16488 publications

  1. Implementierung der Innovativen Öffentlichen Beschaffung
  2. Implementierung eines Tax Compliance Management Systems in der öffentlichen Verwaltung
  3. Implementierung funktionaler Programmiersprachen
  4. Implementierung innovativer Dienstleistungsmarken
  5. Implementierung integrierter Managementsysteme
  6. Implementierung organisatorischer Veränderungen
  7. Implementierung und parallele Verarbeitung von Kommunikationssoftware
  8. Implementierung von Controllinginstrumenten
  9. Implementierung von Geschäftsmodellinnovationen im Kontext der digitalen Servitisation im industriellen Maschinen- und Anlagenbau
  10. Implementierung von IT Service-Management
  11. Implementierung von Managementkonzepten
  12. Implementierung von Nachhaltigkeit in den einzelnen Leistungsphasen der HOAI
  13. Implementierung von Strategien
  14. Implementierung von Strategien im Unternehmen
  15. Implementierung von Supply Chain Management
  16. Implementierung von Umweltinformationssystemen
  17. Implementierung von Unternehmensleitbildern
  18. Implementierung von schichtadditiven Fertigungsverfahren
  19. Implementierungscontrolling
  20. Implementierungskonzepte für Datenbanksysteme
  21. Implementierungsmanagement
  22. Implementierungsmanagement
  23. Implementierungsmöglichkeiten preistheoretischer Modelle
  24. Implementierungsstand der Balanced Scorecard
  25. Implementierungsstrategien im Gesundheitswesen
  26. Implementing AI Systems
  27. Implementing Adaptation Strategies by Legal, Economic and Planning Instruments on Climate Change
  28. Implementing Always On VPN
  29. Implementing Campus Greening Initiatives
  30. Implementing Climate Change Adaptation in Cities and Communities
  31. Implementing Climate Change Measures in the EU
  32. Implementing Cloud Robotics for Practical Applications
  33. Implementing Collaboration Technologies in Industry
  34. Implementing Communities of Practice in Higher Education
  35. Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility
  36. Implementing Cross-Culture Pedagogies
  37. Implementing Deeper Learning and 21st Century Education Reforms
  38. Implementing DirectAccess with Windows Server 2016
  39. Implementing Distributed Systems with Java and CORBA
  40. Implementing Ecological Integrity
  41. Implementing Effective Code Reviews
  42. Implementing Enterprise Portfolio Management with Microsoft Project Server 2002
  43. Implementing Environmental Accounts
  44. Implementing Environmental Management Accounting: Status and Challenges
  45. Implementing Environmental and Resource Management
  46. Implementing Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Principles for Sustainable Businesses
  47. Implementing European Union Education and Training Policy
  48. Implementing Evidence-Based Practices in Community Corrections and Addiction Treatment
  49. Implementing Flexible Manufacturing Systems
  50. Implementing Health Care Information Systems
  51. Implementing IT Processes
  52. Implementing Industry 4.0
  53. Implementing Industry 4.0 in SMEs
  54. Implementing Integrated Business Planning
  55. Implementing Integrated Reporting
  56. Implementing Integrated Water Resources Management in Central Asia
  57. Implementing International Services
  58. Implementing Machine Learning for Finance
  59. Implementing Management Innovations
  60. Implementing Mental Health Promotion
  61. Implementing Mobile Language Learning Technologies in Japan
  62. Implementing Models in Quantitative Finance: Methods and Cases
  63. Implementing Networks in Banking and Financial Services
  64. Implementing Operations Management Suite
  65. Implementing Peace Agreements
  66. Implementing Polytope Projects for Smart Systems
  67. Implementing Practical DB2 Applications
  68. Implementing REDD+ in Africa
  69. Implementing Responsible Research and Innovation
  70. Implementing SAP S/4HANA
  71. Implementing Semantic Web Services
  72. Implementing Software Defined Radio
  73. Implementing Spectral Methods for Partial Differential Equations
  74. Implementing Strategic Environmental Assessment
  75. Implementing Supplier Diversity
  76. Implementing Sure Start Policy
  77. Implementing Sustainability Strategies in Networks and Clusters
  78. Implementing Sustainability in the Curriculum of Universities
  79. Implementing Systems for Supporting Management Decisions
  80. Implementing Takaful in India
  81. Implementing a Basic Income in Australia
  82. Implementing a Human Development Strategy
  83. Implementing an Electronic Health Record System
  84. Implementing an Information Security Management System
  85. Implementing an Information Strategy in Manufacture
  86. Implementing and Auditing the Internal Control System
  87. Implementing and Leveraging Blockchain Programming
  88. Implementing and Researching Technological Innovation in Language Teaching
  89. Implementing iOS and macOS Documents with the Files App
  90. Implementing the Cape Town Convention and the Domestic Laws on Secured Transactions
  91. Implementing the Environmental Protection Regime for the Antarctic
  92. Implementing the Group-Based Early Start Denver Model for Preschoolers with Autism
  93. Implicate Relations
  94. Implication of Oxysterols and Phytosterols in Aging and Human Diseases
  95. Implication of Quorum Sensing System in Biofilm Formation and Virulence
  96. Implication of Quorum Sensing and Biofilm Formation in Medicine, Agriculture and Food Industry
  97. Implications and Consequences of Anthropogenic Pollution in Polar Environments
  98. Implications of Climate Change and Disasters on Military Activities
  99. Implications of Information and Digital Technologies for Development
