Erratum to: Neth Heart J (2016) 24:25–38

DOI 10.1007/s12471-015-0769-3

Figures 3 and 4 and the captions of figures 2, 3, and 4 in the original article were incorrect and should have appeared as presented in this erratum. The editors apologise for this oversight and any confusion this may have caused.

Fig. 2
figure 1

Schematic representation of apical rocking and septal flash. Schematic representation of the left ventricle in echocardiographic AP4CH view, showing both septal flash and apical rocking due to LBBB induced mechanical dyssynchrony. a early septal contraction stretches the lateral wall and rocks the apex to the left, while the septum thickens and moves inwards. b late lateral wall contraction stretches the septum and rocks the apex to the right. c relaxation of the lateral wall with continuing septal contraction, while the apex moves to its original position.

Fig. 3
figure 2

Example of echocardiographic data obtained from a responder to CRT. Apical four chamber view, colour Doppler, septal strain and pulsed-wave Doppler acquisition of a responder to CRT, before, and 6 and 12 months after implantation. Note the continuous decrease in LV volume, decrease in mitral regurgitation, improvement in septal strain and decrease in IVMD over time. These data suggest a continuous process of reverse remodelling. Septal strain: yellow, light blue and green lines represent basal, mid and apical inferoseptal segmental strain, respectively. The three curves represent the segments illustrated in baseline echocardiogram in the upper left panel. The white dashed curve represents the average septal strain. SRSsept is marked red, as all rebound stretch after initial shortening, during systole. IVMD is represented by PW-Doppler signals of the left and right ventricular outflow tract. EDV end-diastolic volume, ESV end-systolic volume, EF ejection fraction, ∆ESV change in ESV compared to baseline, SRS systolic rebound stretch, LVPEP left ventricular pre-ejection period, RVPEP right-ventricular pre-ejection period, IVMD inter-ventricular mechanical delay. Volumes are derived by biplane Simpson method.

Fig. 4
figure 3

Radial strain analysis of parasternal short axis images. Parasternal short axis (PSAX) views and radial strain analysis of a patient with LBBB, imaged prior to CRT implantation. LV lead placement resulted in a mid-posterolateral position (green curve in Fig. 4f). ESV decrease after 6 months of therapy was 49 % (88–43 ml). a & d B-mode images with excellent echocardiographic quality of PSAX mitral valve level and papillary muscle level. b & e region of interest (ROI) placement for radial strain analysis of both PSAX views. c & f strain curves of corresponding ROIs; note the similarity in time-to-peak strain. There is no single area with latest activation.