
Understanding and quantifying the interrelated complexities of the dynamical influences of Earth’s weather patterns that occur on a wide range of spatial and temporal scales remains an ongoing challenge to meteorology. It is not an understatement that the spectre of climate change has raised the stakes in this quest because of the well-known inherent difficulties in predicting the dynamics of highly non-linear multi-scale multi-variate coupled systems. A major concern is the emergence of increased extreme weather events1,2 and their associated global ecological and socioeconomical costs3,4,5,6. This includes the influence on severe weather, such as thunderstorms7,8, which occur on the mesoscale, and atmospheric rivers (ARs), which are synoptic scale phenomena9. The development of methods for understanding the dynamics and evolution of severe weather events is therefore of ever increasing importance. The ever increasing sophistication and capabilities of weather measurement systems (multiband satellite, radar, etc) provides increasingly complex time-dependent multivariate 3D datasets offer the potential to inform such problems but pose an increasingly daunting computational challenge. In this paper we describe the application to global weather systems of a novel computational method called the Entropy Field Decomposition (EFD) capable of efficiently characterizing coherent spatiotemporal structures in non-linear multivariate interacting physical systems. While the method is quite general, its capabilities are best highlighted by application to a specific phenomenon of significant societal impact. ARs are a natural choice not only because of the devastating ecological and socioeconomic impacts10 but also because they are highly localized in both their spatial extent (synoptic) and their temporal evolution (days), and yet are influence by a wide range of physical effects at multiple scales, from planetary to mesoscale. Increasing attention is being paid to the development of computational methods for their genesis, development and termination11,12

Atmospheric rivers (ARs) are long, narrow, and transient corridors of strong water vapor transport. They play an important role in precipitation in many regions globally, such as the West Coast of U.S. where they are the main mechanism to advect moisture13,14,15,16. ARs contribute up to 50% of the annual precipitation over the western U.S.17,18, which is critical to the water supply. Meanwhile, ARs cause a majority of the major floods over the same region15,19. Due to the significant social and economic impacts, there has been growing interests and demands in scientific understanding and operational predicting of ARs16,20. Enhancing our ability to detect, characterize and predict ARs would therefore be of significant societal impact. Complicating this task is the fact that ARs are affected by interacting physical processes on multiple scales, from planetary-scale, synoptic-scale, to mesoscale, such as Rossby wave breaking, extratropical cyclones, low-level jets, and mesoscale frontal waves21,22,23,24. Characterizing the interactions of these multiscale non-linear phenomena that have great impacts on ARs therefore poses a significant data analysis challenge.

There is a vast literature and growing on the study of ARs including a growing literature on their detection and identification (see, for example, the ARTMIP project25,26,27,28) including a variety of ways to investigate AR life cycles29,30. Nevertheless, the complexity of the non-linear processes responsible for ARs leaves room for new approaches to perhaps augment the existing literature on detection, characterization, and prediction of ARs.

In this paper we report our results of an initial investigation of the application of the recently developed entropy field decomposition (EFD)31,32 to this problem. The EFD is not just an AR detection method, it is a general methodology for estimating and ranking space-time modes of complex, interacting, non-linear systems from noisy data that has proven particularly useful where exceedingly complex interacting spatially and temporally varying non-linear fields from unique events preclude the use of linear methods or those that require similarity between events via training data. In addition, space-time information trajectories (STIT) constructed as highest probability pathways within the modes provide a quantitative measure of large scale connectivity. EFD’s use of highly relevant prior information embedded within any individual dataset facilitates its use in individual unique events. Such is the case in severe local storms where we have previously demonstrated the utility of the EFD approach33.

This paper presents the results of applying EFD to global weather patterns and the question of AR detection using three high-impact AR events. The first two considered, in March 2005 and January 2021, had significant environmental and financial impact on the U.S. West Coast. We also reconsider one of the most famous historical storms, the “Great Storm of 1987” that occurred over the UK on Oct 15-16, 1987. This storm is considered historically significant because of its rapid development and the subsequent failures to predict its location and intensity. While the wind damage has been discussed in great detail (see, for example34) what is less well known is that this storm also produced an exceptionally strong AR. This is readily confirmed by reanalysis of the precipitation data. The rapid formation of an intense localized AR is therefore an excellent test case study on which to test our EFD methodology.

We demonstrate two main results. First, the EFD modes generated from just the wind field coupled with the specific humidity field are able to accurately reveal and rank different fully 3D+t dynamical modes of the evolution of the ARs, where by “3D+t” we denote that all scalar or vector fields depend on three spatial variables (latitude, longitude, and height), as well as on the time variable t. Secondly, the STITs successfully capture the large-scale flow pattern, which is similar to Rossby Waves patterns, and reveal that ARs are coincident with the eastern edge of the troughs in the STITs, which is consistent with the troughs of Rossby Waves. These results suggest that EFD provides a unique novel data analysis method with the potential for better understanding of the generation, maintenance, and intensity of ARs.


