Author Correction: American Journal of Clinical Dermatology (2023) 24:837-847

Page 840, Table 1 Baseline Patient Demographics and Clinical Characteristics

(ITT Population):

‘PPPASI score categories at randomization, n (%)’ section, ‘≤ 20’ row: The cell entry in the ‘Placebo’ column, which previously read:

“15 (34.1)”

should read:

"14 (31.8)”

‘PPPASI score categories at randomization, n (%)’ section, ‘≥ 21 to ≤ 30’ row: The cell entry in the ‘Placebo’ column, which previously read:

“18 (40.9)”

should read:

“19 (43.2)”

‘Focal infection status at randomization, n (%)’ section, ‘Presence’ row: The cell entry in the ‘Placebo’ column, which previously read:

“34 (77.3)”

should read:

“32 (72.7)”

‘Focal infection status at randomization, n (%)’ section, ‘Absence’ row: The cell entry in the ‘Placebo’ column, which previously read:

“10 (22.7)”

should read:

“12 (27.3)”

‘Focal infection status at randomization, n (%)’ section, 'Presence' row: The cell entry in the ‘Apremilast 30 mg BID’ column, which previously read:

“37 (80.4)”

should read:

“32 (69.6)”

‘Focal infection status at randomization, n (%)’ section, 'Absence' row: The cell entry in the ‘Apremilast 30 mg BID’ column, which previously read:

“9 (19.6)”

should read:

“14 (30.4)”

The corrected Table 1 is as follows:

Table 1 Baseline patient demographics and clinical characteristics (ITT population)

Page 841, Fig. 1 legend:

The footnote that previously read:

“*Two-sided P-value (nominal) is based on chi-square test. Missing data were imputed by nonresponder imputation.”

should read:

“*Two-sided P-value is based on chi-square test. Missing data were imputed by nonresponder imputation.”

Page 841, Fig. 1:

The text above the PPPASI-50 columns that previously read:

“Treatment difference: 37.4% (95% CI: 18.6%, 56.1%) Nominal P=0.0003*”

should read:

“Treatment difference: 37.4% (95% CI: 18.6%, 56.1%) P=0.0003*”

The original article has been corrected.