Correction to: J Cardiovasc Magn Reson (2020) 22: 87

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors identified an error in table 39.

The original publication by Davis et al. in JCMR in 2014, which was cited in table 39 of Kawel-Boehm in 2020, presented data in an unusual format (mean ± 2*SD instead of mean ± SD), inducing an error in the calculation of the lower and upper limits of Kawel-Boehm [1].

The incorrect and correct table 39 are shown in this correction article as Tables 1 and 2. The original article has been updated.

Table.1 Incorrect table 39
Table.2 Correct table 39: Normal values of the thoracic aortic luminal diameters for men and women measured at diastole on bSSFP images according to [86]