The Earth’s atmosphere is a highly complex dynamical physical system that gives rise to a wide variety of coherent phenomena, including atmospheric waves such as Rossby and equatorial waves, and other coherent phenomena (e.g., vortices) that are associated with severe weather events (hurricanes, tornadoes, atmospheric rivers, etc). These coherent phenomena exist at a wide range of spatial and temporal scales and are generated by a multitude of non-linear processes. The problem of detecting and quantitatively characterizing such multi-scale coherences is a difficult problem in estimation theory, and is a very active area of research in the meteorological community because it is indeed a non-trivial problem. Recent work includes the identification of Rossby waves35,36,37,38, mesoscale eddies that “masquerade” as Rossby waves39, and various methods for the identification of equatorial waves (for a review, see40).

Estimation of coherent non-linear phenomena from data is not specific to meteorology, of course, but is an active area of research in a wide range of scientific disciplines. This ubiquitous need suggests the importance of the development of general frameworks for analyzing time-varying volumetric data from observations. This was the motivation for the development of the EFD framework, which was developed from first principles from the combination of Bayesian probability theory and the physics discipline of field theory. A brief overview of this logical development of EFD is presented in Appendix A. This includes a brief discussion of inverse problems in meteorology (i.e., characterizing physical systems from data), how to formulate a general probabilistic framework from Bayesian theory, and the key role of prior information in the identification of high-probability solutions to the inverse problem. Finally, the concept of identifying extended coherent structures in both space and time using space-time information trajectories (STITs) is shown. This Appendix highlights how EFD and STIT analysis provide a novel automated yet formally consistent method for quantitatively characterizing these multiscale coherences.

Analyzing data from highly non-linear dynamical systems is a ubiquitous problem throughout a broad range of scientific disciplines, but perhaps best known in meteorology as a consequence of the pioneering work of Edward Lorenz41,42,43 who recognized the difficulty such complex physical systems posed for prediction. This led him to the formulation of empirical orthogonal functions (EOF)44 designed as a ’model free’ approach to detecting the primary spatiotemporal patterns, or ’modes’, of weather systems. As discussed in greater detail in Appendix A, the EOF has some significant limitations, but the spirit of the approach is correct: How does one extract the most probable modes of a complex system from the data with minimal assumptions? It was from this viewpoint that we developed the entropy field decomposition (EFD)31,32.

An intuitive way to conceptualize the EFD is by comparison and analogy with Fourier analysis. For example, one version of a ’perfect’ Rossby wave would be a velocity field spatially varying in a perfectly periodic fashion as a function of longitude with an amplitude in the latitudinal direction varying periodically with time. This is an example of a coherent spatiotemporal structure. If there were simultaneous waves of different spatial extent, wave frequencies, and amplitude variations, it would be quite difficult to visualize, much less quantify, these different spatiotemporal structures by visual inspection of the data on a weather map. However, a Fourier analysis would be able to do this. The “modes” of velocity would be the 3-dimensional (in space) time courses (i.e., time-dependent volumes) reconstructed from the Fourier components with the largest amplitudes, ranked in decreasing order. There may be many “modes” and determining their relative significance in a standard analysis would be done by sorting the Fourier amplitudes in decreasing order. Determining where the modes cease to be significant is a more complicated question that depends on the noise in both the system and the measurements.

If, in addition to these velocity field spatiotemporal patterns, there were other periodically varying (in both space and time) physical parameters, for example, humidity, whose variations were related to (perhaps in a complicated way) the spatiotemporal variations in the velocity field, then a Fourier analysis could detect the spatial and temporal variations of the moisture field. Determining the relationship to the wind field poses a more complicated problem that requires determining the often non-linear relationship between the different parameter fields.

The EFD can be thought of in direct analogy with a Fourier analysis. A Fourier analysis consists of expressing a signal in terms of its contribution from the Fourier functions, which are sinusoids. This is an expression of the implicit assumption that the signal is modeled as periodic. The Fourier space-time modes are easily calculated because the contributions of the different so-called Fourier “basis” functions (plane waves of a particular frequency) to the signal are added independently (the functions are perpendicular, or “orthogonal”, to one another).

However, in highly non-linear, non-periodic, and non-Gaussian physical systems like the weather, there is no obvious set of basis functions to use for computing the independently contributing modes. The major significance of the EFD method is that it performs the same decomposition of the data into space-time modes that show the dominant spatiotemporal patterns ranked in order of the amplitude of modes coefficient.

In our view, these problems fall within the domain of probability theory, from which EFD was derived from first principles. Indeed, as we show in Appendix A the general EFD formulation reduces to the probabilistic formulation of the Fourier solution when less prior information is used.

But what makes the EFD such a methodology is that it can determine the unique set of basis functions within each individual dataset directly from the structure of the data itself, and works for complex non-Gaussian, non-linear and non-periodic spatiotemporal patterns not known apriori. This can be accomplished formally via the theory of entropy spectrum pathways (ESP) that determines the unique set of orthogonal space-time basis functions directly from the space-time correlation structure of the data. The end result is therefore a set of space-time modes (“eigenmodes”) ranked in order of amplitude of the mode coefficients (“eigenvalues”). The procedure, however, is then completely analogous to a Fourier decomposition into different space-time modes.

