
Upon publication, the authors noticed that in the original version of the article [1], two of the authors’ names, ‘Lynette Pei-Chi Shek’ and ‘Elizabeth Huiwen Tham’ in this article do not appear correctly on our website and therefore on the PubMed citation.

The two authors appear on our website as 'Pei-Chi Lynette Shek' and 'Elizabeth Tham', when they should be 'Lynette Pei-Chi Shek' and 'Elizabeth Huiwen Tham' respectively.

This means that on PubMed they are currently “Tham E” and “Shek PC”. They should instead appear as “Tham EH” and “Shek LP” respectively.

We, the publishers, apologise for the incorrect way in which the names were displayed and for any inconvenience caused by this. This has now been corrected in this erratum.