Correction: Mol Cancer 19, 143 (2020)

Recently in a re-examination of our previously published paper [1], “Identification of miPEP133 as a novel tumor-suppressor microprotein encoded by miR-34a pri-miRNA” [Molecular Cancer 19, article number 143 (2020)], we found two errors.

The first error is that we presented the wrong primer sequences for GAPDH in the Supplemental Methods (in the Additional file 2). We mistakenly listed the primer sequences for human β-actin (ACTB) as for GAPDH. The correct primer sequences for GAPDH are 5′-AATGAAGGGGTCATTGATGG − 3′ and 5′-AAGGTGAAGGTCGGAGTCAA − 3′. These were used in this study. Please find the resized Additional file 2 in the attachment.

The other error is a misplaced western blot image for the loading control β-actin in Fig. 4e. We have identified the correct image for β-actin bands. The following is the corrected figure.

figure a

They are minor errors, and their correction does not affect the conclusion of this article, however, we sincerely apologize to the readers and editors for the inconvenience caused by our mistakes. We would like to ask for an opportunity to publish this correction.