It is characterized by several key features that have contributed to its strengths, achievements, and successes. In this conclusion, I will summarize some of the most notable aspects of the Chinese governance system.

  • Strong Leadership: The Chinese governance system is known for its strong and centralized leadership, with the Communist Party of China (CPC) at the helm. This centralized leadership has enabled China to maintain political stability and consistency, which has helped to facilitate economic development and social progress.

  • Effective Planning: Another key feature of the Chinese governance system is its emphasis on planning and long-term strategic thinking. This approach has allowed China to implement large-scale infrastructure projects and economic reforms that have transformed the country into a global economic powerhouse.

  • Decentralized Implementation: While the Chinese government has a centralized leadership structure, it also allows for a certain level of decentralized implementation at the local level. This has allowed for greater flexibility and responsiveness to local needs and conditions, which has helped to improve the quality of life for many Chinese citizens.

  • Emphasis on Education: The Chinese governance system places a strong emphasis on education, with significant investments made in education at all levels. This has helped to create a highly educated and skilled workforce, which has been a major driver of China’s economic growth.

  • Effective Public–Private Partnerships: The Chinese government has effectively leveraged public–private partnerships to facilitate economic development and social progress. This has enabled the government to work closely with private companies to develop infrastructure, promote innovation, and create new jobs.

  • Focus on Innovation: In recent years, the Chinese governance system has placed a strong emphasis on innovation, with significant investments made in research and development. This has helped China to become a leader in cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and renewable energy.

Overall, the Chinese governance system has been instrumental in driving China’s remarkable economic growth and social progress over the past several decades. Its strengths, achievements, and successes are a testament to the effectiveness of its leadership, planning, implementation, education, public–private partnerships, and focus on innovation.


China’s remarkable achievements over the last few decades are undeniable, and there are certainly valuable lessons that can be learned from their governance system. Here are some suggestions for the rest of the world to consider:

  • Emphasize long-term planning: One of the key factors behind China’s success is its focus on long-term planning. The Chinese government has a clear vision for the future and works diligently toward achieving it, even if that means making short-term sacrifices. This approach can be applied to many areas, including infrastructure development, education, and economic policy.

  • Invest in education: China’s emphasis on education has been instrumental in its rise as a global power. The Chinese government invests heavily in education, from primary school all the way up to higher education. Providing quality education to all citizens is crucial for building a skilled and knowledgeable workforce, which in turn drives economic growth and innovation.

  • Foster innovation: China’s impressive technological advancements over the last few decades are a result of its commitment to innovation. The Chinese government has established policies and incentives to encourage research and development in various sectors, from artificial intelligence to renewable energy. Encouraging innovation can help countries stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive on the global stage.

  • Focus on sustainable development: China’s rapid economic growth has come at a cost to the environment, but the country has taken steps to address this issue. The Chinese government has implemented policies to promote sustainable development, including investment in clean energy and efforts to reduce pollution. Focusing on sustainable development can help countries balance economic growth with environmental protection.

  • Prioritize social welfare: China has made significant progress in improving the standard of living for its citizens. The government has implemented policies to reduce poverty, provide healthcare, and improve social welfare programs. Prioritizing social welfare can help countries build a more equitable society, improve quality of life, and promote social stability.

China’s success offers valuable insights into governance and development. By emphasizing long-term planning, investing in education, fostering innovation, focusing on sustainable development, and prioritizing social welfare, countries can learn from China’s experiences and build a prosperous and equitable future for their citizens.

It is time to relax and think. Think smartly and wisely. Do not be biased or prejudiced. Focus only on how to improve the standard of life of a nation. Ask the question: how can we look after the public at large? Any system that can keep its people happy and prosperous should be considered a good one. We must move beyond political rivalries and think about the strengths of the Chinese system and how these may be implemented it in developing economies worldwide. Some of the developing nations have already replicated the Chinese model and are benefiting, while others are in the stage of adopting it gradually.

China is a great nation and willing to share its experience and willing to assist any nation to improve their country. It has become the largest donor to small and poor nations and contributes to the global economy significantly.

It is time to understand China. The more we understand China, the more benefits we may reap. Learn the Chinese language, culture, history, traditions, political system, governance system, and development experience.

Scholars, intellectuals, and media can play a positive role and project fact-based China instead of propaganda against China. China has surpassed the stage, where any country can coerce China, contain China, counter China, or resist the peaceful rise of China. Those who cooperate with China will reap the fruits of its developments and those who are jealous and trying to resist China will fail. Let’s strengthen cooperation with China and transform the entire world into a better place to live. Let’s join hands to make our tomorrow better than yesterday.