16490 publications

  1. Improving Educational Gender Equality in Religious Societies
  2. Improving Efficiency and Reliability in Water Distribution Systems
  3. Improving Efficiency of Urea Fertilizers by Inhibition of Soil Urease Activity
  4. Improving Energy Decisions
  5. Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings and Smart Communities
  6. Improving Energy Efficiency in Industrial Energy Systems
  7. Improving Forecasts with Integrated Business Planning
  8. Improving GIS-based Wildlife-Habitat Analysis
  9. Improving Genetic Disease Resistance in Farm Animals
  10. Improving Health Care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
  11. Improving Healthcare
  12. Improving Healthcare Operations
  13. Improving Healthcare Services
  14. Improving Human Performance in Dynamic Tasks
  15. Improving Image Quality in Visual Cryptography
  16. Improving Incentives for the Low-Paid
  17. Improving Inclusive Education through Universal Design for Learning
  18. Improving Inclusivity in Higher Education
  19. Improving Infrared-Based Precipitation Retrieval Algorithms Using Multi-Spectral Satellite Imagery
  20. Improving Interagency Collaboration, Innovation and Learning in Criminal Justice Systems
  21. Improving International Capacity Development
  22. Improving International Competition Order
  23. Improving Local Government
  24. Improving Money Stock Control
  25. Improving Oncology Worldwide
  26. Improving Online Presentations
  27. Improving Oral Health for the Elderly
  28. Improving Outcomes for Breast Cancer Survivors
  29. Improving Outcomes in Oral Cancer
  30. Improving Patient Treatment Adherence
  31. Improving Patient Treatment with Attachment Theory
  32. Improving Person-Centered Innovation of Nursing Care
  33. Improving Potassium Recommendations for Agricultural Crops
  34. Improving Primary Mathematics Education, Teaching and Learning
  35. Improving Processes for Health Care Delivery
  36. Improving Prognosis for Kidney Disorders
  37. Improving Project Performance
  38. Improving Psychiatric Care for Older People
  39. Improving Quality Assurance in European Vocational Education and Training
  40. Improving Quality of Care in Family Planning
  41. Improving Reading Comprehension of Middle and High School Students
  42. Improving Reading and Reading Engagement in the 21st Century
  43. Improving Risk Analysis
  44. Improving Road Pavement Characteristics
  45. Improving Schools
  46. Improving Service Level Engineering
  47. Improving Societal Resilience to Disasters
  48. Improving Software Testing
  49. Improving Soil Fertility Recommendations in Africa using the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT)
  50. Improving Supply Chains in the Oil and Gas Industry
  51. Improving Sustainability During Hospital Design and Operation
  52. Improving Teacher Knowledge in K-12 Schooling
  53. Improving Technology Through Ethics
  54. Improving Traditional Rural Technologies
  55. Improving Use of Medicines and Medical Tests in Primary Care
  56. Improving Workplace Learning by Teaching Literature
  57. Improving a Country’s Education
  58. Improving farm animal welfare
  59. Improving the Earthquake Resilience of Buildings
  60. Improving the Efficiency of R&D and the Market Diffusion of Energy Technologies
  61. Improving the Emotional Intelligence of Translators
  62. Improving the Evaluation of Scholarly Work
  63. Improving the Performance of Neutral File Data Transfers
  64. Improving the Profitability, Sustainability and Efficiency of Nutrients Through Site Specific Fertilizer Recommendations in West Africa Agro-Ecosystems
  65. Improving the Profitability, Sustainability and Efficiency of Nutrients Through Site Specific Fertilizer Recommendations in West Africa Agro-Ecosystems
  66. Improving the Properties of Permanent Magnets
  67. Improving the Quality of ABAP Code
  68. Improving the Quality of Child Custody Evaluations
  69. Improving the Quality of Life
  70. Improving the Regulatory Review Process
  71. Improving the Regulatory Review Process: Assessing Performance and Setting Targets
  72. Improving the Resolving Power of Ultraviolet to Near-Infrared Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors
  73. Improving the Stability of Meshed Power Networks
  74. Improving the Tax System amid the Rule-of-Law China
  75. Improvisation and Emergency Management
  76. Improvisation in Drama
  77. Improvised Explosive Devices
  78. Improvisieren
  79. Improvising Planned Development on the Gezira Plain, Sudan, 1900–1980
  80. Impulscytophotometrie
  81. Impulse Breakdown of Liquids
  82. Impulse Time-Domain Electromagnetics of Continuous Media
  83. Impulse aus der Wirtschaftsinformatik
  84. Impulse der Reformation
  85. Impulse für das Marketing im New Normal
  86. Impulse für die Markenforschung und Markenführung
  87. Impulse für die Markenpraxis und Markenforschung
  88. Impulse für eine europäische Harmonisierung des Urheberrechts/Perspectives d’harmonisation du droit d’auteur en Europe
  89. Impulse zur eigenen Veränderung
  90. Impulsgeber Luftfahrt
  91. Impulsgeber zwischen Wissenschaft, Politik und Publizistik
  92. Impulsive Control Theory
  93. Impulsive Control in Continuous and Discrete-Continuous Systems
  94. Impulsive Synchronization of Complex Dynamical Networks
  95. Impulsive Systems on Hybrid Time Domains
  96. Impulsive Systems with Delays
  97. Impulsives Kaufverhalten am Point of Sale
  98. Impulsivity
  99. Impulsschaltungen
  100. Impulstechnik
  101. Impulsübertragungsversuche mit schräger Inzidenz und veränderlicher Frequenz über Entfernungen zwischen 1000 km und 2000 km
