
The authors wish to acknowledge that the software package associated with our Research Article [1], under the name ‘ppiPre’, re-used software code for some of its functions from an existing software package, GOSemSim [2], without proper attribution and in breach of the software’s licencing terms. Additionally we neglected to cite the article by Yu et al. [3] describing the GoSemSim software.

The software code from GoSemSim [2] is used in the implementation of two GO semantic similarity measures, TCSS and IntelliGO. ppiPre additionally implements a KEGG-based similarity measure and three topological similarity measures, and integrates features with a support vector machine.

We have now updated our software package such that it is licensed under a compatible GPL version 2 licence, and revised the package to give the appropriate attribution.

We apologize for any inconvenience this oversight may have caused.

Availability and Requirements