Correction to: Nano Convergence (2021) 8:29

Following publication of the original article [1], the author identified the errors in the Figures, Supplementary Material and Availability of data and materials. The corrected Figs. 7A, 9A, B and Fig. S3 presented with this correction.

Fig. 7
figure 1

Hyperthermia inhibits HCC migration and invasion in vitro and in vivo. A Representative images of migration assays for HCC cells in diferent groups. B Representative images of invasion assays for HCC cells. C E-cadherin, N-cadherin, Vimentin and ZEB2 expression evaluated by western blotting in HCC cells. D Holistic view and H&E staining of excised lungs from a mouse model of metastasis. Representative images of lung tissues were shown in the left panel. Arrows indicate the location of metastatic lung foci. Corresponding H&E staining of metastatic lung foci were shown in the right panel. The scale bar=100 μm. E Incidence of metastatic lung nodules of each group. **p<0.01

Fig. 9
figure 2

Mechanistic analysis of PTT with PPCu. A H&E, ki67, MT-CO1 and TUNEL staining of tumor regions in every group. Scale bar=100 μm. B H&E staining of heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney collected from diferent groups of mice at the 14th day after diferent treatments