31158 publications

  1. Transport Processes in Porous Media
  2. Transport Processes in Space Physics and Astrophysics
  3. Transport Processes in Space Physics and Astrophysics
  4. Transport Processes in Wood
  5. Transport Processes in the Middle Atmosphere
  6. Transport Processes, Iono- and Osmoregulation
  7. Transport Properties in Non-Equilibrium and Anomalous Systems
  8. Transport Properties of Dense Plasmas
  9. Transport Properties of Molecular Junctions
  10. Transport Simulation in Microelectronics
  11. Transport Spectroscopy of Confined Fractional Quantum Hall Systems
  12. Transport Studies of the Electrical, Magnetic and Thermoelectric properties of Topological Insulator Thin Films
  13. Transport Systems Telematics
  14. Transport Systems and Delivery of Cargo on East–West Routes
  15. Transport Systems of Russian Cities
  16. Transport Theories for Strongly-Interacting Systems
  17. Transport Through Membranes: Carriers, Channels and Pumps
  18. Transport and Chemical Transformation in the Troposphere
  19. Transport and Chemical Transformation of Pollutants in the Troposphere
  20. Transport and Development
  21. Transport and Diffusion in Turbulent Fields
  22. Transport and Energy Conversion in the Heliosphere
  23. Transport and Fate of Chemicals in the Environment
  24. Transport and Fluctuations in Granular Fluids
  25. Transport and Inherited Disease
  26. Transport and Logistics in a Globalizing World
  27. Transport and Mixing in Geophysical Flows
  28. Transport and Mobility Futures in Urban Africa
  29. Transport and NMR Studies of Charge Glass in Organic Conductors with Quasi-triangular Lattices
  30. Transport and Optical Properties of Nonideal Plasma
  31. Transport and Reactivity of Solutions in Confined Hydrosystems
  32. Transport and Receptor Proteins of Plant Membranes
  33. Transport and Safety
  34. Transport and Structure
  35. Transport and Thermal Properties of f-Electron Systems
  36. Transport and Turbulence in Quasi-Uniform and Versatile Bose-Einstein Condensates
  37. Transport and the Development of the European Economy, 1750–1918
  38. Transport and the Urban Environment
  39. Transport at the Air-Sea Interface
  40. Transport decisions in an age of uncertainty
  41. Transport for the Space Economy
  42. Transport in British Fiction
  43. Transport in Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Structures
  44. Transport in Nonstoichiometric Compounds
  45. Transport in Plants I
  46. Transport in Plants II
  47. Transport in Plants II
  48. Transport in Plants III
  49. Transport in Transition Regimes
  50. Transport in a Free Market Economy
  51. Transport in the United Kingdom
  52. Transport of Animals Intended for Breeding, Production and Slaughter
  53. Transport of Dangerous Goods
  54. Transport of Energetic Electrons in Solids
  55. Transport of Energetic Electrons in Solids
  56. Transport of Energetic Electrons in Solids
  57. Transport of Energetic Electrons in Solids
  58. Transport of Water versus Transport over Water
  59. Transport, Arbeit und Erholung auf dem Meer
  60. Transport, Land-Use and the Environment
  61. Transport, Relaxation, and Kinetic Processes in Electrolyte Solutions
  62. Transport, Trade and Economic Growth — Coupled or Decoupled?
  63. Transport- und Lagerlogistik
  64. Transport- und Lagerlogistik
  65. Transport- und Lagerlogistik
  66. Transport- und Lagerlogistik
  67. Transport- und Lagerlogistik
  68. Transport- und Lagerlogistik
  69. Transport- und Lagerlogistik
  70. Transport- und Lagerlogistik
  71. Transport- und Lagerlogistik
  72. Transport- und Lagerlogistik
  73. Transportation Air Pollutants
  74. Transportation Analytics in the Era of Big Data
  75. Transportation Energy and Dynamics
  76. Transportation Infrastructure
  77. Transportation Infrastructure Engineering, Materials, Behavior and Performance
  78. Transportation Management with SAP TM 9.0
  79. Transportation Planning
  80. Transportation Planning for a Better Environment
  81. Transportation Policy and Project Evaluation
  82. Transportation Research
  83. Transportation Research
  84. Transportation Research in India
  85. Transportation Soil Engineering in Cold Regions, Volume 1
  86. Transportation Soil Engineering in Cold Regions, Volume 2
  87. Transportation Systems
  88. Transportation Systems Analysis
  89. Transportation Systems Engineering: Theory and Methods
  90. Transportation Systems Technology and Integrated Management
  91. Transportation Systems and Service Policy
  92. Transportation Systems for Tourism
  93. Transportation Technologies for Sustainability
  94. Transportation and Behavior
  95. Transportation and Environmental Geotechnics
  96. Transportation and Geotechniques: Materials, Sustainability and Climate
