The pursuit of a sustainable, i.e. environmentally sound, socially correct, economically adequate and ethically acceptable development, is a matter of concern to both individuals and nations alike. It is also a complex process, where science needs to be complemented by political decisions and practical actions, so as to yield the expected benefits. The further matters related to sustainable development progress, the greater is the need to support its implementation by means of scholarly publications, which document and promote research, the results of studies, as well as practical projects. It is in order to support this process, that the journal “Discover Sustainability” has been created. “Discover Sustainability” is part of the Discover journal series, which is committed to providing a streamlined submission process, rapid review and publication, and a high level of author service at every stage. It is an open access, community-focussed journal publishing research from across all fields relevant to sustainability research. The journal “Discover Sustainability” is supported by a prestigious and multi-disciplinary editorial board, composed by some leading experts in the field of sustainable development. The following colleagues are part of this effort:

Deputy Editors

  • Professor Luciana Brandli

    Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (FEAR), Graduate Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Passo Fundo, Brazil

  • Professor Usha Iyer-Raniga

    School of Property, Construction and Project Management, RMIT University, Australia

  • Dr. Julie Newman

    Office of Sustainability, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

  • Professor Rudi Pretorius

    Department of Geography, School of Ecological and Human Sustainability, University of South Africa (Unisa), South Africa

  • Dr. Mihaela Sima

    Environment & GIS Department, Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy, Romania

Associate Editors

  • Professor Alex Kanyimba

    Centre for Research and Publications, University of Namibia, Namibia

  • Professor Magdalène Lévy-Toedter

    FOM University of Applied Sciences, Germany

  • Professor Vanessa Levesque

    Department of Environmental Science & Policy, University of Southern Maine, USA

  • Dr. Chunlan Li

    Faculty of Earth Sciences, East China Normal University, China

  • Dr. Jing Liu

    Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University, Japan

  • Professor Angelo Paletta

    Department of Management, University of Bologna, Italy

  • Professor Mustafa Saroar

    Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), Bangladesh

  • Professor Tatiana Teslenko

    Faculty of Applied Science, University of British Columbia, Canada

  • Professor Luis Velazquez

    Sustainability Graduate Program/Industrial Engineering Department, University of Sonora, Mexico

  • Professor Kıymet Tunca Çalıyurt

    Head, Business Administration Department, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics Trakya University, Turkey

In addition, the journal is supported by an editorial advisory board with many well-known experts, congregating the best available knowledge on matters related to sustainable development. Together, we endeavour to deliver a high quality service to our authors, and ensure their papers are not only processed according to the highest standards, but they are also speedily handled. As science quickly progresses and research findings need to be quickly disseminated, it is important that submissions are swiftly processed. Our editorial team is fully committed to this goal. This first issue will be one of many, and we hope to provide a concrete basis upon which scholarly research on sustainable development may be promoted, and hence may mobilise various audiences across all geographical regions.

Please feel free to let your colleagues and networks know about the journal, and feel free to contact us if you have any ideas or suggestions. We would welcome a dialogue with you.