Correction: Animal Biotelemetry (2022) 10:39

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors noticed the following errors in the citation of tables and figures under Results section and the captions of Figs. 6, 7 and 8:

  • In subsection, “Drag and stability”, the citation of Table 2 should be Table 1;

  • In subsequent section, “Whale shark (R. typus)”, the citation of Fig. 5A and B should be replaced by Fig. 6A and B;

  • In section, “Tiger shark (G. cuvier) (towed vs fixed)”, the citation of Fig. 6 should be replaced by Fig. 7; last sentence mention Fig. 7 should be replaced by Fig. 8; reference to Additional File 8 should be eliminated.

Figure 6 legend should be replaced by “Surging acceleration, depth and speed, A a 35 min Yo-Yo behaviour segment of a 8500 cm whale-shark, B detail of the section delimited by the black rectangle in A. Warmer colours in the spectrogram represent stronger signals, whereas cooler colours represent weaker signals.”

Figure 7 legend should be replaced by “Surging and swaying acceleration of a 230 cm tiger shark double-tagged with the i-Pilot A and an accelerometer/depth package attached to a pectoral fin B. Warmer colours represent stronger signals and cooler colours represent weaker signals. Lower panel represents the dive profile (m)”.

Figure 8 legend should read “Surging and swaying acceleration of a 230 cm tiger shark double tagged with i-Pilot A and accelerometer/depth package attached to a pectoral fin B. Warmer colours represent stronger signals and cooler colours represent weaker signals. Bottom panel represents the dive profile (m).

Figures 5 and 6 should have A on the top panel and B on the bottom panel.

The original article [1] has been corrected.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Surging acceleration, depth, and speed over; A descent–ascent–descent swimming behaviour of a 280-cm blue shark, and B details of the section delimited by the black rectangle in A. Warmer colours in the spectrogram represent stronger signals, whereas cooler colours represent weaker signals

Fig. 6
figure 6

Surging and swaying acceleration of a 230-cm tiger shark double-tagged with the i-Pilot (top) and an accelerometer/depth package attached to a pectoral fin (bottom). Warmer colours represent stronger signals and cooler colours represent weaker signals. Bottom panel represents the dive profile (m)