Retraction Note: BMC Cancer 19, 224 (2019)

The Editors have retracted this article because of significant concerns with a number of figures, specifically:

  • Figure 7d, CD133 panel, appears to be the same as Fig. 2D, Oct 4 panel, in [1]

  • Figure 4b, FAP-a panel, appears to be the same as Fig. 3D, p53 panel, in [2]

  • Figure 3a, b-actin panel, appears to be the same as Fig. 3K, b-actin panel, in [3]

The authors were contacted and asked for an explanation but did not provide one. The Editors therefore no longer have confidence in the integrity of the data in this article.

Kai-qun Ren agrees with the retraction. None of the other authors have responded to any correspondence from the Editors about this retraction.