Correction to: BMC Public Health 21, 1163 (2021)

It was highlighted that the original article [1] contained some errors in the values in paragraph 4 of the Results section and in Table 2. This Correction article shows the correct values in this Results paragraph (in bold) and the correct Table 2.

Table 2 The distribution of participants’ responses regarding TB KAP (n = 1078)


However, less than one-third of survey respondents (31.03%) knew the route of TB transmission. In terms of attitudes, most elderly people (86.03% and 86.89%) wanted to learn about TB or participate in TB education activities, respectively. More than one-third of respondents (36.44%) were willing to be screened for TB if they had suggestive symptoms. Only 225 (21.15%) and 261 (24.90%) participants did not think that TB is a terrible disease or were willing to complete treatment if diagnosed with TB.