The EFD methods can be extended to multiple modalities by incorporating coupling between different parameters, which we call Joint Estimation with Entropy Regularization (JESTER)45. This allows us to perform this analysis simultaneously for datasets with multiple data fields, such as wind and humidity, and determine the ranked modes for spatiotemporal variations of the mutually interacting fields. These are the space-time modes that are demonstrated in this paper. A brief introduction to the logical extension of EFD to multiple modalities is provided in Appendix A.

Because the EFD analysis is formulated within the logical structure of Bayesian field theory, the resulting modes provide quantitative information including the detailed spatial-temporal patterns and the relative contribution of the different modes. This information obviously cannot be discerned by visual inspection of weather maps.

We note that while methods that decompose data into components or modes are often referred to as “data reduction” techniques, we find that term somewhat misleading as the data are not reduced, but rather quantitatively refined into probability subspaces. But in some sense this is just semantics.

Entropy field decomposition (EFD)

Theory. The EFD is a probabilistic method for estimating spatial-temporal modes of complex non-linear systems containing interacting fields (e.g., wind, humidity, temperature, pressure, etc). It is formally based on a field-theoretic mathematical formulation of Bayes’ Theorem that enables the hierarchy of multiple orders of field interactions including coupling between fields31,32. Its practical utility is enabled by incorporation of the theory of entropy spectrum pathways (ESP)46 which uses the space-time correlations in each individual dataset to automatically select the very limited number of highly relevant field interactions. There are no training datasets or averages across datasets—just the prior information contained within the single dataset of interest. This method has shown utility in meteorology in the application to severe local storms, in particular tornadic supercells33. In addition to producing estimated field modes, the EFD facilitates the construction of space-time information trajectories (STIT) which are paths of optimal (in the sense of maximum entropy) information within any estimated EFD mode. Multiple connectivity eigenmodes (CEM) generated from each STIT characterize the primary information pathways in the data. (As noted in the previous section, Appendix A provides a brief introduction to the logical development of EFD and STITs.) The computational implementation is detailed in Appendix C. In the results that follow, it will be noted that STITs reveal wave-like patterns in the atmosphere. Since the STITs are generated by the coupling of the wind field to other dynamical parameters (e.g., humidity), they will be necessarily related to atmospheric Rossby waves that are traditionally calculated directly from the wind field, often by standard tracking wave paths (e.g.,47. STITs patterns are similar to Rossby Waves, because STITs are greatly impacted by the wind fields, while Rossby Waves are closely associated with the large-scale wind fields. In other words, STITs captured the pattern of planetary-scale circulation (STITs are similar to the pattern of Rossby Waves). Given the connection between ARs (EFD modes) and STITs, it reveals a link between ARs and planetary-scale circulation. It is worth noting that STITs are not Rossby Waves, they are optimal space-time path probabilities based on the specific humidity and wind field configurations.

Case studies

Three AR cases

While ARs occur worldwide, our particular interest is in those that impact the Western US, as they play a critical role in the precipitation over this region and have great impacts on extreme precipitation, flooding, and landslide. We have therefore chosen two particular damaging storms that hit the Western US: (1) landfalling AR over the U.S. Pacific Northwest on 26th March 2005; (2) landfalling AR over the California coast on 27th January 2021. Both were major landfalling AR events over the West Coast and produced heavy precipitation in the corresponding regions. In addition, as a third case study we consider a historical event that is famous for its hurricane-force wind—the Great Storm of 1987 that occurred on 15th-16th October 1987 over the UK. Indeed, the term “atmospheric river” (which appears to have been used for the first time by Zhou48) had not even been coined at that time. Rather, the infamy of this storm was not just the rapidity of the formation of severe weather—it was the most damaging storm in 200 years in UK and caused almost $2b in damage and killed 19 people, but also for the failure of the meteorologists to predict it49. The well documented highly localized (in both space and time) nature of the event makes it appealing for a more in-depth test case for our EFD space-time analysis method. It also provides for an interesting comparison with other studies of ARs in this region, e.g.,50.

Data sources

In this study, the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR,51) dataset from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) is used for the analysis of the October 1987 and the March 2005 AR case. Since CFSR spans from January 1979 to December 2010, the NCEP Climate Forecast System Version 2 analysis52 is used as the extension of CFSR after January 2011 and here for the January 2021 AR case analysis. The CFSR data was obtain on 6-hourly temporal resolution, 0.5\(^\circ\) longitude \(\times\) 0.5\(^\circ\) latitude horizontal resolution, and 19 pressure levels (from 1000 hPa to 100 hPa with 50-hPa interval). The variables used in this study include specific humidity (Q), zonal and meridional wind components (U &V), and vertical wind velocity. Vertically integrated water vapor transport (IVT) was calculated using Q and U &V from 1000 to 100 hPa following18. For each case, an extended period (10 days) of data was utilized to cover the entire life cycle of ARs, starting from 11th October 1987 for the 1987 case, from 21st March 2005 for the 2005 case and from 22nd January 2021 for the 2021 case, respectively. The IVT for the three case studies in this paper are shown in Fig. 1 and clearly depict ARs.

