Correction to: Amino Acids

In Fig. 3 headers were missing in the original article. The correct Fig. 3 is below.

The original article has been corrected.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Associations for a total cysteine and fractions, b total homocysteine and fractions, and c total glutathione and fractions with body fat compartments. Estimates were obtained from regression models where log-transformed body fat compartment was the dependent variable and log-transformed thiol was the main independent variable. The models were additionally adjusted for age and lean mass. Estimates indicate % change in body fat compartment per % change in the thiol. Note the differing scales on the X-axes. cys cysteine, GSH glutathione, GSSG oxidized glutathione, hcy homocysteine, Hcystine homocystine, tCys total cysteine, tHcy total homocysteine. * indicates p < 0.011