  97. Transportation and Information
  98. Transportation and Network Analysis: Current Trends
  99. Transportation and Traffic Theory 2009: Golden Jubilee
  100. Transportation for the Future
  101. Transportation for the Nuclear Industry
  102. Transportation for the Poor
  103. Transportation in a Net Zero World: Transitioning Towards Low Carbon Public Transport
  104. Transportation of Hazardous Materials
  105. Transportation, Traffic Safety and Health
  106. Transportation, Traffic Safety and Health — Human Behavior
  107. Transportation, Traffic Safety and Health — Man and Machine
  108. Transportation, Traffic Safety and Health — Prevention and Health
  109. Transportation, Water and Environmental Geotechnics
  110. Transportation-Logistics Dictionary
  111. Transporters and Pumps in Plant Signaling
  112. Transporters as Targets for Drugs
  113. Transporters in Drug Development
  114. Transporting Compressed Digital Video
  115. Transportmanagement
  116. Transportmodelle
  117. Transportome Malfunction in the Cancer Spectrum
  118. Transportoptimierung im Ladungsträgernetzwerk der Zukunft
  119. Transportrecht
  120. Transportrecht
  121. Transportrecht - Schnell erfasst
  122. Transportrecht - Schnell erfasst
  123. Transports of Delight
  124. Transportversicherung
  125. Transportversicherung
  126. Transportversicherung
  127. Transportvorgänge
  128. Transportvorgänge
  129. Transportvorgänge in der Verfahrenstechnik
  130. Transportvorgänge in der Verfahrenstechnik
  131. Transportvorgänge in der Verfahrenstechnik
  132. Transportvorgänge in der Verfahrenstechnik
  133. Transposable Elements
  134. Transposable Elements
  135. Transposable Elements
  136. Transposable Elements and Evolution
  137. Transposable Elements and Genome Evolution
  138. Transposing Broadway
  139. Transposing Drama
  140. Transposition of the Great Arteries 25 years after Rashkind Balloon Septostomy
  141. Transposition: Ein neuer Mechanismus zur Evolution. Antikörperdiversität und Netzwerkregulation im Immunsystem
  142. Transposons and Retrotransposons
  143. Transposons and the Dynamic Genome
  144. Transputerpraktikum
  145. Transradial Access in Interventional Radiology
  146. Transradial Approach for Percutaneous Interventions
  147. Transrapid und Rad-Schiene- Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahn
  148. Transrapid zwischen Ökonomie und Ökologie
  149. Transrational Peace Research and Elicitive Facilitation
  150. Transrational Resonances
  151. Transreform Radical Humanism
  152. Transrektale Prostatasonographie
  153. Transseries and Real Differential Algebra
  154. Transsphenoidal Surgery
  155. Transsphincteric Surgery of the Rectum
  156. Transsphinktere Rektumchirurgie
  157. Transstaatliche Strafverfolgung
  158. Transurane
  159. Transurethral Surgery
  160. Transurethrale Operationen
  161. Transvaginal Colour Doppler
  162. Transvenous Lead Extraction
  163. Transversal Enterprises in the Drama of Shakespeare and his Contemporaries
  164. Transversal Subjects
  165. Transversale Strahldynamik bei der Erzeugung kohärenter Synchrotronstrahlung
  166. Transversals in Linear Uniform Hypergraphs
  167. Transverse Patterns in Nonlinear Optical Resonators
  168. Transverse-Pattern Formation in Photorefractive Optics
  169. Transvestism, Masculinity, and Latin American Literature
  170. Transvestites and Transsexuals
  171. Transzendentale Genesis des Bewusstseins und der Erkenntnis
  172. Transzendentaler Idealismus
  173. Transzendenz für ein Zeitalter der Immanenz
  174. Transzendenz und Differenz
  175. Transösophageale Echokardiographie monoplan/biplan
  176. Trap Magmatism and Ore Formation in the Siberian Noril'sk Region
  177. Trap Magmatism and Ore Formation in the Siberian Noril'sk Region
  178. Trapeziometacarpal Joint Osteoarthritis
  179. Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Interactions
  180. Trapped Particles and Fundamental Physics
  181. Trapped within Welfare
  182. Trapped within Welfare
  183. Trapping Single Ions and Coulomb Crystals with Light Fields
  184. Trapping and the Detection, Control, and Regulation of Tephritid Fruit Flies
  185. Trapping of Small Organisms Moving Randomly
  186. Trash or Treasure
  187. Trassmörtel
  188. Trattamento del distacco retinico primario
  189. Trattamento riabilitativo della componente semantica TRICS
  190. Traubenmost, Wein, Obstwein
  191. Traubenmost. Wein. Obstwein
  192. Trauer an Schulen
  193. Trauer in Zeiten der Corona-Krise
  194. Trauer verstehen
  195. Trauerarbeit der Moderne
  196. Trauerbegleitung von Jugendlichen
  197. Traum und Schlaf
  198. Traum und Trauma vom Schlaf der Vernunft
  199. Traum und Traumdeutung als Medizinisch-Naturwissenschaftliches Problem im Mittelalter
  200. Traum von Juanita