Figure 1
figure 1

Integrated vapor transpose (IVT) for the (Top) AR of Mar2005; (Middle) AR of Jan2021; (Bottom) Great Storm of 1987 at 18 UTC on Oct 15th based on NCEP CFSR Reanalysis.


In what follows below, we will denote the calculated k’th EFD mode of the coupled parameters \(\varvec{\alpha } = \{ \alpha _{1},\ldots ,\alpha _{m} \}\) as \(\psi ^{(k)}_{\varvec{\alpha }}(\varvec{x},t)\). The STIT generated from the modes will be denoted \(F^{(k)}_{\varvec{\alpha }}(\varvec{x},t)\). In this paper, the k’th mode was generated by k’th nearest-neighbor in both space and time. However, the algorithm more generally supports independent variations in coupling \(\psi ^{(k,l)}\) where \(k=0,\ldots ,k_{m}\) and \(l=0,\ldots ,l_{n}\) represent the coupling length for space and time, respectively, so that an \(m \times n\) array of space-time modes with different combinations of space and time scales can be constructed. This provides a refined analysis of spatio-temporal phenomena at different scales and will be pursued in the present context in the future. Our primary interest here is investigating the hypothesis that ARs can be revealed and characterized from EFD modes computed from the (3D+t) wind velocity \(v(\varvec{x},t)\) coupled with the specific humidity \(q(\varvec{x},t)\) fields.

For AR events highly localized in both time and space, such as the Oct 1987 storm the lowest order EFD mode \(\psi ^{(0)}_{v,q}(\varvec{x},t)\), (i.e., nearest neighbors in space and time) which emphasizes the smallest spatial and temporal scales, should be most sensitive to ARs. And the corresponding STITs \(F^{(0)}_{v,q}(\varvec{x},t)\) computed from this mode will reveal the larger scale dynamical system influencing these rapidly evolving events. However, for ARs that evolve over broader ranges of space and time, such as the Jan 2021 event, higher order modes (e.g. \(\psi ^{(2)}_{v,q}(\varvec{x},t)\) and the corresponding STIT \(F^{(2)}_{v,q}(\varvec{x},t)\)) reveal the storm dynamics more clearly.

Western US AR cases

The March 2005 AR case (Fig. 1A) had a tropical moisture source over the southwest of the Hawaiian Islands, extended northeastward to the U.S. Pacific Northwest, and made landfall over the Washington and north Oregon coast on 26th March with precipitation over 100 mm in the following 24 h21. The January 2021 AR case (Fig. 1B) formed on the south side of a deepening extratropical cyclone over the eastern North Pacific, made landfall over the coastal Northern California on 27th January, and then migrated southeastward along the coast of California. This case produced heavy precipitation over a large area of California with a maximum over the Central California and brought severe floodings, which is one of the Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters in 2021 according to the report from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration53. These two cases are typical ARs over the eastern North Pacific and the U.S. West Coast, but with some diversities in their characteristics and the large-scale background.

Figure 2
figure 2

Spatiotemporal evolution of the AR and its relationship to amplification of the STIT waves for the Mar 2005 event computed from all three spatial dimensions and the time dimension (denoted “3D+t”). Time points for Mar2005 shown are \(t=\{72,96,120,144\}\). (Left column) IVT, (Middle column) Maximum intensity project of the (3D+t) EFD mode \(\psi ^{(0)}_{v,q}(\varvec{x},t)\) computed using only the (3D+t) wind field coupled with the (3D+t) specific humidity field, (Right column) STITs \(F^{(k)}_{\varvec{\alpha }}(\varvec{x},t)\) generated from the EFD mode \(\psi ^{(0)}\), along with a \(\psi ^{(0)}\). The AR that impacted CA is shown in the white boxes (IVT and EFD), and appears to be associated with the STIT wave trough in the red box. A second AR is labeled using the green boxes (IVT and EFD) and the yellow box (STIT). STIT coloring is arbitrary and optimized for visualization. EFD and STIT scale is unitless. Time is hours since 2005-03-21 00Z.

Figure 3
figure 3

Time evolution of the AR and its relationship to amplification of the STIT waves for the Jan2021 events. Time points for Jan2021 are \(t=\{48,72,96,120\}\). (Left column) IVT, (Middle column) Maximum intensity project of the (3D+t) EFD mode \(\psi ^{(2)}_{v,q}(\varvec{x},t)\) computed using only the (3D+t) wind field coupled with the (3D+t) specific humidity field, (Right column) STITs \(F^{(k)}_{\varvec{\alpha }}(\varvec{x},t)\) generated from the EFD mode \(\psi ^{(2)}\), along with a \(\psi ^{(2)}\). The AR that impacted CA is shown in the white boxes (IVT and EFD), and is appears to be associated with the STIT wave exit region in the red box (STIT). The depth of the STIT wave, and the corresponding steepness of the exit region, are correlated with the strength of the AR as estimated by EFD. Indeed, the AR that hit CA was significantly less powerful that the Western AR over the North Pacific (labeled with green and yellow boxes). STIT coloring is arbitrary and optimized for visualization. Time is hours since 2021-01-22 00Z.

