31158 publications

  1. Trauma
  2. Trauma
  3. Trauma - An Engineering Analysis
  4. Trauma AIDS
  5. Trauma Biomechanics
  6. Trauma Biomechanics
  7. Trauma Biomechanics
  8. Trauma Biomechanics
  9. Trauma Biomechanics
  10. Trauma Center Performance Improvement
  11. Trauma Centers
  12. Trauma Centers and Acute Care Surgery
  13. Trauma Computed Tomography
  14. Trauma Induced Coagulopathy
  15. Trauma Induced Coagulopathy
  16. Trauma Informatics
  17. Trauma Interventions in War and Peace
  18. Trauma Management in Orthopedics
  19. Trauma Narratives and Herstory
  20. Trauma Operative Procedures
  21. Trauma Rehabilitation After War and Conflict
  22. Trauma Responsive Child Welfare Systems
  23. Trauma Resuscitation
  24. Trauma Sequelae
  25. Trauma Surgery
  26. Trauma Surgery
  27. Trauma Team Dynamics
  28. Trauma and Blockages in Coaching
  29. Trauma and Combat Critical Care in Clinical Practice
  30. Trauma and Disability in Mad Max
  31. Trauma and Human Rights
  32. Trauma and Lived Religion
  33. Trauma and Madness in Mental Health Services
  34. Trauma and Migration
  35. Trauma and Miscellaneous Disorders in Retina
  36. Trauma and Motherhood in Contemporary Literature and Culture
  37. Trauma and Orthopaedic Classifications
  38. Trauma and Orthopedic Surgery in Clinical Practice
  39. Trauma and Public Memory
  40. Trauma and Regeneration
  41. Trauma and Resilience Among Displaced Populations
  42. Trauma and Resilience in Contemporary Australian Policing
  43. Trauma and Trauma Consequence Disorder
  44. Trauma concepts in research and practice
  45. Trauma en disfunctioneel zelfbeeld
  46. Trauma en dissociatie
  47. Trauma en persoonlijkheidsproblematiek
  48. Trauma en verwerkingstechnieken
  49. Trauma in American Popular Culture and Cult Texts, 1980-2020
  50. Trauma in Otolaryngology
  51. Trauma in der Arbeitswelt
  52. Trauma of the Spine
  53. Trauma und Blockaden im Coaching
  54. Trauma und Burnout in helfenden Berufen
  55. Trauma und Erinnerung
  56. Trauma und Psychose mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Unfallbegutachtung
  57. Trauma und Resilienz in Beratung und Therapie
  58. Trauma und Sozialisation
  59. Trauma und Traumafolgestörung
  60. Trauma und biografische Arbeit
  61. Trauma – Literatur – Moderne
  62. Trauma, Autism, and Neurodevelopmental Disorders
  63. Trauma, Culture, and PTSD
  64. Trauma, Ethics and the Political beyond PTSD
  65. Trauma, Experience and Narrative in Europe after World War II
  66. Trauma, Memory, and the Lebanese Post-War Novel
  67. Trauma, Postmodernism, and the Aftermath of World War II
  68. Trauma, Precarity and War Memories in Asian American Writings
  69. Trauma, Resilience, and Health Promotion in LGBT Patients
  70. Trauma, Transcendence, and Trust
  71. Trauma, Violence, and Lesbian Agency in Croatia and Serbia
  72. Trauma, War, and Violence: Public Mental Health in Socio-Cultural Context
  73. Trauma-Biomechanik
  74. Trauma-Biomechanik
  75. Trauma-Biomechanik
  76. Trauma-Informed Healthcare Approaches
  77. Trauma-Informed Pedagogies
  78. Trauma-Informed Schools
  79. Trauma-Taschenbuch
  80. Trauma-informed Criminal Justice
  81. Trauma-sensitivity and Peacebuilding
  82. Traumafolgestörungen
  83. Traumakonzepte in Forschung und Praxis
  84. Traumapädagogik
  85. Traumapädagogik mit geflüchteten Kindern in Kitas
  86. Traumas Resisted and (Re)Engaged
  87. Traumasensibles Arbeiten für Therapieberufe
  88. Traumatic Brain Injury
  89. Traumatic Brain Injury
  90. Traumatic Brain Injury
  91. Traumatic Brain Injury
  92. Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation
  93. Traumatic Brain Injury and Neuropsychological Impairment
  94. Traumatic Dental Injuries in Children
  95. Traumatic Disorders of the Ankle
  96. Traumatic Disorders of the Knee
  97. Traumatic Hip Dislocation in Childhood
  98. Traumatic Injuries of the Knee
  99. Traumatic Memories of the Second World War and After
  100. Traumatic Memory and the Ethical, Political and Transhistorical Functions of Literature
  101. Traumatic Stress
  102. Traumatic Stress and Long-Term Recovery
  103. Traumatic Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
  104. Traumatic and Ischemic Injury
  105. Traumatische Erlebnisse in der Pflege
  106. Traumatische Präsenile und Senile Erkrankungen Zirkulationsstörungen
