Correction to: Orphanet J Rare Dis (2021) 16:123

Following the publication of the original article [1] the authors became aware of an error in Fig. 7: The labels over the purple bars were unfortunately interchanged.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Median height z-score at age 10–14 in mild and classic A-T, split by length of survival (compared to CDC data). This age range was chosen to facilitate comparison between the oldest patients in the early death cohort and other patients. Mild: mild A-T (41 data points/19 patients). Longer survival: patients surviving past age 25 (99 data points/35 patients). Early death: patients dying by age 15.0 (16 data points/9 patients)

− 1.31 corresponds to ‘Longer survival (classic)’, while − 2.88 corresponds to ‘Early death (classic)’.

The correct Fig. 7 is included in this Correction and has already been updated in the original article.