The EFD modes were calculated over all time frames (\(t=0,6,12,\ldots , 234\) hours in steps of 6 hours) spanned from 00 UTZ 21st to 18 UTZ 30th March 2005 for the Mar 2005 event and from 00 UTZ 22nd to 18 UTZ 31st January 2021 for the Jan 2021 event. The results for the Mar 2005 event are shown in Fig. 2 and for Jan 2021 in Fig. 3. Four key time points in the evolution of the ARs is shown: (1) generation, (2) development, (3) enhancement, and (4) landfall. These correspond to times \(t=72, 96, 120, 144\) for the Mar 2005 event and \(t=48, 72, 96, 120\) for the Jan 2021 event. ARs are often identified and characterized using IVT, which is shown in left column of Figs. 3 and 2. In the second column of these figures is shown the EFD modes and in the right column display the STITs. For the March 2005 event the first EFD mode \(\psi ^{(0)}_{v,q}(\varvec{x},t)\) and the corresponding STITs \(F^{(0)}_{v,q}(\varvec{x},t)\) computed for this mode are displayed in Fig. 2. For the Jan 2021 event the third EFD mode \(\psi ^{(2)}_{v,q}(\varvec{x},t)\) and the corresponding STITs \(F^{(2)}_{v,q}(\varvec{x},t)\) computed for this mode are displayed in Fig. 3. This higher mode corresponds to longer range spatial and temporal coupling, and show greater sensitivity to the AR in the Jan 2021 event because of its more extended spatial structure and slower time evolution. As a reminder, though, all modes are calculate for all events, and from a practical perspective are all useful in more fully understanding the dynamics of AR events.

The wind and specific humidity at the 850 hPa pressure level from these events are shown at the same time points in Figs. 14 and  15 in Appendix B. Note that the IVT is an integrated 2D spatial field whereas the EFD is a full (3D+t) spatiotemporal field, so provides information as function of altitude. Full volume rendering of this field can be visually confusing, however, so for display purposes, we display the maximum intensity projection (MIP) over all vertical coordinates in Figs. 2 and 3 as the EFD modes to compare with the traditional IVT fields.

In the 2005 case, a well-defined AR appeared in the IVT field (left column of Fig. 2) at \(t=72\) over the middle North Pacific, where a strong low-level jet captured the water vapor from the southwest of the Hawaiian Island (Fig. 14). Then the AR developed and propagated northeastwards in the next two days (t = 96 and t = 120), until it made landfall over the U.S. Pacific Northwest at t = 144. The EFD mode (middle column in Fig. 2) successfully revealed the AR through its life cycle, from the genesis stage to landfalling. The EFD modes have been scaled to emphasize their subtle and complex structure. The most intense regions of EFD modes correspond directly to the ARs detected by IVT.

It is noteworthy that the EFD mode is calculated using the raw wind and humidity fields directly. It estimates the spatial-temporal modes of the complex non-linear system with the interacting wind and humidity fields, rather than the water vapor transport field (IVT)), which is only a measurement of horizontal water vapor transport. However, the EFD mode still can capture the AR patterns, which are very similar to the AR objects in the IVT fields (right column in Fig. 2). It implies that the AR is not only a strong horizontal water vapor transport corridor, but also a region with intense interaction between the wind and water vapor.

Different from the 2005 case, the 2021 case formed at the relatively higher latitudes in the middle North Pacific, moved eastward, and made landfall at the California coast (Figs. 3 and 15). The EFD modes also revealed the AR patterns, which are similar to the AR objects in the IVT field. These results indicate that the EFD mode can provide an alternative metric to identify ARs based on the interaction between wind and water vapor. In addition to the EFD mode, the right columns of Figs. 2 and 3 show the STITs. STITs are high probability pathways through the joint wind-specific humidity EFD mode and is highly related to the upper-level wind field, which could be used to identify Rossby waves. Thus, STITs exhibit a pattern consistent with Rossby waves. Both AR cases are located at the southeast of the wave trough, where the strong low-level southwest wind advects the water vapor from the subtropical/tropical region to the middle latitudes (Figs. 14 and 15). It indicated that the formation of the two ARs are related to the amplified STIT wave trough.

In the case of the Jan2021 event, a much stronger AR is seen to the west over the North Pacific Ocean, which can be seen in both IVT field and EFD mode (t=120 in Fig. 3). Its greater strength correlates with the significantly larger depth of the trough of the associated amplified STIT wave relative to the AR that made landfall in California.

