
After publication of this work [1], we noted that we inadvertently failed to include the complete list of all co-authors. The full list of authors and the corrected Authors Contributions section are reported below. We apologize for any inconvenience this oversight may have caused.

Corrected Authors’ List

Alain Hendlisz1*, Vassilis Golfinopoulos1, Amelie Deleporte1, Marianne Paesmans2, Hazem El Mansy1, Camilo Garcia3, Marc Peeters4, Lieven Annemans5, Caroline Vandeputte1, Marion Maetens1, Marc Van den Eynde6, Raphaël Maréchal10, Ivan Borbath6, Damien Dresse7, Ghislain Houbiers8, Michael Fried9, Ahmad Awada1, Martine Piccart1, Jean-Luc Van Laethem10 and Patrick Flamen3

Corrected Authors' contributions

AH, PM, VG Contribution to protocol writing, Manuscript design, Setting-up the trial, Writing manuscript; HEM, AD, CV, MM, MVDE, RM, Writing manuscript; CG, PF, Contribution to protocol writing, Manuscript design, Setting-up the trial, Writing manuscript, Coordination of PET imaging network; PM, AA, MP, Contribution to protocol writing, Setting-up the trial; JVL, Contribution to protocol writing, Setting-up the trial, Writing manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.