  100. Implications of Information and Digital Technologies for Development
  101. Implications of Molecular and Materials Structure for New Technologies
  102. Implications of Open Access Repositories Quality Criteria and Features for Teachers’ TPACK Development
  103. Implications of Psychopharmacology to Psychiatry
  104. Implications of Pyrite Oxidation for Engineering Works
  105. Implications of the Blood-Brain Barrier and Its Manipulation
  106. Implicatures within Legal Language
  107. Implicit Curves and Surfaces: Mathematics, Data Structures and Algorithms
  108. Implicit Embedded Options in Life Insurance Contracts
  109. Implicit Functions and Solution Mappings
  110. Implicit Functions and Solution Mappings
  111. Implicit Incentives in International Joint Ventures
  112. Implicit Linear Systems
  113. Implicit Objects in Computer Graphics
  114. Implicit Partial Differential Equations
  115. Implicit and Explicit Semantics Integration in Proof-Based Developments of Discrete Systems
  116. Implikationen globaler Vernetzung für das Management
  117. Implikationen von Kapazitätsmärkten auf das Akteursverhalten
  118. Implizite Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeiten von Unternehmensanleihen
  119. Implizite Führung im interkulturellen Kontext
  120. Implizite Logiken des pädagogischen Blickes
  121. Implizite Runge-Kutta-Formeln
  122. Implizite Theorien in der Politik
  123. Implizite Vernetzung mechatronischer Fahrwerksysteme im Kraftfahrzeug durch einen Fahrzustandsbeobachter
  124. Implizite Volatilitäten am Aktien- und Optionsmarkt
  125. Implizite Vorurteile
  126. Implizites Vermitteln
  127. Implizites Wissen in Organisationen
  128. Implizitheit und Explizitheit
  129. Import Propensities of Industrialized Countries
  130. Import Tariffs as Environmental Policy Instruments
  131. Importance Sampling
  132. Importance of Role Modeling in Educational Settings
  133. Importance-Informed Reliability Engineering
  134. Important Applications of the Behrens-Fisher Statistic and the False Discovery Rate
  135. Important Developments in Soliton Theory
  136. Important Figures of Analytical Chemistry from Germany in Brief Biographies
  137. Imported Virus Infections
  138. Importgeschäfte
  139. Importing EU Norms
  140. Importing Madame Bovary:The Politics of Adultery
  141. Importing Transnational Education
  142. Imports and Economic Growth
  143. Imports and Growth in Highly Indebted Countries
  144. Imposed Rationality and Besieged Imagination
  145. Imposing Regulation on Advanced Algorithms
  146. Imposing Sanctions on Violent Non-State Actors to Restore International Peace and Security
  147. Impossibility Results for Distributed Computing
  148. Impossibility in Modern Private Law
  149. Impossible Bodies, Impossible Selves: Exclusions and Student Subjectivities
  150. Impotence and Infertility
  151. Imprecise and Approximate Computation
  152. Imprecision and Uncertainty in Information Representation and Processing
  153. Impression Management
  154. Impression Management
  155. Impressionen und Gedanken zur künftigen bankgeschäftlichen Entwicklung
  156. Impressions of Empiricism
  157. Imprisonment Today
  158. Imprisonment in the Medieval Religious Imagination, c. 1150–1400
  159. Improperly Posed Problems and Their Numerical Treatment
  160. Impropreneurship
  161. Improve Your Financial Decision Making
  162. Improved Bonferroni Inequalities via Abstract Tubes
  163. Improved Classification Rates for Localized Algorithms under Margin Conditions
  164. Improved Crop Quality by Nutrient Management
  165. Improved FMEA Methods for Proactive Healthcare Risk Analysis
  166. Improved Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory Drugs: COX-2 Enzyme Inhibitors
  167. Improved Performance of Materials
  168. Improved Techniques for the Extraction of Primary Forms of Energy
  169. Improved Understanding of Past Climatic Variability from Early Daily European Instrumental Sources
  170. Improvement Measures of Urban Thermal Environment
  171. Improvement Strategies of Leguminosae Biotechnology
  172. Improvement and Romance
  173. Improvement in the Quality of Delivery of Electrical Energy using Power Electronics Systems
  174. Improvement of Cereal Quality by Genetic Engineering
  175. Improvement of Crop Plants for Industrial End Uses
  176. Improvement of Crops in the Era of Climatic Changes
  177. Improvement of Crops in the Era of Climatic Changes
  178. Improvement of Forest Resources for Recyclable Forest Products
  179. Improvement of Myocardial Perfusion
  180. Improvements in System Safety
  181. Improving Access and Quality of Public Services in Latin America
  182. Improving Accessible Digital Practices in Higher Education
  183. Improving Aid Effectiveness in Global Health
  184. Improving Anesthesia Technical Staff’s Skills
  185. Improving Anti-Money Laundering Compliance
  186. Improving Applied Mathematics Education
  187. Improving Banking Supervision
  188. Improving Biogas Production
  189. Improving Classifier Generalization
  190. Improving Clinical Communication
  191. Improving Competence across the Lifespan
  192. Improving Complex Systems Today
  193. Improving Consistency in Performance Measurement System Design
  194. Improving Critical Care Survivorship
  195. Improving Decision Making in Organisations
  196. Improving Democracy Through Constitutional Reform
  197. Improving Disaster Resilience and Mitigation - IT Means and Tools
  198. Improving Discipline-Based Undergraduate Medical Curriculum
  199. Improving Drug Safety — A Joint Responsibility
  200. Improving Economic and Social Cohesion in the European Community