In addition to the main AR cases, EFD also detects a second AR to the East for both cases. While our initial interest was in assessing our ability to detect the major AR events that impacted the US West Coast, the detection of the second AR is important in supporting our hypothesis, derived from the STIT \(F^{(0)}_{v,q}(\varvec{x},t)\) in right hand panels, that these ARs form as a result of convergence of water vapor transport along the southeast region of the trough in what appear to be amplified STIT waves. Both second ARs appear in these regions of the STIT waves. The apparent amplification of the STIT waves and their relationship to the AR development is evident in the several time frames of the EFD mode \(\psi ^{(0)}_{v,q}(\varvec{x},t)\) and STIT \(F^{(0)}_{v,q}(\varvec{x},t)\) for both the Mar 2005 event shown in Fig. 2 and for the Oct 1987 even shown in Fig. 5, and in \(\psi ^{(2)}_{v,q}(\varvec{x},t)\) and STIT \(F^{(2)}_{v,q}(\varvec{x},t)\) for the Jan 2021 event shown in Fig. 3. It is reasonable since a southwesterly low-level jet stream ahead of the cold front of an extratropical cyclone, which is usually located at the downstream of Rossby Wave trough, can provide a favorable condition for the formation and development of ARs24.

Figure 4
figure 4

Vertical structure of the EFD mode \(\psi ^{(0)}_{v,q}(\varvec{x},t=144)\) at \(122^\circ\) W over West Coast of the Continental US for the Jan 2021 event (Left) and the Mar 2005 event (Right) emphasized the subtle volumetric variations provided by EFD. The scale of the vertical measurements has been exaggerated by a factor of 10 for visibility. Units for pressure are hPa. EFD scale is unitless.

Figure 5
figure 5

Time evolution of the AR and relationship to amplification of the STIT waves for the Oct 1987 event. Time points for Oct 1987 shown are \(t=\{72,96,120,144\}\). (Left column) IVT, (Middle column) Maximum intensity project of the (3D+t) EFD mode \(\psi ^{(0)}_{v,q}(\varvec{x},t)\) computed using only the (3D+t) wind field coupled with the (3D+t) specific humidity field, (Right column) STITs \(F^{(k)}_{\varvec{\alpha }}(\varvec{x},t)\) generated from the EFD mode \(\psi ^{(0)}\) automatically localizes the AR. The AR is shown in the white box (IVT and EFD) at time of landfall in the UK (\(t=120\)) and is coincident with the ejection region of an amplified STIT wave (red box). STIT coloring is arbitrary and optimized for visualization. Time is hours since 1987-10-11 00Z.

The volumetric nature of the EFD estimates is emphasized in Fig. 4 where slices through \(\psi ^{(0)}_{v,q}(\varvec{x},t=144)\) approximately perpendicular to the primary orientation of the two AR events. The EFD mode exhibits a maximum from the surface to \(\approx 800 hPa\) for both cases, which indicates that the wind-water vapor interaction is mainly concentrated at the lower levels. This pattern is consistent with the vertical structure of ARs in previous studies based on IVT (e.g.,21), showing that the water vapor transport occurs mainly in the lower troposphere.

The wind and specific humidity fields at the same time points discussed in the EFD results in "Results" section are shown in (Figs. 14 and 15) for the Mar 2005 and Jan 2021 events, respectively.

The great storm of 1987

Although the Great Storm of 1987 was intensively discussed for its hurricane-force wind, it also has an associated exceptionally strong AR with a maximum IVT over 1250 kg m-1 s-1 around the English Channel (Fig. 1C). The exact same automated EFD analysis used for the Western US cases was thus applied to the (3D+t) data from this event.

As before, the EFD modes were calculated over all time frames (\(t=0,6,12,\ldots , 234\) hours in steps of 6 hours) spanned from 00 UTZ 11st to 18 UTZ 20th Oct 1987 for the Oct 1987 event. Fig. 5 shows the development of this AR across the North Atlantic (\(t=72, 96, 120, 144\)). The IVT is shown in the left column of Fig. 5. In the second column is shown EFD mode \(\psi ^{(0)}_{v,q}(\varvec{x},t)\) (middle panel) again computed from the (3D+t) wind velocity \(v(\varvec{x},t)\) and specific humidity \(q(\varvec{x},t)\) fields. The left column displays the STITs \(F^{(0)}_{v,q}(\varvec{x},t)\) computed for this mode. The wind and specific humidity at the 850 hPa pressure level from these events are shown at the same time points in Fig. 16 in Appendix B. Again, although the EFD is a full (3D+t) spatio-temporal field, we display the maximum intensity projection (MIP) over all vertical coordinates in Fig. 5 as the EFD modes to compare with the traditional 2D+t IVT fields.