  102. Impurities Confined in Quantum Structures
  103. Impurities and Defects in Group IV Elements, IV-IV and III-V Compounds. Part a: Group IV Elements
  104. Impurities and Defects in Group IV Elements, IV-IV and III-V Compounds. Part b: Group IV-IV and III-V Compounds.
  105. Impurity Scattering in Metallic Alloys
  106. Impurity Spectra of Solids
  107. Imputation Methods for Missing Hydrometeorological Data Estimation
  108. Imre Lakatos and Theories of Scientific Change
  109. In Bauspielen Mathematik entdecken
  110. In Bed with the Victorians
  111. In Between Communication Theories Through One Hundred Questions
  112. In Bewegung
  113. In Bewegung setzen ...
  114. In China erfolgreich sein
  115. In China’s Image
  116. In Collaboration with British Literary Biography
  117. In Command of Guardians: Executive Servant Leadership for the Community of Responders
  118. In Command of Guardians: Executive Servant Leadership for the Community of Responders
  119. In Defence of Labour Market Institutions
  120. In Defence of Literary Interpretation
  121. In Defence of Our Humanity
  122. In Defense of Deflation
  123. In Defense of Informal Logic
  124. In Defense of Intuitions
  125. In Defense of Polemics
  126. In Defense of Processed Food
  127. In Deutschland zu Hause
  128. In Excited Reverie
  129. In Extremis
  130. In Fascination of Fluid Dynamics
  131. In Foreign Lands: The Migration of Scientists for Political or Economic Reasons
  132. In Gardens
  133. In Godzilla’s® Footsteps
  134. In Good Conscience
  135. In Her Own Write
  136. In Krisen aus Krisen lernen
  137. In Line or Out of Control?
  138. In Living Color
  139. In Luxus investieren
  140. In Memoriam
  141. In Memoriam Albert Döderlein
  142. In Memoriam Marc Yor - Séminaire de Probabilités XLVII
  143. In Memoriam Paul-André Meyer
  144. In Memoriam by Alfred Tennyson
  145. In Memory Data Management and Analysis
  146. In Memory of H. L. Meerwein
  147. In Organoindium Compounds
  148. In Orientierung begriffen
  149. In Our Own Image
  150. In Perspectief
  151. In Praise of Ordinary People
  152. In Pursuit of Doris Lessing
  153. In Pursuit of Equity in Education
  154. In Pursuit of Moby-Dick
  155. In Pursuit of Nanoethics
  156. In Pursuit of Presence or Prominence?
  157. In Pursuit of an African Green Revolution
  158. In Pursuit of the People
  159. In Quest of Humane Development
  160. In Search of Academic Quality
  161. In Search of Better Governance in South Asia and Beyond
  162. In Search of Business Models in Social Entrepreneurship
  163. In Search of Dark Matter
  164. In Search of Economic Indicators
  165. In Search of Elegance in the Theory and Practice of Computation
  166. In Search of Equity
  167. In Search of Eurocommunism
  168. In Search of God’s Power in Broken Bodies
  169. In Search of Indicators of Sustainable Development
  170. In Search of Infinity
  171. In Search of Israeli-Palestinian Peace
  172. In Search of Lost Futures
  173. In Search of Marie-Antoinette in the 1930s
  174. In Search of Meaning
  175. In Search of Peace Research
  176. In Search of Planet Vulcan
  177. In Search of Reality
  178. In Search of Stupidity
  179. In Search of Wholeness
  180. In Search of William Gascoigne
  181. In Search of a Canon
  182. In Search of a New Humanism
  183. In Search of a Peace Settlement
  184. In Search of a Pedagogy of Conflict and Dialogue for Mathematics Education
  185. In Search of a Simple Introduction to Communication
  186. In Search of an Independent Ambazonian Nation: Dimensions of Identity and Freedom
  187. In Search of an Integrative Vision for Technology
  188. In Search of the Broad Spectrum Revolution in Paleolithic Southwest Europe
  189. In Search of the Liberal Moment
  190. In Search of the Next Memory
  191. In Search of the Physical Basis of Life
  192. In Search of the Two-Handed Economist
  193. In Search of the Utopian States of America
  194. In Sickness and In Health
  195. In Silico Approach for Sustainable Agriculture
  196. In Silico Clinical Trials for Cardiovascular Disease
  197. In Silico Engineering of Disulphide Bonds to Produce Stable Cellulase
  198. In Silico Immunology
  199. In Silico Methods for Predicting Drug Toxicity
  200. In Silico Methods for Predicting Drug Toxicity