  107. Traumatischer Schock und die Lunge
  108. Traumatisierte Kinder im Alltag feinfühlig unterstützen
  109. Traumatisierte minderjährige Flüchtlinge in der Jugendhilfe
  110. Traumatisme de la cheville
  111. Traumatologia scheletrica
  112. Traumatologie am Schultergürtel
  113. Traumatologie de la main à l’épaule chez l’adulte
  114. Traumatologie der peripheren Nerven
  115. Traumatologie des Mund-, Kiefer-, Gesichtsbereichs
  116. Traumatologie des Urogenitaltraktes
  117. Traumatologie in der chirurgischen Praxis
  118. Traumatologische Handchirurgie
  119. Traumatology of the Skull Base
  120. Traumberuf Medien?
  121. Traumdeutung
  122. Traumerzählungen in Psychotherapie und Supervision
  123. Traumjob Mathematik!
  124. Traumjob oder Albtraum – Chefarzt m/w
  125. Traumpartner
  126. Traumtexte
  127. Traumziel Nachhaltigkeit
  128. Travail et savoirs techniques dans la Chine prémoderne
  129. Travel Behavior Characteristics Analysis Technology Based on Mobile Phone Location Data
  130. Travel Behaviour Modification (TBM) Program for Adolescents in Penang Island
  131. Travel Industry Economics
  132. Travel Industry Economics
  133. Travel Journalism
  134. Travel Journalism and Travel Media
  135. Travel Knowledge
  136. Travel Knowledge
  137. Travel Marketing, Tourism Economics and the Airline Product
  138. Travel Medicine
  139. Travel Plans for New Residential Developments: Insights from Theory and Practice
  140. Travel Writing and Ireland, 1760–1860
  141. Travel Writing and Tourism in Britain and Ireland
  142. Travel Writing and the Natural World, 1768–1840
  143. Travel Writing and the Transnational Author
  144. Travel Writing, Visual Culture and Form, 1760–1900
  145. Travel Writings on Asia
  146. Travel and Experience in Early Modern English Literature
  147. Travel and Identity: Studies in Literature, Culture and Language
  148. Travel and Movement in Clinical Psychology
  149. Travel and Tourism
  150. Travel and Tourism
  151. Travel and Tourism in the Caribbean
  152. Travel and Tourism: Sustainability, Economics, and Management Issues
  153. Travel in Towns
  154. Travel in Victorian Periodicals, 1850-1900
  155. Travel, Humanitarianism, and Becoming American in Africa
  156. Travel, Translation and Transmedia Aesthetics
  157. Traveling Irishness in the Long Nineteenth Century
  158. Traveling in French Cinema
  159. Traveller Vulnerability in the Context of Travel and Tourism Contracts
  160. Travelling Concepts
  161. Travelling Mathematics - The Fate of Diophantos' Arithmetic
  162. Travelling Players in Shakespeare’s England
  163. Travelling Waves in Nonlinear Diffusion-Convection Reaction
  164. Travelling memories
  165. Travels of Learning
  166. Travels with Curiosity
  167. Traversing Old and New Literacies
  168. Traversing the Doctorate
  169. Travertine
  170. Trayvon Martin, Race, and American Justice
  171. Treasure Your Exceptions
  172. Treasure Your Exceptions
  173. Treasures of the Southern Sky
  174. Treasury Management
  175. Treasury Management
  176. Treasury Management
  177. Treasury in Unternehmen der Sozialwirtschaft
  178. Treaties and Executive Agreements in the United States
  179. Treating Addictive Behaviors
  180. Treating Adolescent Substance Use
  181. Treating Adolescents with Family-Based Mindfulness
  182. Treating Child Sexual Abuse in Family, Group and Clinical Settings
  183. Treating Child and Adolescent Aggression Through Bibliotherapy
  184. Treating Child-Abusive Families
  185. Treating Childhood Psychopathology and Developmental Disabilities
  186. Treating Chronic Depression with Disciplined Personal Involvement
  187. Treating Chronic Pain
  188. Treating Comorbid Opioid Use Disorder in Chronic Pain
  189. Treating Comorbid Substance Use and Emotional Disorders
  190. Treating Complex Trauma
  191. Treating Fear of Cancer Recurrence with Group Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy: A Step-by-Step Guide
  192. Treating Health Anxiety and Fear of Death
  193. Treating NVLD in Children
  194. Treating Obesity in Primary Care
  195. Treating Obesity with Personalized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  196. Treating Opioid Addiction
  197. Treating Opioid Use Disorder in General Medical Settings
  198. Treating Trichotillomania
  199. Treating Tumors that Move with Respiration
  200. Treating Urothelial Bladder Cancer