The AR associated with the Great Storm of 1987 is seen in the IVT field (left column in Fig. 5) to develop in \(t=72,96\) in the North Atlantic , impact the UK at \(t=120\) , and then proceed up to Norway coast at \(t=144\). The full (3D+t) EFD result in Fig. 5 (middle column) derived again directly from the coupled wind and humidity fields, very clearly detects the dynamics of the full (3D+t) event, which is located at the south-southeast of the Rossby wave trough. This is confirmed by the STITs derived from these EFD modes shown Fig. 5 (right column). As in the Western US cases, the maximum intensification occurs at the leading edge of the Rossby wave trough (\(t=120\)) in concert with amplification of the Rossby wave. The deleterious impact was a result of this intensification being coincident in space and time with landfall over the UK. The wind and specific humidity fields at the same time points from which the EFD results are derived are shown in (Fig. 16).

The well documented highly localized (in both space and time) nature of this event makes it appealing for a more in-depth analysis. A close-up view of the EFD results is shown in Fig. 6 and summarizes the capabilities of EFD to reveal and characterize the complex nature of AR events. In Fig. 6A is shown a map of the impacted region. In Fig. 6Bis shown the velocity field at 850hPa. The EFD results are shown in the bottom panels. In Fig. 6C is shown the same EFD mode \(\psi ^{(0)}_{v,q}(\varvec{x},t)\) as in Fig. 5 but with a different colormap to highlight mode variations within the event localization. The corresponding STIT \(F^{(0)}_{v,q}(\varvec{x},t)\) computed for this mode is shown in Fig. 6D.

Figure 6
figure 6

Close-up view of EFD computations for the Great Storm of Oct 1987 at a single time point (\(t=120\)). (A) Map of ; (B) Velocity field; (C) MIP of EFD mode \(\psi ^{(0)}_{v,q}(\varvec{x},t)\) calculated from the (3D+t) wind field coupled with the (3D+t) specific humidity field; (D) STITs \(F^{(0)}_{\varvec{\alpha }}(\varvec{x},t)\) generated from the EFD mode \(\psi ^{(0)}\), revealing dense trajectories indicative of strong flow, as well as a strong vortex extending all the way to Greenland, and a smaller more intense vortex directly over Ireland/UK with a strong jet on its Eastern edge directly over the coastal region from Plymouth to London. The white box highlights the impacted regions of Ireland and the UK. The star marks the location of the town of Sevenoaks, UK (\(51.2724^\circ\) N, \(0.1909^\circ\) E) which sits directly in the region of highest wind velocity.

Figure 7
figure 7

Close-up STITs \(F^{(0)}_{\varvec{\alpha }}(\varvec{x},t)\) at four time points leading up to the image in Fig. 6D when the storm was near its maximum intensity at landfall in the UK. These have been rendered with a slightly different opacity to highlight regions of dense trajectories. The rapid development of a strong vortex over the UK is evident. The white box highlights the impacted regions of Ireland and the UK.

The STITs reveal dense trajectories indicative of strong flow, as well as a strong vortex extending all the way to Greenland, and a smaller more intense vortex directly over Ireland/UK with a strong jet on its Eastern edge directly over the coastal region from Plymouth to London. The box highlights the impacted regions of Ireland and the UK. The star marks the location of the town of Sevenoaks, UK which sits directly in the region of highest wind velocity and became infamous for the toppling of all seven oaks that gave the town its name. The development of the STITs leading up to this time is shown in Fig. 7 and show a rapid development of the dense vortical trajectories particularly on the trough exit region coincident with the AR.

Some remarks on the STITs

STITs in this study are the optimal space-time path probabilities based on the specific humidity and wind fields configurations. They are greatly impacted by the wind fields, thus their patterns are similar to the patterns of Rossby waves, which are closely associated with the large-scale wind fields. For the data analyzed in this paper, the observed ARs are located along the outflow pathway of the STIT trough, which is consistent with the expected dynamics where the airflow can extract the water vapor from the lower latitudes and transport it to the middle and high latitudes along that outflow pathway. Those outflow pathways are generally very close to the southeast side of the Rossby wave trough, which is closely related to the dynamical factors contributing to ARs, such as Rossby wave breaking and extratropical cyclones22,23. It indicates that the results from STITs are consistent with the large-scale dynamical processes associated with ARs. In addition, STITs also take the specific humidity field into account. Therefore, STITs reveal not only the linkage between ARs and large-scale circulation, such as Rossby waves, but also some small-scale factors (regional moisture availability) contributing to the development and propagation of ARs. To emphasize this point, a comparison of the STITs with the geopotential height from a view looking directly down on the North Pole (\(-z\)) is shown in Fig. 8. It shows that the STITs have similar large-scale patterns with the geopotential height at 300 hPa; meanwhile, they have some regional differences from the geopotential height due to the impacts of specific humidity.

Figure 8
figure 8

Comparison of the STITs and the geopotential height at 300hPa for a single time point for the three storms. The view is directly down on the North Pole (\(-z\)). EFD and STIT scale is unitless.

Figure 9
figure 9

The first three wind-specific humidity EFD modes for a single time point in the three storms, demonstrating that high order modes are sensitive to larger spatial and temporal scales.

