Erratum to: Biotechnol Biofuels (2016) 9:39 DOI 10.1186/s13068-016-0452-y

After the publication of the article [1], it was brought to our attention that some of the data in Table 2 were incorrect. Please find a correct and updated version of Table 2 in the erratum. Following this Fig. 1 has also been updated; the correct version of Fig. 1 is given in this erratum.

Table 2 Key process parameters of anaerobic glucose conversion of P. putida F1 in the anode compartment of a BES using [Co(bipy)3]3+/2+ or [Fe(CN)6]3−/4− as electron acceptors while poising the anode at +0.697 V vs SHE
Fig. 1
figure 1

Change of biomass (triangles, a), pH (squares, b) and electron production (circles, b) in the anode compartment of a BES reactor of P. putida F1 with K3[Fe(CN)6] as electron acceptor in control (black symbols) and closed circuit with the anode potential poised at +0.697 V (white symbols). Data have been averaged from ten (closed circuit) and three (control) biological replicates with a total of 79 and 30 samples, respectively. Means and standard deviations (X and Y error bars) are given [average sample size n = 7 (closed circuit); exact sample size n = 3 (control)]

Also, during the calculation of specific glucose uptake rate, the authors mistakenly used the unit mmol/L as mmol, and therefore it caused some errors in the calculations of production rate (Table 2) and ATP regeneration rate (Section “Flux balance analysis”—[1]) which need to be corrected. The corrected ATP regeneration rates are 0.02 and 0.38 mmolATP/(gCDW h) for [Co(bpy)3](ClO4)2 from glucose oxidation and membrane-bound ATP synthase respectively, while those numbers for K3[Fe(CN)6] are 0.05 and 0.64 mmolATP/(gCDW h), respectively.