Discussion and conclusion

The rapidly evolving changes to the Earth’s weather accelerated by climate change has put increasing pressure on the meteorological community to develop more accurate methods for characterizing and predicting severe weather events. The continuing rapid improvement in weather measurement technologies provide increasingly complex data which hold the promise of more informative forecasts, but require increasingly sophisticated computational methods to utilize this information. In this paper we have presented two such probabilistic methods, the entropy field decomposition (EFD) and space-time information trajectories (STITs) that provide information not currently available in existing method, and so have the potential to augment the significant amount of ongoing work on global climate meteorology.

We chose to focus the demonstration of our methods on the very specific phenomena of atmospheric rivers (ARs) which are an excellent test case, since they are highly localized in both space and time and yet are formed as a results of the non-linear interaction of a multitude of phenomena at a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. The significant social and economic impact of ARs make their dynamical mechanism and operational prediction of critical importance10,15. This in turn necessitates gaining a better understanding of the life cycle—the formation, maintenance, and dissipation—of these complex, multi-scale dynamical events. Major ongoing research efforts are underway to investigate these aspects of ARs (for overviews see e.g.,10,15,25,26,27,28) and a variety of promising methods have been proposed for their detection and prediction (e.g.,29,30,54,55), focusing primarily on spatially localized analysis near the region of AR formation.

In this paper, we introduced a new data analysis framework for investigating the AR’s formation and development, as well as the impacts of large-scale circulation on ARs, that has the potential to add new information on the dynamics of ARs to supplements the major ongoing efforts of research in this area. In particular, we demonstrated the ability to reproduce the life cycle of ARs, from genesis to intensification and then to landfalling, using the Entropy Field Decomposition (EFD) method, and revealed the linkage between large-scale circulation and the propagation of ARs with the Space-Time Information Trajectories (STITs) method. Different from the widely used IVT field, the EFD and STITs methods take into account the multiscale and multivariate nature of the atmospheric fields that might contribute to ARs. An important feature of the general EFD method is that it provides a principled probabilistic formulation of non-linear interacting fields that exist in a wide range of meteorological applications. And given the complexity and uniqueness of individual events, it is a strength of EFD over existing methods that it uses prior information from within individual datasets to determine the most probable modes and large scale connectivity, rather than requiring training data from other events, which can bias results in favor of average properties, missing important and unique subtleties evident in any individual event. This will become increasingly important as observation methods (radar, satellite, etc) provide ever more detailed information of system dynamics.

This notion is born out by the results of this study, where we have analyzed three very different major AR events that impacted the Western US, Mar 2005 and Jan 2021, and the significant historical event of The Great Storm of 1987 that impacted the UK. The results are consistent across events and demonstrate that EFD is able to automatically detect and characterize the (3D+t) dynamics of the ARs directly from an analysis of coupled wind-specific humidity fields. In addition, all events reveal a common large scale dynamical feature of formation along the southeast of the Rossby wave trough, as revealed by the STITs. The STITs formalize the “filamentary structure” highlighted in the earliest AR work of13 and the trajectory analysis56. While not the focus of this paper, this method would provide a method for further investigation of the link between ARs and Rossby waves breaking22,57.

The goal of this current paper is to demonstrate the applicability of the EFD/STIT method to global severe weather events. The objective was to focus on a basic analysis in which a single EFD mode was calculated from just two interacting fields, wind and humidity, from which the STIT was then calculated. However, the EFD is a very general procedure in which multiple modes of multiple interacting fields (e.g., wind, temperature, humidity, vorticity, etc) can be computed. These modes are constructed from different spatial and temporal correlation scales and thus can uncover coherences particular to different spatial and temporal scales. This is illustrated in Fig. 9 where three modes are shown for a single time point for each of the severe storms studied above. The construction of the numerical implementation of the EFD/STIT algorithms provide for simple user inputs to specify the number of modes and the spatial and temporal scaling. Of course, increasing the number of modes and extending the analysis across multiple storms will necessarily increase the computational burden, which at some stage requires the memory and speed of supercomputing systems. The multi-threaded nature of the software easily facilitates this, however, and we have implemented this algorithm on two national supercomputer resources. In summary, these extensions should prove useful in the investigation of different storms or different phases of the same storm in both real observations of model simulations and ensembles of models, and will be the focus of future work.

This works suggests that EFD provides a useful new paradigm for detection and quantification of weather patters across all scales of resulting from multiple interacting meteorological fields, and a better understanding of the physics of interacting meteorological fields. For the particular case of ARs investigated in this study demonstrates that an AR is not only a strong horizontal water vapor transport corridor, but also a region of intense dynamical interactions of the important meteorological fields ( i.e., wind and humidity), which can be revealed and quantified with EFD and STITS. Future work points to an investigation the ability of EFD and STIT to characterize the influence of other large-scale phenomena (e.g. MJO) and local phenomena (e.g. orography), and if these techniques can provide a new method for the prediction of ARs and other severe weather phenomena.